
When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Prawns can be said to be the star ingredient in seafood, it is delicious and has high nutritional value. Prawns contain high-quality nutrients such as protein and calcium, which can not only replenish calcium and strengthen bones, but also strengthen the body and improve immunity. For example, if I have two small children, I will often buy prawns to cook at home to replenish my body's nutrition. Although there are many ways to cook prawns: boiled prawns, braised prawns, garlic prawns, dry pot prawns, etc., among the many methods, my favorite is the original boiled prawns. But every time I make the boiled shrimp, the child always complains that it is not as delicious as outside. Later, under the guidance of a chef friend, I learned that the seemingly simple boiled shrimp actually requires a lot of details. Today, I will share with you the method of boiling shrimp taught by my friend, so that you can easily cook tender and odorless boiled shrimp. Let's take a look!

When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

Step 1: Cleaning.

Although the prawns live in the water, there are still some impurities attached to its surface, and there is a black line on the back of the prawns, and there is also a black prawn bag on the shrimp head, which needs to be disposed of. The method of processing is also very simple, we only need to grasp the prawn in our hands first, grasp the shrimp head with one hand, grasp the shrimp body with the other hand, put the back of the shrimp facing up, and then break down with both hands at the same time, so that there will be a crack in the position connecting the shrimp head and the shrimp body.

When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

Next, we just need to squeeze it with the hand that grabs the shrimp head, so that the black shrimp bag in the shrimp head is squeezed out, and this black bag is full of some shrimp organs, which are very dirty. When the shrimp bun is squeezed out, we grab it and slowly pull it out, and the shrimp line connecting the shrimp bun, that is, the black line on the back of the shrimp, will also be pulled out. This shrimp line is the excrement of shrimp, and there will be various microorganisms in it, which is also very dirty. After the shrimp buns and shrimp threads are disposed of, we rinse them several times with clean water so that the prawns are clean.

When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

Step 2: Boil water.

After all the prawns are processed, set it aside for later use and then we will boil the water. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, and then put a few slices of ginger and a little green onion into it, both ginger and green onion have the effect of removing the fish. Set the ginger slices and green onions, light the fire and start heating. When many friends cook shrimp, they pour the shrimp directly into the pot in cold water to cook, but in this way, the shrimp meat will be soaked in water for a long time, which will not only lead to excessive denaturation of the protein in the shrimp meat, so that the shrimp meat will become old and hard and lose its elasticity. At the same time, it is difficult to fully remove the fishy smell in the shrimp when boiled in cold water. Some friends will wait until the water boils before putting the shrimp, but such a large temperature difference will cause the shrimp meat to shrink rapidly at high temperatures, making the shrimp meat older and the taste worse. In fact, the best water temperature for boiled shrimp is a warm water pot.

When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

Step 3: Boil the shrimp.

When the water in the pot is boiled to seven or eight percent hot, that is, the bottom of the pot begins to bubble, then you can pour the processed prawns into the pot and boil. Many friends don't know how long it takes to cook the shrimp before it is cooked, but in order to avoid pinching, they will keep boiling it. However, cooking for a long time will cause the shrimp meat to become old and woody. In fact, after boiling for 3~4 minutes, you can see that the shrimp are all red and the body is in a curved state, which indicates that the shrimp are cooked and you can turn off the heat.

When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

Step 4: Cool down.

When the prawns are boiled and scooped up, we quickly put it in cold water to cool. If we have ice cubes at home, we can also put some ice cubes in cold water to make the water cooler. The purpose of this step is actually to use the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction, when the hot shrimp is put into the cold water, it will shrink rapidly, which will also make the meat of the shrimp more compact and Q elastic.

When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

Step 5: Serve on a plate.

After the prawns have cooled, we can scoop them up and put them on a plate, and finally adjust the sauce according to our taste, so that a nutritious and delicious boiled shrimp is cooked and ready to eat. This method of boiling shrimp is simple and practical, and the boiled shrimp taste is tender and delicious, not fishy or firewood. Next time you're cooking poached shrimp, you might as well try this method. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

When boiling shrimp, boiling water is a big no-no! Hotel owner: Keep in mind 3 points, the shrimp meat is tender and has no fishy smell

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