
7.2 Morning Comment|Chips are good for late night! Going to explode today?

author:Dragons and tigers in the world
7.2 Morning Comment|Chips are good for late night! Going to explode today?

Nothing can be done without hands. As long as you are willing to go, there will be a road everywhere. If you can't see the good, it's because you haven't persevered, life is about action, and when you hesitate, you might as well take a small step first. Be your best self every day! Good morning!

Good morning brothers and sisters, A shares will open soon, Half of the year has passed, many people are thinking about making some money and leaving, and now everyone is looking forward to returning to the capital, how will the A share market go on Tuesday, and then go directly to today's morning review!

7.2 Morning Comment|Chips are good for late night! Going to explode today?

Overnight performance:

U.S. stocks closed on Monday, with the Dow initially closing up 0.13%, the S&P 500 up 0.27%, and the Nasdaq up 0.83%. New energy vehicle stocks are in the red, and Tesla (TSLA. O) closed up 6.05%, while Nio (NIO. N) rose 6.61%, Li Auto (LI.O) rose 6.71%, and Xpeng Motors (XPEV. N) rose 5.18%. Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index closed up 0.79%

U.S. stocks are really powerful! What fell last Friday immediately rose back today!

7.2 Morning Comment|Chips are good for late night! Going to explode today?

Interpretation of important news affecting A-shares:

First, the blockbuster property market policy blessing Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen second-hand housing transactions rose sharply in June

Now the policy of supporting real estate will definitely not stop, because real estate is related to our economy, real estate is good, the economy can be good, as for the real estate sector, although it rose sharply yesterday, don't think that the bull market is coming, now each sector of A shares is basically a day trip, the sustainability is not strong, don't rise for a day and feel that the stabilization has bottomed out, A shares can only do short-term now, run when you earn, and close when you see a good deal.

2. Convening a Symposium on Foreign Investment: Further do a good job in attracting and utilizing foreign investment

In fact, Dalong doesn't want to comment on this kind of news, because it is not allowed to say that foreign capital will not enter the A-share market at all, and foreign capital has withdrawn from A-shares since August last year, so A-shares have fallen for so long, do you remember that Morgan Stanley suggested that all investors liquidate all A-share funds and stocks in early August last year, after this sentence was said, A-shares have plummeted all the way to the present.

3. After the resumption of IPO acceptance, 30 new companies were added in a single month What are the highlights of this batch of companies?

After the reopening of the A-share IPO acceptance gate, the number of new enterprises accepting the application increased rapidly. In just 10 days, the status of 30 companies to be listed was changed to "accepted". Most of the above 30 enterprises are in the manufacturing industry, and some of them belong to the field of high-end equipment. Among the newly accepted enterprises on the Beijing Stock Exchange, half of them are specialized and new "little giant" companies. In terms of performance, at present, Shanghai and Shenzhen have 1 new acceptance, among which China Uranium Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Uranium"), which plans to sprint to the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, will have a revenue of up to 14.801 billion yuan in 2023.

Fourth, chips are a major benefit! SK hynix smashed 540 billion yuan to increase the deployment of AI tracks

This is not good for the technology of A-shares, but the technology sector does not have to worry, in the second half of the year, the overall position of Dalong will still be technology + AI + semiconductor chips + US stocks NASDAQ + index-based, technology is still the main line, and in the first half of the year, the fund with the first A-share income is a single heavy position AI profit of 30%, but the A-share market is gone every time it rises for a day, which is not to blame for technology, it is the A-share market is too weak, and it is red every time it is gone.

5. What does it mean that the central bank is "out"? How big is the impact?

The central bank made a move yesterday, and the central bank announced yesterday that in order to maintain the steady operation of the bond market, on the basis of prudent observation and assessment of the current market situation, the central bank decided to carry out treasury bond borrowing operations for some primary dealers in the open market in the near future. It can be understood that the central bank's intervention in the treasury bond market will force the funds crowded in the bond market arbitrage to the property market and the stock market, which is a good thing, so it rose yesterday, but it is of little significance.

Today's A-share trend ideas

To be honest, Dalong does not know whether A-shares can rise in July, because the current market can no longer be predicted by common sense, the original indicators have now fallen all out of order, whether it is foreign or domestic or technical is now invalid, let it be, don't have any hope for the market, no hope will not be disappointed, the days still have to live, don't be affected by the market.

The market will not be plugged in all the time, from a long-term perspective, the market is below 3000 points is not to worry, sooner or later it will rise, come on together!

7.2 Morning Comment|Chips are good for late night! Going to explode today?

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7.2 Morning Comment|Chips are good for late night! Going to explode today?
7.2 Morning Comment|Chips are good for late night! Going to explode today?

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