
The first boat of the 4,000-ton killer whale finally appeared?

author:Xiongnu Wolf Mountain
The first boat of the 4,000-ton killer whale finally appeared?

The open-air slipway of Line 4 of a shipyard was shocked by a brand-new black fish! In terms of the proportion with the surrounding objects, the tonnage is obviously not small, but it seems that it is not as large as the 10,000-ton attack fish, so the tonnage ratio alone is very peculiar. It stands to reason that unless it is a conventionally powered ballistic missile launch test boat, the surface displacement of ordinary conventional boats will not exceed 2,700 tons, and the underwater displacement rarely exceeds 3,500 tons, and most of them are within 3,300 tons. The reason for the limitation at this tonnage is not that conventional boats cannot continue to be built larger, but that the power of conventional boats can hardly meet the displacement of more than 3,500 tons, and the speed of 25 knots under water lasts for 30 minutes. Because the conventional diesel-electric Blackfish can only float on the water surface or turn on the diesel engine to generate electricity in the state of the snorkel, once it is fully charged, it can only rely on the battery pack discharge to sail slowly underwater. If the power state is turned on to a maximum speed of 25 knots, then it will be exhausted in half an hour at most. Thereafter only,

The first boat of the 4,000-ton killer whale finally appeared?

Forced to float up to charge. Even with the so-called AIP technology, the power output is very weak. Generally, there are only one or two hundred horsepower, and the highest is only three or four hundred horsepower, and the actual speed under water is only about ten knots, which is about the same as creeping. This has led to the fact that all conventional power blackfish, including those of the AIP enhanced system, cannot make the tonnage very large; Many AIP boats in the West have an underwater displacement of only about 2,000 tons. In the past, only standard nuclear blackfish dared to easily enlarge the tonnage to four or five thousand tons, and today's main attack nuclear blackfish generally has an underwater displacement of more than 7,000 tons. The problem is that the new boat, which is currently on the slipway, is significantly larger than the 3,000-ton class of the largest AIP conventional fish in the past. It is estimated that the underwater displacement is likely to exceed 4,000 tons for the first time, a tonnage that is unprecedented. And looking at the stern, it is likely that a very advanced pump is used instead of the common low-noise 7-blade propeller. The use of pump push, which directly hints at the internal power of the boat,

The first boat of the 4,000-ton killer whale finally appeared?

It is capable of achieving a top speed of 35 knots or more. And whether it is diesel-electric or AIP, it is impossible to easily push the pump to push. The last point is also crucial, that is, the boat actually has a very obvious "small turtle back". This also suggests that the middle of the ship either has a large number of large vertical shafts, which can carry 24 or even 32 vertical missiles and ultra-long-range torpedoes, or it has a completely new power plant inside and is larger. Or maybe both! In short, whether it is the volume, power, or the bulging upper hull, this is an unprecedented new type of Blackfish. Considering that the plant does not have the experience or qualifications to build a real nuclear-powered Strike Fish, it is likely that the first boat of the Little Orca that has just been closed will be unveiled. Because the baby killer whale is a super new model that sits somewhere between a standard nucleus fish and an AIP conventional fish. It has a powerful and long-lasting power and power source, an underwater lurking range and combat radius similar to that of a standard nuclear fish, and a more compact power pack.

The first boat of the 4,000-ton killer whale finally appeared?

More internal space can be used to load more advanced torpedoes and missiles, and the volume is set at about 4,000 tons, which is suitable for shallow sea operations around the world. The new fish that has appeared so far can obviously satisfy all speculation. In fact, a factory has always had a latent blackfish production line, and some strange experimental blackfish have been launched in the past. Therefore, it is only reasonable that the first boat of the baby killer whale should appear here. At that time, the conventional fish production line was relocated, but before delivery, the masters of the old factory found out thousands of details that needed to be improved at one time. The result is that the black fish production line of the old factory has existed for 50 years, and it is easy not to shoot, and it is the king fried as soon as it is shot!

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