
More than 50 billion funds to buy A-shares! Saved?

author:Dragons and tigers in the world
More than 50 billion funds to buy A-shares! Saved?
More than 50 billion funds to buy A-shares! Saved?

1. The State Administration of Financial Regulation, the People's Bank of China, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced the relevant work arrangements for the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

The official changed us from financial investors to financial consumers, consumers as the name suggests to spend money, not make money, in recent years, Dalong has properly given more than 800,000 A shares, which is also a headache.

Second, the top ten brokerage strategies: the layout of the July rebound! The bottom can be expected to rise in style or still be biased towards the market

The top ten brokerages are a little wrong, and they are right, the right thing is that the current market is indeed only up the market index, but the funds are all down, it's useless, the wrong thing is that the top ten brokerages are bullish every month, not once right, don't take it seriously.

3. More than 50 billion entered the market! Big money started the second round of position increase this year

Why is it different from what Dalong sees? Dalong now only sees that foreign capital, domestic capital, including retail investors are constantly flowing out of A-shares, and there has been no new capital into the market, even if there is, it has been washed away by the sharp outflow of domestic capital every day, and now the reality is that the funds inside want to run from A-shares, and the funds outside are waiting to see the jokes of A-shares.

Fourth, what happened when the CATL era was attacked by air again?

Today, CATL suddenly fell by 2%, which also dragged down the GEM and new energy vehicle sectors, As for why it fell, the reason is that it is rumored on the news that two of the 4 pull lines of a base in CATL have stopped, which only occurs at the end of November 2023 when there are no orders. It seems to imply that there is a problem with the orders of the CATL era, although the news has not been confirmed to be true, but A-shares have always been true or false, the first fall is respectful, to put it bluntly, A-shares are too weak now, any news can hit the market, U.S. stocks have people short and singing short every day, not rising well, the new energy vehicle sector these old tracks are not playing for the time being, Dalong does not plan to increase positions.

5. The rise and fall of the top three stock indexes of Vietnam's stock market/Hong Kong-based/US-based futures/international crude oil

Vietnam stock market rose 0.56% today

International gold rose 0.11% today

International crude oil rose 0.69% today

Hong Kong Base is closed for one day today's holiday

Hang Seng Technology refers to the market being closed for one day during today's holiday

The top three major stock indexes of U.S. stock futures fell slightly and rose slightly

FTSE China A50 Index up 0.08%

More than 50 billion funds to buy A-shares! Saved?

Tonight, the fund is expected to make a profit of 1,200 yuan

Let's do it together! The iron powder received a thumbs up and hugged the dragon!