
In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

Entering July, has entered a new month, after the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination, the child is also on summer vacation, it is the hottest two months, the high temperature is coming, the heat wave is coming, making people uncomfortable, the complexion is very poor, especially prone to heat stroke. Dog days are about to be ushered in, so you should pay more attention to the temperature supplement before entering the ambush, and drink more warm soups, such as mushroom soup, broth or chicken soup, the soup is particularly delicious and has many benefits for the body. Today, I recommend a beautiful soup suitable for all ages - papaya tangerine peel chicken feet pork bone soup, a simple stew in a pot, comprehensive nutrition, improve complexion, hurry up and learn it. In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

【Preparation skills of papaya tangerine peel chicken feet pork bone soup】

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

Prepare some ingredients: select half a catty of high-quality pork bones (pork bones are one of the bones of pigs, very popular with young people, often with lotus root, radish and other ingredients to make soup, the price of pork bones is not expensive, the soup is also very delicious and nourishing, it is recommended to drink more in summer), a number of dried figs, choose 5 to 8 fresh chicken feet (chicken feet are one of the limbs of poultry, do not choose chicken feet that are too big and too white in color, there are many ways to eat chicken feet, with papaya is a perfect match, female friends should often eat it), a large piece of tangerine peel, a large piece of old ginger, some cold and warm water, 20 grams of eyebrow peas, about 15 grams of barley, about 30 grams of peanuts, a little cooking wine, a little salt, half of green onions, some pepper, and other condiments.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

Detailed production process:

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

1: Buy papaya, pork ribs, chicken feet, tangerine peel and other ingredients in advance, soak the tangerine peel in warm water, scrape off a layer of white substance, and then cut it into several small pieces for later use.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

2: Peel off the skin of the papaya, cut it into pieces from the middle, wash it and cut it into small pieces, cut the ginger into several thin slices, wash the green onion and cut it into green onion segments.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

3: Chop the pork bones into pieces, remove the toes of the chicken feet, add cooking wine with cold water to remove the fish, force out the bloody substance inside, and remove it for later use.

4: Add an appropriate amount of cold water to the pot, pour in the pork bones and chicken feet, pour all the pieces into the soup pot, add enough cold water, pour in cooking wine, add ginger slices and green onions, blanch both ingredients to remove the fish, rinse off a layer of foam, and put them in a container for later use.

5: Soak the figs in advance, rinse the barley with cold water, soak it in cold water for a few hours, and soak the peanuts in advance, soak the barley and eyebrow peas, prepare several ingredients, and start cooking this papaya tangerine peel chicken feet pork bone soup.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

6: Prepare a soup pot with blanched pork bones and chicken feet, add figs, tangerine peel, peanuts, eyebrow peas and ginger slices, and fill all the ingredients with plenty of cold water.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

7: Boil the soup until it boils, scoop off a layer of foam, cover the pot and simmer for more than an hour, so that the nutrients of the ingredients are boiled out, and the soup is boiled until it changes color.

8: Finally, add salt according to taste, add half a spoon of white pepper, stir quickly with a spoon, let the soup simmer until it tastes, and then serve.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

Papaya tangerine peel chicken feet pork bone soup is a special nourishing soup, the selection of chicken feet, pork bones and papaya with stew, the soup is all nutritious, fresh and delicious, nutrition is particularly excellent, moisturizing the skin, nourishing blood and beauty, the complexion will be more and more sufficient, but also can drive away the dampness in the body.

In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better
In July, no matter how busy you are, you often drink this soup for your family to nourish your skin, and your complexion is getting better and better

Friends, have you mastered the skills of making this papaya tangerine peel chicken feet pork bone soup? (All the pictures in the article are from the Internet)