
Red hearts lead green dreams

author:Ecological Ya'an
Red hearts lead green dreams

Group photo

In the middle of summer, everything is thriving. On the evening of June 28, the auditorium of Tianli School was brightly lit and the atmosphere was warm, and the city's natural resources system celebrated the "July 1st" theme party day activities held here.

With the theme of "Continuing the Red Blood and Building Green Development Together", the event was divided into two chapters. The program is written, directed and performed by the cadres and workers of the city's natural resources system, covering a variety of performance forms such as singing and dancing, recitation, and micro-classroom, so that the theme party day activities have both "meaning" and "meaning".

Red hearts lead green dreams

Review the oath of joining the party

Music praises the eternal casting of the party's heart

The event kicked off with the high-spirited melody of "Don't Forget the Original Heart", "The Motherland Will Not Forget", "It's You Who Have Been Thinking of Me", "Wanjiang", "Rural Revitalization, You and I Walk", the high-pitched and beautiful melody expressed deep blessings and firm belief in the party; "Party Building is the Soul", "The Most Remembered Golden Mountain", "Go Forward, Communist Party of China" and other heart-wrenching red songs praise the party's great achievements; "On the Field of Hope", "I Love You China", "Towards Rejuvenation" and other lyrical heroic, affectionate and magnificent singing aroused strong resonance from everyone and set off a climax of the event.

"The Red Army Stone Tablet under Jiajin Mountain" under the spotlight, the narrator Hu Feifei told it affectionately, and the distant story is vivid and exciting. In the warm applause, Bai Mei, the "most beautiful registrant" in the province, and Zhou Chongmeng, the "most beautiful natural guardian" in the province, walked on the stage in turn, and showed that Communist Party members are "strivers" in ordinary posts and "service providers" for the people through the form of micro-party classes and micro-interviews.

The party flag is bright red, full of pride and love songs; The party emblem shines, and the soul is molded into the iron army; Party building leads, and the fighting spirit is raised and set off again. In the meantime, the representative of the new development party members faced the party flag, raised his right fist, and reviewed the oath of joining the party with all the party members and cadres. The sonorous and powerful oath not only strengthened the party spirit of party members and cadres, but also strengthened the original mission.

At the end of the event, all the participants sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", expressing their deep love for the party and wishing the great motherland more prosperity.

Red hearts lead green dreams

Chorus "The Most Memorable Golden Mountain"

Red hearts lead green dreams

Chorus "Towards Revival"

Red heart leads the green elegance peers

This is not only a grand event to celebrate the party's birthday, but also a deep integration and display of the red spirit and the concept of green development.

The "July 1st" theme party day activity presented the party's 103rd birthday with a "red" audio-visual feast, which further stimulated the heroic fighting spirit of Ya'an natural resources people to "work together for the party and work together", and was a vivid practice to promote the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and further implement the work requirements of the "Party Building Quality Improvement Year of Organs" of the Municipal Party Committee and the Working Committee of Municipal Organs. The party members and cadres of the city's natural resources system will draw strength from it, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Municipal Party Committee, and work together and actively to contribute to the high-quality development of the city with the realm of "success does not have to be in me, success must have me".

Reporter Shi Yuchuan