
Wang Xilong and Ma Qinglin: On the Qing Dynasty's policy of armed conquest of the northwestern Dzungaria during the Qianlong period

Wang Xilong and Ma Qinglin: On the Qing Dynasty's policy of armed conquest of the northwestern Dzungaria during the Qianlong period

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Dzungar Mongols in the northwest became the only force that could compete with the Qing Dynasty, and under the resolute policy of the Kangxi Emperor, the Dzungar Mongols were once in a slump and were forced to maintain a peace confrontation with the Qing Dynasty. Since the 10th year of Qianlong, the Qing court took advantage of the natural and man-made disasters in Dzungaria to decisively dispatch troops and implement a policy of military conquest against Dzungaria, completely removing the threat from the northwest and laying the foundation for further unification of the northwest frontier region.

1. The situation in Dzungaria in the early years of Qianlong

In the fourth year of Qianlong (1739), the Qing Dynasty, which had been at war for a long time, and the Dzungar Mongols reached a peace agreement and stopped fighting. In the tenth year of Qianlong (1745), Galdance died of zero illness. In order to compete for the right to rule, Dzungaria fell into internal strife for power and profit, and the feudal lords turned against each other, and civil wars broke out one after another.

After the death of Galdanze, the second son of Tselu Dolzinamzar succeeded to the throne because of his "mother", but he was unscrupulous and tyrannical to the people, and was abandoned by his subordinates. In the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750), the people supported Dai Kaldance Lingshu's eldest son, Lama Darza, as the leader. During his reign, he maintained close ties with the Qing government at home and resolutely resisted the aggressive invading forces of Tsarist Russia externally, which became an obstacle to Tsarist Russia's continued southward invasion. In the seventeenth year of Qianlong (1752), Tsarist Russia sent people to overthrow Lama Darza, the grandson of Heshutra Zang Khan (1), and Dawaqi, the grandson of Dzungar Dace Lingdun Dobu, in a vain attempt to replace them and establish a puppet regime. At the end of the same year, Amur Sana instigated Dawazi to secretly select 1,500 elite soldiers to go to Ili from the Daleqiling mountain road, and used the means of bribing traitors and surprise attacks to kill Lama Darza and usurp the throne.

After Dawazi became Khan, in recognition of the merits of the Khan and horses set up by Amur Sana, he gave him the pasture land of Tarbagatai. The Qing Dynasty adopted a subordinate attitude, but Dawazi was extravagant and did not take care of political affairs, which was worse than the unenlightened way of Lama Darza, which made the Dzungar people complain, so the surrendered Namkuzir took the opportunity to rise up and wanted to replace him. Dawazi, with the help and planning of Amur Sana, crushed the seizure of power and killed his political opponents. However, Amur Sana coveted the Dzungar Khan throne for a long time, just because he was not of direct Dzungar blood and could not get the support of the nobles, so in the name of supporting Dawaqi, he actively cultivated his personal power, grabbed territory, and tried in vain to replace him. In the eighteenth year of Qianlong (1753), Amur Tuna openly asked Dawazi to divide the Erut tribes with him, but after refusing, he began to plunder and stand on his own. In the nineteenth year of Qianlong (1754), Dawaqi personally led his troops and horses to the Irtysh River to carry out an expedition, and Amur Sana was defeated, fell into a desperate situation, and was forced to surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

In the face of the internal strife and brutal rule of the Dzungar ruling group, the people of various ethnic groups in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains either rebelled and fled, or defected to the Qing Dynasty, and a large number of Erut tribes left the Dzungar region. In the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750), the Dzungar Zai Sansalar opposed Dawaqi and led more than 1,000 households to annex it. In the eighteenth year of Qianlong (1753), Dulbert Taiji Che Ling, Che Ling Ubashi, and Che Ling Meng Ke were dissatisfied with the exclusion, bullying and control of Dzungaria, and thought: "According to Dzungaria, it is better to return to the Heavenly Dynasty for eternal gathering." [1] He led more than 3,700 households, and more than 15,000 people were attached. In August of the same year, Amur Sana of the Hui Zhi Department and the other Zaisang and Taiji "came down with the Shute Taiji Banjul and others"[2]. For Emperor Qianlong, who had been haunted by the "unfinished business of the first dynasty for decades" (see Zhao's "Xiaoting Miscellaneous Records" volume 3 "The Beginning and End of the Use of Troops in the Western Regions"), it not only weakened the strength of the Dzungar Ministry, but more importantly, he understood the various situations of the Dzungar Ministry, and provided rare conditions for sending troops to Dzungaria.

2. Emperor Qianlong pacified Dzungaria by force

After several generations of efforts, the situation of the whole country of the Qing Dynasty had become unified, and only the northwest frontier region was still under the rule of the Dzungar aristocracy, which always threatened the rule of the Qing Dynasty and the peace of the northern Mongolian region. In order to completely remove the threat from the northwest frontier, the Qing government has been actively preparing for the unification of the northwest. The attachment of Erut Sancheling and Amur Sana gave the Qing Dynasty complete control of the Dzungar infighting and killing of each other, as well as the rebellion of the Dawaqi people. The civil strife in Dzungaria made Qianlong determined to take advantage of the situation to send troops to the Western Regions and complete the great cause of finally unifying the northwest. According to Zhao's "Xiaoting Miscellaneous Records" volume 3 "The Beginning and End of the Use of Troops in the Western Regions", Amur Sana once suggested to Qianlong: "When the autumn is outside the Saiwai, my horse is fat and my horse is also fat, it is better to take advantage of the spring moon and not be prepared, and I can't escape far away, but I can capture it in a battle and have no trouble." In addition, the eastern border of the Ministry is bordered by the Irtysh River with China, and the original cantonment of Bendurbot is close to the Altai Mountains, and the tuntian can be prepared for salary, and it is advisable to advance 10,000 troops according to the situation, and the whole army of 20,000 soldiers will continue to advance", and should march in the second year when the grass in the pastoral area is scarce. In the nineteenth year of Qianlong (1754), Qianlong personally drafted a document on the crusade against Dzungaria, clarifying the reasons and purposes for sending troops to the Zhungar Army, and revealing the Qing Dynasty's policy orientation towards the Zhungar Department.

In the past 20 years, there have been many people in Siltai Jigar Dance, only obeying my training, being obedient and not losing, and I have been sincere and sincere, and in the past 20 years, I have been giving and giving people and having rest. Arrest Delir Dolzi Namzal, endowed with violence, not sympathetic to the public, Lama Darza, so usurped, at that time had wanted to claim on behalf of the heavens, annihilation of this rebellion, read the Gal Dance zero heirs, only Lama Darza alone, with the grace extraordinary, not to be eliminated. Dawaqi dared to usurp and kill the zero heirs of Gardanze, and mutilated the same people, cruelly abused them, corrupted the Yellow Sect, and ordered them to return to the vulgar. I read the Galdance zero, be respectful and obedient, and I have a year of suffering, and I will endure the destruction of his sect, so that Li Yuan will return to the left road. It is also worth Dulbert Taiji Cheling, Cheling Ubashi, Huite Taiji Amur Sana, etc., who are overwhelmed by the abuse, and lead the troops to surrender. I am the king of the world, I treat everyone equally, Che Ling and others sincerely pray, and I have a reason not to take them in and raise them. It is a special pei special grace, all of them are added to the rank of knight, and his subordinates are zaisang, and they are also given official positions and silver satin to produce livestock, so that they can live in peace. However, if they are settled in the Khalkha region, they will inevitably encroach on the nomadic herds, and there will be mixed places with each other, which is very useless, and it is especially good to still live in the old land. Now it is the two ways of the Erzhong to raise the division, the north road to order the generals Bandi and Amur Sana, and the west road to order the generals Yongchang and Salal, lead the troops to advance, pacify the quasi-department, and think that the Cheling Amur Sana people will resume their business. The rest of the people, such as Dawazi both killed his lord and the heir, missed the righteousness, and was unwilling to come to the sincere people, I also cared for Che Ling, Amur Sana, etc., so that the residents of the nomadic place, do not let him migrate, in short, the first to receive my favor, the latter after the benefit of me, even if Dawazi can change the past, lose sincerity and surrender, I will also be knighted, do not let the lost, if you do not know that I pity the people who are lost, drowning in the left way, saving all the water and fire, do not know where the righteousness is, Those who still wait and see or dare to resist will be annihilated wherever the soldiers come, and they will be annihilated in detail, and they will carefully consider the benefits and disadvantages, and they will be good at their own choices, and they will have no regrets, and they will delay this purpose. ②

In February of the twentieth year of Qianlong (1755), the Qing army was divided into two routes, the northern route was Bandi as the general of Dingbei, and Amur Sana was the deputy general of the left of Dingbian, and marched from Uriya Sutai; Xilu was destined to be the general of Dingxi, and Salar was the right deputy general of Dingbian, and marched from Balikun to the Ili region. Because the people of all nationalities in Erut and the Western Regions were very dissatisfied with the Neijiang and tyrannical rule of the Dzungar aristocracy and hoped to achieve reunification and stability at an early date, and because the Qing government formulated and implemented a relatively prudent policy toward Dzungaria, the Qing government's action to unify the northwest was supported and embraced by the herdsmen and the people of all nationalities. When the Qing army was on its way to Dawazi, Dzungaria "had thousands of large households and hundreds of small ones, carrying keto cheese, sacrificing sheep and horses, and traveling thousands of miles, and there was no one who resisted the face" [3]. Dawazi did not expect the Qing army to move in advance, and his subordinates surrendered without a fight, causing their positions to be in chaos, and only fled to the south of the Tianshan Mountains with more than 70 cronies to defect to Wushi, and the result was that the city of Wushi was captured by Aqimu Boke Hojisi and sent to the Qing army. After Dawazi was escorted to Beijing, Qianlong, in view of the fact that Dawazi himself had no ill will towards the imperial court, was exempted from death and was enshrined as a prince, became a flag citizen, and was given the land to Beijing, which fully demonstrated the intention of Emperor Qianlong to Huairou Yuanren.

3. The rebellion of Amur Salar and Qianlong's countermeasures

After the Qing Dynasty government successfully unified the northwest, it rewarded Amur Sana as the prince of the two princes, the food of the two princes, Salar as the first-class super brave prince, and Hodges as the king of the county. At the same time, Qianlong decided to adopt a policy of "building among the people to divide their strength" against the Erut Mongols, in order to prevent the resurgence of the Erut ruling forces, and named Amur Sana as Huit Khan, Banjul as Heshut Khan, Cheling as Durbot Khan, and Kalezang Dorji as Qiuros Khan. However, Amur Sana was not satisfied with this arrangement, but coveted the throne of Dzungar Khan, aiming to rule the entire territory of the Zungar Army, and repeatedly suggested that the Qing Dynasty "among the zero relatives of Gardance, regardless of the surname, choose the people to be convinced, and those who can resist the Kazakh and Burut should be played together and lead the people" (see Zhao Yi's "Imperial Martial Arts Jisheng", vol. 2, "Brief Description of the Pre-Pacification of Dzungaria"). Although the Qing Dynasty named him a prince and his power doubled, he did not wear the official uniform of the Qing Dynasty, did not wear the yellow belt peacock feather rewarded by Qianlong, did not use the official seal of the Qing Dynasty, but "used the chrysanthemum-shaped seal of Huntaiji for himself"[3], privately possessed Dawaqi's horses, camels, cattle and sheep, killed Taiji Zaisang who defected to the Qing Dynasty, forced Zaisang who did not obey instructions to stay away from Yili, and at the same time recruited troops and horses everywhere to plot rebellion. In the twentieth year of Qianlong (1755), the signs of Amur Sana's division and secession were increasingly exposed, and the Qing government took corresponding countermeasures and ordered him to enter the summer resort of the Rehe River in an attempt to eliminate the trouble. Unexpectedly, after Amur Sana handed over the seal of the left deputy general of Dingbian to the Khalkha prince Erlinqin Dorji in the middle of the road, he fled back to Tarbagatai and instigated his comrades to attack the outpost of the Qing army's station and besiege the garrison generals. Taking advantage of the dissatisfaction caused by the Qing government's conquest of horses from the Khalkha people in the Pingzhun War, and the suspicions and uneasiness of the feudal lords caused by the death of the Qing government on the charge of letting Amur Sana be killed by the Qing government, the Khalkha Great Living Buddha Hutuketu's brother Erlinqin Dorji launched a rebellion, and withdrew the station station without authorization. The Dzungar Khan Khan, Huit Khan, and Durbot Khan, who were canonized by the Qing Dynasty, were also dissatisfied because their families were left in the Rehe River and actually became hostages, and they also became chaotic one after another.

According to the records of Zhangjia Lama, volume 10 of Zhaoqi's "Xiaoting Miscellaneous Records", after Amur Sana and Qinggon Zabu rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government took resolute measures to quell the rebellion, ordering the general Chenggon Zabu and others to send troops to quickly suppress the Qinggun Zabu rebellion, and at the same time use Tibetan Buddhism to stabilize the situation in Khalkha. At the same time, on the one hand, the four khans of Errut were re-enthroned, and on the other hand, the troops were divided into two routes, and Cheng Gunzabu was appointed as the general of Dingbian, and Shu Hede was appointed as the counselor and minister to go out of the northern route; Zhaohui was appointed as the general of Ili, and Fude was appointed as the counselor and minister, and launched an attack on Amur Sana, forcing him to run in all directions, unable to gain a foothold, and fleeing to the Kazakh region. In order to gain the support of Tsarist Russia and realize his political ambitions, he asked Tsarist Russia to send troops to protect and attack the Qing army, recruit the remnants of the forces for it, and recognize him as the Dzungar Khan. The tsar and the colonial authorities also advised him to become a Russian citizen and pledged to support him as the chief khan of Dzungaria. The Qing government had long been aware of and guarded against his political ambitions, and on the one hand, it adopted an attitude of resolute struggle against Tsarist Russia, and on the other hand, it resolutely carried out severe military conquests.

The rebellion set off by Amur Sana ran counter to the trend of historical development and the common aspirations of the people of all nationalities, and caused the Dzungar region to fall back into a situation of frequent civil strife and misery, coupled with the fact that "the plague was rampant and death was at the same time" [3] in the Dzungar region, which was opposed by the people of all nationalities, and at the same time aroused the dissatisfaction and resistance of many upper-class nobles in Dzungaria, and it was in a situation of rebellion and extreme isolation. In July of the 22nd year of Qianlong (1757), Amur Sana fled into the Kazakh region, and under the pursuit of the Kazakh leader Abulai, he fled with seven or eight people to the fortress of Shemibala Changsk in the Russian-occupied area, and died of pox in September. Due to the insistence of the Qing government, the Russians finally handed over the body of Amur Sana. There was a heated discussion within the Qing Dynasty on whether or not to negotiate with Russia for the return of Amur Sana. Some people were afraid of an armed conflict with Russia and advocated forbearance and retreat, but the Qianlong Emperor insisted on pursuing it, strengthening the border defense on the one hand, and ordering the Imperial Court to negotiate in writing. According to the "Records of Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty", on this issue, Emperor Qianlong said: "When the first discussion was to ask Russia for Amur Sana, the discussion of the people may not be to steal the provocation from the side, so that the general does not know the way to control the foreign country, the more arrogant it is, and the more arrogant it is, and the more fearful it is to be afraid of it...... That is, if Russia takes in a traitor, if it does not strictly demand it, he will not sacrifice his body. If the envoy is discussed by Shi Yizhi and Chen Shiyi, and will be accommodating and forbearing, if the traitor enters Russia, there is nothing to do, and the so-called spit on his own will be very ashamed. This kind of thinking of the Qianlong Emperor is actually a concrete application of the policy of ruling ethnic minorities with both virtue and power, and it has also achieved good results.

Fourth, the Qing Dynasty's understanding of the unification of the northwestern Erlute Mongols by force

From Kangxi's three personal expeditions to Galdan to Qianlong's dispatch of troops to capture Dawaqi's unification of the northwest and the pacification of the Amur Sana Rebellion, a total of 70 years before and after. The Qing Dynasty's reunification of the Northwest Frontier not only stabilized the social order in the ethnic areas of the Northwest Frontier, but also avoided the danger of Mongolian splitting, dealt a blow to the invading forces of Tsarist Russia, defended the frontier of the motherland, and promoted the consolidation and development of the big family of all nationalities.

The Qing Dynasty's unification of the northwest went through the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong dynasties, and it can be said that the understanding of the importance of the unification of the northwest frontier region and the nation by the three emperors of the Qing Dynasty developed step by step. Emperor Kangxi once believed: "The Huizi and Mongolia in the Western Regions are now extremely weak, and it is easy to take them." But the land is not enough to cultivate, and the people are not enough to drive. And now the Iraq and others also abide by the law, so they do not take it. [4] In the Kangxi Emperor's view, the Erut Mongols and Southern Xinjiang in the Western Regions were far less important than the Chahar Mongols and Khalkha Mongols, and they did not adopt a positive and enterprising attitude towards Dzungaria, and lacked a deep understanding of the unification of the Northwest Frontier Region. In dealing with the offensive of Dzungaria, it was a passive defense rather than an active initiative, so throughout his life, the Dzungar problem was not solved. Emperor Yongzheng also had a certain correct understanding of the solution of the Dzungar problem, and he once said on Ortai's secret fold: "Dzungaria is not appeased for a day, and Tibet is not appropriate for a day; Tibetan cuisine cannot be compromised, and many Mongolians have doubts, which is really a hidden worry for the country, and the people of the society are worried. Therefore, the Holy Ancestor saw the benefits and disadvantages of the beginning and the end, and was determined to destroy Dzungaria and stabilize Tibet. [5] This shows that Yongzheng did not focus on the importance of the Northwest Frontier, but on the Dzungar attempt to shake the foundation of Manchu rule by controlling Tibet and then all of Mongolia. The understanding of the Northwest Frontier is completely inherited from the idea of Naifu, who said: "The land of Dzungar is also in the extreme north, and the land is not enough to cultivate, and the people are not enough to drive; And the people are poor and have no product, what profit can they use now to use troops on the far side? Even if this eclipse is extinguished, it is not enough to boast of martial arts. [6] During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, due to the step-by-step advance of Tsarist Russia on the northwest frontier, Qianlong had a clear understanding of the thorough solution of the Northwest Junggar problem. (3) At the beginning of his accession to the throne, he once said, "At present, there is nothing more important than the use of troops in the northwest and Miaojiang" ("Qing Gaozong Shilu" volume 1), taking the pacification of the northwest as the central issue of national policy, and determined to complete the unfinished business of his ancestors and fathers.

On the issue of the reunification of the northwestern frontier by the three dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, Kang, Yongqian, and Qian, we must recognize the role played by the reunification in promoting the formation of a multi-ethnic state and promoting national integration. At the same time, we must also see the cruelty of the Qing Dynasty's unification war and the disaster brought about by the Dzungar Mongols. According to Qing documents, the Qing Dynasty adopted an extremely brutal policy of massacres in the process of reunifying the Western Regions. According to Prince Li's "The Beginning and End of the Use of Troops in the Western Regions", it is recorded: "The other thieves, both surrendered and rebelled, and killed themselves, and there was no only kind of grass and birds, and there was no one in the end, and there was a catastrophe in this solid Erut, three out of ten of those who died of illness, three out of ten who fled into Russia and Kazakhstan, and five out of ten who were killed by our soldiers, and there was no one within thousands of miles." The sky wants to get rid of it, and the empty land is the place where I plough and graze, so I give birth to a rebellion as the culprit, and it will be wiped out. Zhao Yi pointed out in "Imperial Martial Arts Jisheng": "Shi Erut intimidated my army, although there are dozens of hundreds of households, do not dare to resist, call its strong men out, kill them again, silence, and die with the head." Women and children were driven into the interior to reward the army, and most of them died on the way, so the Erut species were exhausted. Chunyuan recorded: "The soldiers marched in separate ways to kill more than a million men, women and children in Erut, and the rest of those who were lurking in the valley were searched and wiped out by officers and soldiers, thus destroying their species." [7] Wei Yuan's "Qianlong Dangping Zhun Ji" cloud: "The emperor is angry, the general is angry below, he surrounds and covers the group, Duntian net and the big macaque, the poor and chaotic gluttonous group, the sky has nothing to say, the earth has nothing to tolerate, and it is self-inflicted, and it will be left behind to cultivate and grow in the old place." Among the hundreds of thousands of households, four-tenths of those who died first were the ones who fled into Russia, and two out of ten of those who died in Kazakhstan and three-tenths of those who died in the soldiers. [3] At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Gong Zizhen also pointed out that "none of the Dzungar homelands, such as Kurkha Lawusu, Ruotar Bahatai, Ruobarkule, Ruourumqi, Ruoili, and Donglu Xilu, are the ancestors of Arutai"[8]. Before the war, there were 63 Zaisang, 24 new and old Etuoke, 21 Angji, and 9 Jisai, totaling more than 200,000 households and more than 600,000 people[3], and after the war, almost one in ten remained, which fully shows the destruction of the social productive forces by the policy of military conquest. Civilization and sacrifice always go hand in hand, and this situation also fully illustrates the complexity of the historical process and the cruelty of the Qing Dynasty's policy of military conquest in the northwest frontier region.


(1) Amur Sana was the widow of Dan Jin, the eldest son of Heshutra Zang Khan, and Dan Zhen died, and his mother Botolok (Tsewang Alabutan's daughter) remarried to Hui Tebu Taiji Wei Zheng Shuoqi, and soon gave birth to him, so his name was Hui Te Taiji, and he was a descendant of Heshuot Tebu.

(2) For details, see "Records of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", volume 477. In addition, volume 12 of the "Imperial Domain" contains: "The servants of the Dzungar Yuan, located in the northwest, relying on its desolate and distant Lingfan Department, my emperor's ancestor Emperor Shengzuren personally conquered three times to clear the desert. When the emperor was the emperor of the emperor, he conspired with the father and son of Alabutan to help the evil, but he still jumped off the beam, and he was going to be a teacher with his life, and he was guilty of revenge. After the emperor issued an order to withdraw his troops, Galdan Tsering abided by the demarcation and sent an envoy to ask for peace and trade as a sign of tenderness. His son Doljin Namzal was killed by his brother Lama Darza, and Lama Darzha was killed by Dawaqi. In the summer of this year, I sent an envoy to Beijing, and I still asked to go to Tibet to boil tea, and I thought about the Qing Dynasty, the unification of China and foreign countries, and the chaos of the Yi tribe, and the vain thought of being the same as the country, why is it so paradoxical! Last year, Dulbert Taiji Cheling and others led the crowd to surrender, and this autumn Huite Taiji Amur Sana and others raised the ministry to attach, and the people who came back from poverty are all poor. I am the co-lord of the world, and there is no reason to refuse and accept it, and in the interior of Khalkha, tens of thousands of people in this generation will gather to eat and gather in the future, and it will be a good strategy for winter peace. I didn't have the intention of asking the teacher to ask for guilt at the beginning of Dawaqi, and the matter will be there, and the reason for the situation is really that I have to be the manager from the long, and I will use the army from the beginning to the end, declaring that China and foreign countries know it. The words of the above edict are different, but the meaning is roughly the same.

(3) See Qianlong's "Inscription of Puning Temple", quoted from Heilongjiang Education Publishing House, 1995 edition of Zhang Yuxin, "On the History of Western Frontier Politics in the Early Qing Dynasty", p. 369.


[1] Zhang Mu. Mongolian Nomadism: Vol. 13[M].China Frontier Series.

[2] Qi Yunshi. Erut Yaolu IV [A].Imperial Domain: Vol. 12 [M].Congshu Ji Initial Edition, p. 108.

[3] Wei Yuan. Shengwu Ji:Vol.4[M].Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,1984.

[4] Fu Heng et al. Kangxi forty-five years of spring and February Xin Chou[A].Pingding Junggar strategy:the first edition of the volume 1[M].Northwest Literature Series.

[5] The First Historical Archives of China. Yongzheng 5th year 11th [A].Yongzheng Dynasty Hanwen Zhu Pi Song Compilation:第11卷[M].Nanjing:Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House,1989.

[6] The First Historical Archives of China. Yongzheng 7th year February 18th day[A].Yongzheng Dynasty Hanwen Zhu Pi Song Compilation:第14卷[M].Nanjing:Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House,1989.

[7] Tsubaki Garden. Xiyuan Chronicle Book Mo Shang[A].Xinjiang Yutu Soil Examination:Volume 2[M].Northwest Literature Series Book Series.

[8] Gong Zizhen. Bao Gongshu, the leader of the team in Shangzhen Shou Turpan[A].Gong Ding'an's Complete Works[M].Beijing:China Bookstore,1991.175

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