
The "old vice" barbecue stall is open and the temperature is beginning to "soar"

author:Jinhua weather

With the gradual strengthening of the subtropical high

The maximum temperature in recent days has maintained the prefix "3".

And from time to time, there are strong convective weather in the afternoon

It's getting more and more summery

The "old vice" barbecue stall is open and the temperature is beginning to "soar"
The "old vice" barbecue stall is open and the temperature is beginning to "soar"

Short-term weather

The "old vice" barbecue stall is open and the temperature is beginning to "soar"

Cloudy to sunny is expected from noon to night today

Localized showers or thunderstorms before midnight

Sunny to cloudy tomorrow

Localized showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon

The above areas with thunderstorms can be accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation

Local 7~9 thunderstorms, strong winds and strong thunder and lightning and other strong convective weather

The day after tomorrow will be sunny to cloudy

Today's daytime maximum temperature is around 36°C

Over the high temperature line (35°C)

The maximum temperature during the day will rise to 38~39°C tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

Everyone is still actively doing a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down

Take a proper lunch break

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to hydrate frequently

Beware of heat stroke

Wisdom of life on a hot day

Dress loosely, breathable, and light-colored

Eat less greasy, spicy, more light, and eat less raw and cold food

The temperature of the air conditioner is about 26 °C, so as not to cause air conditioning sickness due to excessive outdoor temperature difference

Avoid traveling during high temperature periods, and do a good job of sun protection when traveling

The "old vice" barbecue stall is open and the temperature is beginning to "soar"
The "old vice" barbecue stall is open and the temperature is beginning to "soar"

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