
The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".

author:The voice of women in Mindong
The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".
The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".
The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, encourage the majority of party members not to forget their original intentions, keep their mission in mind, and enhance the sense of honor, belonging and mission of party members, the party branch of the Gutian County Women's Federation and the party branch of Kengtou Village, Hetang Town, recently carried out the party building and co-construction activities of "Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness, and Truthfulness".


Review the oath of joining the party and strengthen ideals and beliefs

In front of the bright red party flag, Xie Xiaodong, the head of the Development Liaison Department of the Gutian County Women's Federation, the first secretary of Kengtou Village, and the 38th Red Flag Bearer of Ningde City, led all the party members of the County Women's Federation and some party members of Kengtou Village to review the oath of joining the party, and expressed unlimited loyalty to the party with a declaration of firm faith. Party members and comrades clenched their right fists, solemnly reviewed the oath of joining the party, once again ignited the passion for patriotism and love for the party, and encouraged all party members to always keep their original intentions and bravely undertake their missions on the new journey.

The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".


Strengthen theoretical learning and keep in mind the original mission

Comrade Xie Xiaodong gave a special party class on the topic of "Comprehensively Strengthening the Party's Discipline Construction", interpreted the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", educated and guided the majority of party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline, further unify thinking, and stimulate the endogenous motivation of taking responsibility and starting a business.

The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".


Practice volunteer service and pass on the power of warmth

The women volunteers of the Gutian County Women's Federation went to Kengtou Village to carry out the volunteer service activity of "Clean Home". In the activity, the volunteers gave full play to the spirit of not being afraid of dirty, hardship and tiredness, and carried out a comprehensive carpet cleaning of the village roads, front and back of the house, dead branches and fallen leaves, and indoor environmental sanitation, forming a beautiful landscape and interpreting the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress" with practical actions. Through the joint efforts of everyone, the environmental sanitation of Kengtou Village has taken on a new look.

The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".
The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".


Seventy-one ode to the party's kindness, filial piety, and righteousness

On the morning of the same day, the Gutian County Women's Federation inspected the kitchen, dining room and other facilities of the filial piety canteen in Kengtou Village, Hetang Town, learned more about the dining situation and life and physical condition of the elderly, and donated rice, edible oil and other condolences to the canteen, and patiently inquired about the physical condition of the elderly, cared about their old life, listened to their voices, and made the old people feel warm.

The Gutian County Women's Federation carried out the party day activity with the theme of "July 1st Ode to the Party's Kindness, Filial Piety, Righteousness and Truth".

Through this series of activities to welcome the "July 1st", the organization, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party branch have been further enhanced. In the next step, the party branch of the Gutian County Women's Federation will further tighten the party's discipline construction, urge the majority of party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, improve their party spirit, carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red gene, and base themselves on the actual situation of the women's federation to do good things, do practical things, and solve problems.

Source: Gutian County Women's Federation

First instance: Chen Shuqin Second instance: Huang Lili Third instance: Li Yu

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