
What happens when the spring shoots of fruit trees stop growing, and the autumn shoots grow again?

author:Agriculture and Forestry TV

In late June, there are many orchards with yellow and tender autumn shoots that are in a hurry to grow, June ~ July is the differentiation period of flower buds, and the spring shoots that have just stopped growing grow again, can this still become flowers? This is like lifting the lid of the cage before the steamed bun is ripe and the gas is finished, so why do some orchards have no autumn shoots now, or there are very few autumn shoots? Some members said that he had invested in big trees in recent years, and some people said that there was no fruit last year to suppress the tree, so what is the reason? It turned out that it was all because I didn't study, didn't listen to the teacher, or didn't implement what I learned, and it was all caused by my own mismanagement.

What happens when the spring shoots of fruit trees stop growing, and the autumn shoots grow again?

First, improper winter pruning techniques are to blame. Do not engage in thinning during winter pruning, in order to solve the light, only know that in the tree indiscriminately chop and kill, indiscriminately cut and shrink, retract and throw the braids, dead hats and live hats are on the battlefield, the strength of the pruning is too great, resulting in a large rise on the tree, more long branches, less short and medium branches, long vegetative growth is too vigorous, it is difficult to convert into reproductive growth, so now most of the autumn shoots are long.

Second, improper watering is to blame. Don't water when it's time to water, and you have to water when you shouldn't. In June and July, it enters the flower bud differentiation period, requiring the orchard to properly control water, but with drought it must be watered, water control is correct, not watering is wrong, in order to ensure that our orchard is not watered in June, and there can be no drought, we are required to water the fruit trees in late April or early May at the latest, regardless of whether the orchard has drought or not, but many people look at the fruit trees at that time are not drought, just don't want to water, as a result of the high temperature and drought weather in June, the orchard has a drought, and the urgency is to water immediately, The drought has been alleviated after watering, but the spring shoots that have just stopped growing have come out again, because the buds at this time are too sensitive to water, don't say that you water the garden, that is, if it rains a little or the buds on the tree a few days before the rain have a hunch, they will sprout, not to mention that you water the garden.

What happens when the spring shoots of fruit trees stop growing, and the autumn shoots grow again?

3. Improper fertilization is the cause of trouble. The long time is not long, the stop does not stop, just stop growing and come out, the fruit tree three times a year top dressing time, (in addition to the autumn base fertilizer) these three times are actually fertilizer, respectively, late March and early April, late May, early June, late July, early August, each time the topdressing time is different, the purpose is different, the effect is different, then the choice of fertilizer is different. The same as the three top dressing is that we must choose a fast-acting, fully water-soluble, full nutrient scientific formula fertilization, because the fast-acting fully water-soluble fertilizer is fast-acting, the direct effect period is short, and the effect is rapid when it needs to be long, and there is no energy when it stops long, the difference is that the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is different. These three top dressing is to choose the height of fertilizer elements according to the law and needs of fruit tree growth, in fact, it is the first nitrogen in phosphorus and then potassium, high nitrogen in the early stage of long branches and leaves, high phosphorus in the middle of long stems, and high potassium in the later stage of long fruits, but some people are because of the water-soluble fertilizer is expensive, the same money is spent that there is no large amount of compound fertilizer, it is necessary to choose a long-term slow-release compound fertilizer, the characteristics of these fertilizers are long in effect, the disadvantage is that the effect is too slow, That is, when it is in urgent need of nutrients for flowering and branching, it can not get force, and when the spring shoots stop growing in late May and early June after flowering, its strength comes, and it postpones the timely stop growth of spring shoots, and its fertility is still not used up in June, as long as the garden is watered or encounters rainfall, the spring shoots that stop growing will immediately rush out of the secondary growth, not to mention that some people buy fertilizer only to see the price, not to see the quality and content, only to look at the human relationship, not to look at the brand trademark, only to see the small favor, not to see the effect after use, In late May and early June, the fertilizer with high phosphorus was applied, but the spring shoots were still growing wildly, and I didn't even know that I paid for the high phosphorus money, and I bought back the pure nitrogen fertilizer.

What happens when the spring shoots of fruit trees stop growing, and the autumn shoots grow again?

Fourth, the orchard does not grow grass to cause trouble. There is no time to care about the summer management on the tree, only to hoe and mow the grass in the orchard, it is really serious to do bad things, and the fruit trees that sprout early for the second time are all orchards without grass. Grass increases the organic matter content of the orchard, improves soil aeration and improves the orchard's microclimate, not to mention the benefits. The grassy orchard is dry and flooded to protect moisture, the orchard with grass is dry in the morning, the ground is not dry, the grass can help digest and decompose excess water, especially in the year of little rain and drought this year, the orchard with grass will keep moisture, the temperature of the grassy orchard will be low, the orchard without grass will be dry and smoking, some time ago the orchard with grass is not dry, and the orchard without grass will be dry, and the result of watering, the spring shoots that have stopped growing will come out as soon as you water the garden under 4 and 5, and you don't need to water until now, Because of a moderate rain on June 8, and a good rain on the 15th ~ 17th, there will be no drought in the orchard, as long as there is no watering at that time, the previous period can not support it, there is a drought to water, and the new shoots that have stopped growing will rush out. Whether it rains or waters, the capillary roots of the epidermis get water, and the new shoots on the tree will sprout and grow a little. If there is grass, the grass will compete with the epidermal roots for that bit of water, and when it rains, the grass will grow faster and consume more water, and the grass on the ground will grow faster, and the new shoots on the tree will grow slower or less. Therefore, the clean orchards of the ground hoe have early sprouts in autumn, and there are still many buds rushing out, as long as the orchards with grass are now stable, and the trees look very strong.

What happens when the spring shoots of fruit trees stop growing, and the autumn shoots grow again?

Of course, it is impossible for normal fruit trees not to grow autumn shoots, but the autumn shoots grow a little early or a little too much, and the growth period of autumn shoots should start to grow in mid to late July, and now they grow out to reduce the number and quality of flower buds, and the whole tree body is also greatly weakened. Because growth means consumption, stopping growth means accumulation, the management of fruit trees is to promote the growth of spring shoots, control the growth of autumn shoots, as long as you have more autumn shoots on the tree every year, your fruit tree is not a moderate and robust tree, or a vain tree. Of course, if there is no long strip on the tree, and the autumn shoots can not grow, it means that your tree is too weak, and it is not a moderate and robust tree potential, if you want to have fruit and good fruit year after year, you must have a good tree potential, good flower buds, if you want to manage the orchard well, produce good fruits and sell more money, you must learn more, master the law of fruit tree growth, master the technology of fruit tree management, carefully grasp each link, put the technology in place, don't be opportunistic, don't follow the trend, don't talk about the relationship to see the situation, then he is fooled, you are also deceived, He doesn't understand that he is wrong, you also suffer, he is finished, you are also unlucky, the losses caused to us by natural disasters, we cannot resist, if it is caused by man, it is a pity.

Author: Wang Jiantang, lecturer of China Agricultural and Fruit Science Research Institute

Source: Zhongnongle

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