
It's so hot! New energy vehicles, the results of the "high school entrance examination" are released!

author:China Fund News

China Fund News reporter Wen Xi

More than half of the "schedule" in 2024, what are the results of new energy vehicle companies?

On July 1, new energy vehicle companies successively handed over their "report cards". Among them, BYD, NIO, ZEEKR, and Leap all set new monthly sales and delivery records.

After a short downturn, Li Auto regained the title of new power sales champion; The sales volume of Cialis still maintained a rapid growth; Xiaomi car delivery exceeded 10,000 units.

From the perspective of the industry, in the second half of this year, the rapid iteration of products under the strong product cycle will provide car companies with space for diversified exploration, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles will continue to increase in the future.

BYD hit a new high

BYD maintained a strong momentum in June, with sales of new energy vehicles reaching 341,700 units in a single month, compared with 253,000 units in the same period last year.

Prior to this, BYD's highest monthly sales month was December 2023, when it sold 341,000 units in a single month. And this past June, this record was broken.

After BYD's sales bottomed out in February this year, they began to gradually rebound in March. Sales in March and April reached 302,500 units and 313,200 units, respectively. Judging from the situation in May and June, sales are still steadily increasing.

In the first half of the year, BYD's cumulative sales reached 1.613 million units, a year-on-year increase of 28.46%.

However, BYD's overseas sales have fallen to a certain extent in the past two months. Overseas sales were 27,000 units in June and 37,500 units in May. Prior to this, BYD's overseas sales in April once exceeded the 40,000 mark.

In the first half of this year, BYD's cumulative overseas sales reached 203,400 units, which is close to the 243,000 overseas sales of last year.

Up to now, BYD has entered 78 countries and regions around the world, and has invested in production capacity in Brazil, Hungary, Thailand and other regions. A number of institutions have previously predicted that BYD's overseas sales are expected to exceed 400,000 units this year.

Ideal, Cialis played a triumphant song

After a brief downturn in the first half of this year, Li Auto ushered in a strong rebound and won the title of new force sales champion in June.

According to the data, Li Auto delivered about 47,800 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 46.7%. From the perspective of the second quarter, the ideal cumulative delivery of about 108,600 vehicles. Previously, it gave a second-quarter delivery guidance of 105,000 to 110,000 units.

In the first half of the year, the new automaker delivered about 189,000 vehicles. At the beginning of this year, Ideal set a full-year delivery target of 480,000 units.

The main force of Hongmeng Zhixing, Celis, announced the latest sales. According to the data, the sales of new energy vehicles in June reached 44,100, a year-on-year increase of 372.04%.

The sales volume of Cialis is mainly composed of AITO, and AITO is also the absolute main force that constitutes the sales of Hongmeng Zhixing. In June this year, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 46,100 vehicles.

In the first half of this year, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles reached 200,900, a year-on-year increase of 348.55%. In the first half of the year, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered a total of 194,200 vehicles.

At present, the model lineup of Hongmeng Zhixing is gradually growing. In addition to the currently launched Wenjie M5, Wenjie new M7, Wenjie M9, and Zhijie S7, Xiangjie S9 is planned to be launched in August, and Zhijie R7 is also expected to be launched in September.

Compared with the triumphant song of Ideal and Cialis, Aion is obviously in a bottleneck. Although the automaker achieved sales of 35,000 units in June, it fell from 40,100 units in May month-on-month, and was one of the few new energy vehicle companies to decline year-on-year or month-on-month.

In the first half of this year, Aion's cumulative sales were about 177,300 units. Aion's sales in 2023 will be 480,000 units, compared to its 2024 sales target of 700,000 units. In this way, Aion's current mission completion rate is just over 25%.

NIO, ZEEKR, and Leap stood at the 20,000 mark

As the third echelon, NIO, ZEEKR and Leap performed well.

Among them, NIO has exceeded the 20,000 mark in deliveries for the second consecutive month, and achieved 21,200 deliveries in June, a year-on-year increase of more than 98%, continuing to refresh the record high.

Throughout the second quarter, NIO delivered a total of 57,400 new vehicles, a significant increase of 143.9%, even exceeding the upper limit of the previous guidance for the second quarter of 56,000 units. In the first half of this year, NIO delivered a total of 87,400 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 60.2%.

Industry insiders believe that the superposition of multiple factors such as the improvement of product strength, the expansion effect brought by the battery swap alliance, and the assistance of BaaS policies have made NIO's delivery volume in the second quarter far exceed market expectations.

ZEEKR, which landed in the capital market in the first half of the year, delivered 20,100 new cars in June, a year-on-year increase of more than 89%. In the first half of this year, ZEEKR delivered 87,900 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 106%.

At the beginning of the year, ZEEKR set a delivery target of 230,000 units in 2024. From this point of view, the task completion rate of ZEEKR in the first half of the year was 38.22%.

In addition, Leapmotor also delivered 20,100 new vehicles in June. In the first half of the year, Leapmotor delivered a total of 86,700 new vehicles. Overall, the delivery volume of the three new energy vehicle companies in the first half of the year was relatively close.

Xiaomi stood above the 10,000 mark

Xpeng Motors, which has fallen behind this year, delivered about 10,700 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 24%, but it is still hovering around the 10,000 mark.

When previously disclosing its first-quarter results, Xpeng had expected a total of about 29,000 to 32,000 vehicles delivered in the second quarter. From a practical point of view, Xpeng delivered a total of 30,200 new cars in the second quarter.

From the perspective of the first half of the year, Xpeng Motors achieved 52,000 deliveries, although a year-on-year increase of 26%, but even compared with the third echelon of NIO, ZEEKR, and Leap, the gap is still large.

Xiaomi Auto also did not release detailed delivery data. However, Xiaomi said on its official Weibo that the SU7 was delivered in June, the third month of delivery, and the delivery volume successfully exceeded the 10,000 mark. At the same time, Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Group, also said that the delivery target of Xiaomi SU7 in July will still be 10,000 units.

In addition, Dongfeng's VOYAH delivered 5,507 new vehicles in June, an increase of 83% year-on-year. Its cumulative deliveries in the first half of the year were 30,400 units, a year-on-year increase of 102%.

The penetration rate of new energy will continue to rise

After the Spring Festival holiday this year, in order to get out of the trough, BYD repeatedly launched the Glory Edition model, which detonated the car market. From the slogan of "the same price of oil and electricity" to "electricity is lower than oil", we can get a glimpse of the trend of accelerating the replacement of fuel vehicles by new energy vehicles.

The Federation of Passenger Cars predicts that the retail sales of new energy vehicles in June are expected to reach 860,000 units, an increase of 6.9% from May, and the penetration rate of new energy may reach a new high of 49.1%.

The market is also optimistic about the continued penetration of new energy vehicles. SPDB International recently raised its full-year NEV passenger vehicle sales forecast slightly to 11.36 million units, a year-on-year increase of 26%, corresponding to a full-year NEV penetration rate of 39.7%.

According to the agency, the penetration rate of the domestic new energy vehicle industry is still on the rise, "It is expected that by 2026, the penetration rate of new energy will exceed 50%, reaching 52.4%." ”

For the second half of this year, SPDB International believes that although price competition will continue, it is expected that car companies will expand their cost reduction potential through supply chain management, technology cost reduction and other means, supplemented by flexible sales strategies such as allocation adjustment, positioning downward exploration, and equity concessions to boost sales, rather than blindly collectively reducing prices and tilting each other to eventually lead to an involution price war.

Some car companies also analyzed to reporters that in the second half of the year, the rapid iteration of products under the strong product cycle will also provide more diversified exploration space for car companies, and car companies will have a clearer definition of their respective ecological niches. "For example, car companies are accelerating the layout of intelligence, actively exploring autonomy, and trying to seek new breakthroughs."

Editor: Captain

Review: Xu Wen

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