
Never mind! So be it!

author:Dragons and tigers in the world
Never mind! So be it!

1. Good evening, brothers and sisters, tonight's fund income has been updated, the actual loss is 408 yuan, A shares are a steady profit and no loss, we are a steady loss and not a loss, which is why the official wants to change shareholders from financial investors to financial consumption The reason for it, after all, consumers only spend money to go out, and they are certainly not making money.

2. Today's real estate, low dividend waves, coal nonferrous metals, insurance banks these outbreaks, some people ask whether it has bottomed out? Dalong thinks not, these plates are just one-day trips, There is no volume of A-shares now, there is no continuous rise in plates, they are all short-lived and gone, don't chase them with a fever.

Now the market you have to ask Dalong what is the main line, this is really not accurate, but there is a data you can refer to: from the latest released data, the first half of the champion fund product profit was 30.19%, and then the penultimate loss of the most funds fell by 38.67%, the top three fund income gains are basically a single heavy position in a sector of artificial intelligence computing power track, and the loss of the most 38.67% of the fund is mainly heavy in electrical equipment, tourism and leisure, new materials, food, auto parts, beauty treatments, etc.

To sum up, in the first half of the year, only the heavy position of artificial intelligence AI computing power is profitable, and the rest of the heavy positions are basically losses, this year's technology is the main line, and the US stock market has been at a new high this year is also relying on those technology stocks to continue to rise, such as Nvidia rose 155% in the first half of the year, and the artificial intelligence AI technology sector of A-shares Semiconductor chips still have a market in the second half of the year, but it is also a short-term market to look at the band, mainly because A shares are too weak, and there is simply not enough amount to fly with the market. In addition, the US stock NASDAQ is needless to say, it is definitely still bullish.

Never mind! So be it!

3. In the first half of the year, the global stock market rose sharply in a bull market, and only we once again ranked first.... However, the stock market of Taiwan Province, which rose first, is also our China, which is also a little gratifying.

Never mind! So be it!

To be honest, it turned out that Dalong might still scold a few sentences, but now Dalong doesn't want to complain, but he also has a sense of powerlessness from the heart, What is the use of saying that he is many times, whether he is weak or weak, and he can't change anything, now many people are unwilling to work hard and lie flat... It's because the more you try, the more you can make mistakes and the more you lose!

4. So what to do, I don't know. But I still believe that there is no permanent night, and A-shares also have their own dawn time, before that, everyone should exercise more, run more, and pick up bottles to deliver takeaways.

5. As for the market in July, can 7 turn over the dragon is really not known, the dragon only hopes not to fall on the line, everything is natural, do not report hope and fantasy will not be disappointed, I believe that at the beginning of the year everyone is rushing to make money, and now the return has become everyone's greatest wish. Didn't a daily newspaper in August last year say that shareholders should make money in stocks? A year has passed in a blink of an eye, year after year, since this sentence came out last year, Dalong has at least benefited from 500,000, are you sure this is not helping you make money? Also, we are all financial consumers, what is the obligation of consumers? It's consumption.

Never mind! So be it!

6. In the second half of the year, we will focus on two major events:

One is the results of the U.S. presidential election, which will definitely affect U.S. stocks, we don't follow the rise of U.S. stocks, but U.S. stocks fall, and A-shares will definitely follow.

Second, when the Fed will cut interest rates, although whether the Fed cuts interest rates or not will not affect the decline of U.S. stocks, there is more hope.

7. In short, defining shareholders and retail investors as financial consumers has made many people break their defenses! I thought I was coming to the stock market to make money, but now I find out that it's really consumption, so let's say it first! I really hope that A shares will rise well, I'm too tired to do this every day! A year has passed in the blink of an eye, year after year, Dalong now just wants to say that a suite is lost!

Tired of becoming a dog every day, or insist on sharing updates with everyone, such a hard dragon, can you not give a like to encourage it, this request is not too much~ Can you get to 4888 likes, on behalf of everyone all the way!