
It's amazing to squeeze the cork on the soles of your feet, and the whole community is learning from it, which is great

author:I'm Qiu Tian

In our daily life, Kaiserol is a very common drug, its main ingredient is glycerin, with good lubricating effect, for some constipated friends, Kaiserol is an auxiliary drug to relieve constipation, therefore, many friends will prepare a few Kessel at home. But what many friends don't know is that in addition to helping with bowel movements, it can be used in many places in life, and it can help us solve a lot of troubles. Today, I'm going to share with you a few wonderful uses of Kaysero, so let's follow me to find out!

It's amazing to squeeze the cork on the soles of your feet, and the whole community is learning from it, which is great

Tip 1: Lubricate the hinge.

Hinges are very common in our lives, whether it is the door of the house, or the door of various cabinets, they are inseparable from the hinge. However, when this hinge is used for a long time, there will be a jam, which will cause us to become unsmooth when opening and closing the door, and even make a creaking sound, which will seriously affect our experience. When we encounter such a problem, Kassel can help us solve it. Just squeeze some of the corkscrew on the hinge and let it sit for a few minutes to allow the cork to penetrate the hinge sufficiently. The glycerin in the caeser has good lubricity and can reduce friction between metals. After the time is almost up, we will open and close the door again, and we will find that the door is much smoother, the same as the original.

It's amazing to squeeze the cork on the soles of your feet, and the whole community is learning from it, which is great

Tip 2: Lubricate your scissors.

Scissors are a tool we commonly use, in the process of using scissors, we may encounter such a situation, that is, the position of the scissor hinge accidentally entered the water, and there was rust, which caused the scissors to be broken. In fact, at this time, Kassel can come into play. We first drop the corkscrew in the center of the hinge of the scissors, and then slowly open and close the scissors so that the corkscrew can penetrate into every corner of the hinge. When opening and closing repeatedly, we will find that the scissors become smoother and smoother, and the recovery is the same as before, and the cork dew plays a good role in lubrication. In addition to scissors, there are some other iron tools, such as vices, pliers, etc., which often jam, at this time, we can also use the corkscrew, the effect is just as good.

It's amazing to squeeze the cork on the soles of your feet, and the whole community is learning from it, which is great

Tip 3: Wipe your shoes.

Many friends have leather shoes, which are good-looking, versatile and high-end. However, leather shoes are also particularly easy to get dirty, and after not wearing them for a few days, the original shiny leather shoes look gray and lose their luster. Then at this time, we need to wipe the leather shoes, and when it comes to wiping the leather shoes, of course, shoe polish is indispensable. However, many homes do not have shoe polish on hand, and usually just use clean water to wipe off the dirt. However, wiping with clean water can only wipe off the dust, and will not restore the brightness of the shoes, and using water to wipe the shoes for a long time will also cause the shoes to dry out. In fact, it can be used as shoe polish. Squeeze some cork on your shoes first, and then take a soft cloth, such as a cotton towel that has been used. Wipe with a cloth dipped in corkscrew to quickly wipe the shoes clean, and it can also restore the original luster of the shoes.

It's amazing to squeeze the cork on the soles of your feet, and the whole community is learning from it, which is great

Tip 4: Fix zippers.

Whether it is a bag, or clothes, pants, many are the design of the zipper, although the design of the zipper is very convenient, but after a long period of use, the zipper will be stuck, especially the kind of iron, once the zipper is stuck, it is very troublesome, and it can't be pulled up or down. In this case, Kayseru can come in handy. First squeeze some corkscrew in the place where the zipper is stuck, and you don't need too much, you can fully soak the zipper puller. After that, we grab the zipper and pull it slowly, at this time we will obviously find that the zipper can be pulled. The lubricating effect of Kaiserlu easily solves the problem of zipper jamming.

It's amazing to squeeze the cork on the soles of your feet, and the whole community is learning from it, which is great

Tip 5: Moisturize the skin.

The glycerin ingredient in kayserol has a good moisturizing effect, so we can also use it to moisturize our skin. In autumn and winter, due to the dry weather, many friends will have cracked and peeling heels, not only the skin is tight and uncomfortable, but also often drop some dander on socks or sheets. In fact, to solve this problem, we only need to put a few drops of kessel on the heel after washing our feet at night, and then apply it evenly. Then wrap the heels in plastic wrap. This way, you don't have to worry about it rubbing against the quilt, and you can also make the full effect of the cork. After letting it sit overnight, we will tear off the plastic wrap and it will be obvious that the heels have been moisturized a lot, and the effect is very good. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

It's amazing to squeeze the cork on the soles of your feet, and the whole community is learning from it, which is great