
The Chinese women's volleyball team 12+1 list was released, and it was a pity that 2 people missed the Paris Olympics, and the 3 positions were slightly weak

author:Lao Wang's sports vision

The 2024 Paris Olympics are approaching, and the 12+1 final list of the Chinese women's volleyball team has been announced, which is a combination of old, middle and young, and even includes five members who won the Rio Olympic championship eight years ago. However, the moment the dust settled, it still made people feel a little regretful, Yao Di, the league's best setter, and Wang Yunrui, who had worked hard in the national team for three years, still failed to realize their dreams and missed Paris.

The Chinese women's volleyball team 12+1 list was released, and it was a pity that 2 people missed the Paris Olympics, and the 3 positions were slightly weak

The list of 13 people is as follows:

Main attack: Li Yingying, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Wu Mengjie

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue (C), Wang Yuanyuan, Gao Yi

Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin

Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia

Free man: Wang Mengjie

P card: Zhuang Yushan (main attack)

The Chinese women's volleyball team 12+1 list was released, and it was a pity that 2 people missed the Paris Olympics, and the 3 positions were slightly weak

Li Yingying, as the star of the Chinese women's volleyball team, will pick up the burden in the Olympic Games, as for her opposite role is Zhu Ting or Zhang Changning, Cai Bin needs to make adjustments according to the situation on the court. The young player Wu Mengjie's offensive ability is good, but she needs to improve her pass, and she is likely to come to the rescue when she can't open the situation. Overall, the four main attackers represent the highest level of the Chinese women's volleyball team in this position, but it is a pity that Wang Yunrui did not even get a P card, and this place belongs to the teenager Zhuang Yushan. In terms of potential and cultivation value, Zhuang Yushan is indeed better than Wang Yunrui, but in terms of competition experience and passing, Wang Yunrui is more reassuring than Zhuang Yushan. But very helplessly, Wang Yunrui repeated the sad scene when Zeng Chunlei missed the Rio Olympics.

The Chinese women's volleyball team 12+1 list was released, and it was a pity that 2 people missed the Paris Olympics, and the 3 positions were slightly weak

In the secondary offensive position, Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan are the fixed partners of this cycle, and the two are one grade higher than the other secondary offensive players, but the third secondary offensive Gao Yi has no chance during the World League, and the performance in the finals is not as good as Yang Hanyu of the airborne national team, I don't know if II-VI in the Olympics can become a wonder soldier of the national team. II-VI's offense is not as eye-catching as Yang Hanyu's, but her blocking is still competitive, and if Yuan Xinyue's blocking can't play a role, sending II-VI on the court may be eye-catching.

The Chinese women's volleyball team 12+1 list was released, and it was a pity that 2 people missed the Paris Olympics, and the 3 positions were slightly weak

In the past eight years, the Chinese women's volleyball team has hardly gained anything in the receiving position, and Gong Xiangyu is still the first choice in the receiving position. In terms of overall strength, Gong Xiangyu is indeed the best receiver in China, but her offense has not improved, and her first pass and defense play are also good and bad. Substitute Zheng Yixin only changed the position from the secondary attack in this Olympic cycle, although her running offense can complement Gong Xiangyu, but Zheng Yixin's performance in the finals is criticized, whether it is offensive defense or a pass, or even less than the performance when playing the secondary attack, I hope Zheng Yixin can find the state of last year, otherwise the receiving position is one of the weaknesses of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team 12+1 list was released, and it was a pity that 2 people missed the Paris Olympics, and the 3 positions were slightly weak

The second setter is a little uneasy, although Diao Linyu performed well in the last few games of the World League, but her problem is that her state is not stable, once Diao Linyu is hot-headed, it is difficult to expect the 34-year-old Ding Xia to play the role of a firefighter, it is difficult to have an immediate effect. Today's Ding Xia is no longer as good as the Tokyo cycle, and it is difficult to play a role with experience and consciousness alone. Yao Di is in excellent condition and has a tacit understanding with several main national players, but the league's best setter has never been recalled, it can be said that Yao Di's absence from the Paris Olympics is the most heart-wrenching, as for whether Cai Bin will pay the price, it depends on the final result.

The Chinese women's volleyball team 12+1 list was released, and it was a pity that 2 people missed the Paris Olympics, and the 3 positions were slightly weak

Only Wang Mengjie played alone, and the double free man tactics at the critical moment will definitely not come in handy, while the two free men of the Japanese women's volleyball team were shortlisted, the P card was also given to the free man, relatively speaking, the Chinese women's volleyball team is a little conservative, Ni Feifei failed to get the P card, and even Wang Yunrui, who can act as a free man at the critical moment, was also given up, I don't know who to send to play once a pass is impacted by the opponent, Zhang Changning? There is such a possibility.

Overall, the three positions of receiving, setter, and free man are relatively weak, and the main players need to be vigilant at all times, and the state must always be online.

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