
Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"

author:The voice of women in Mindong
Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"
Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"
Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"
Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"
Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"
Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"

E road fragrant

Women's digital literacy advocacy service activities

In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on cyber power, solidly promote the national digital literacy and skill improvement action, and lead the service of middle-aged and elderly women to cross the "digital divide", jointly build network security and share network civilization, since June, the Zherong County Women's Federation has carried out 4 sessions of "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activities", with more than 300 people participating.

Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"

At the event, women volunteers preached digital knowledge, focusing on the most basic and commonly used mobile phone functions, popularizing the introduction of smart phones for the elderly, including how to make phone calls, take photos, and video calls; It also introduces in detail the functions of the hospital's online appointment and registration, query real-time bus arrival information, and use the mobile phone business hall APP to query and pay fees, so as to help improve the numerical literacy and skills of middle-aged and elderly women.

Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"

The women volunteers guided the middle-aged and elderly women step by step, taught them how to use their smartphones to take pictures, make phone calls, send messages, listen to music, watch web pages, etc., and learn commonly used apps, such as mobile phone payment, smart home use, transportation, medical treatment, learning, communication, fitness, etc., to help the middle-aged and elderly people around them better integrate into the digital era.

Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"

At the same time, promote anti-fraud knowledge to the elderly, help install the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP, remind the elderly not to trust phone calls, text messages, links, do not disclose personal information at will, do not easily transfer money to strangers, and protect their "money bags".

Digital empowerment for all Zherong County Women's Federation launched the "e-Road Fragrance - Women's Digital Literacy Publicity and Service Activity"

Through a series of activities, we will effectively enhance the digital literacy and digital security protection awareness of middle-aged and elderly women, help them keep up with the pace of development of the times, enjoy the convenience brought by the digital age, promote the joint construction and sharing of digital development achievements by the whole people, create a good online atmosphere, and help improve women's digital literacy in the new era.

Source: Zherong County Women's Federation

First instance: Chen Shuqin Second instance: Huang Lili Third instance: Li Yu

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