
Optimize the use of time to the extreme, and optimize the use of money to the extreme. A person who spends both time and money is terrifying, and such a person has almost no opponents. Very good at taking time


Optimize the use of time to the extreme, and optimize the use of money to the extreme.

A person who spends both time and money is terrifying, and such a person has almost no opponents.

A person who is very good at spending time, his year can top most people's ten years, and a person who is very good at spending money, his 10,000 yuan can top most people's 100,000 yuan.

Spending time and money are the two core competitiveness of cattle, why is it difficult for the poor to counterattack? To be honest, the poor who can take time are one out of a thousand, and the same is true for the poor who can spend money, so there are very few poor people who can achieve a counterattack in life.

What the poor lack on the surface is money, but in essence they lack brains, which is too ignorant.

I think that as long as I go to school hard and get a lot of awards and qualifications, I think that as long as I come back from studying abroad, I can walk sideways in society, and I think that as long as I work hard and work hard, I can change my life against the sky, in this era, this is simply a big joke.

What schools teach is always fundamentals, and fundamentals can only be used to solve the problem of survival, and can only ensure that you don't starve to death, so don't pin your hopes on school education, let alone pin your hopes on teachers, and rely on your own exploration, because the schools that are just and useful in this society do not teach, even if you get a postdoctorate, what you learn is only a little scratch. How to build your core competitiveness? Always put your hope in yourself, look inward, learn what most people don't learn, and do what most people don't do.

Diary of Chuan Beast Wealth Creation - Issue [00438].

#川叫兽# #川叫兽创富日记# #川叫兽环球道影#

Optimize the use of time to the extreme, and optimize the use of money to the extreme. A person who spends both time and money is terrifying, and such a person has almost no opponents. Very good at taking time
Optimize the use of time to the extreme, and optimize the use of money to the extreme. A person who spends both time and money is terrifying, and such a person has almost no opponents. Very good at taking time
Optimize the use of time to the extreme, and optimize the use of money to the extreme. A person who spends both time and money is terrifying, and such a person has almost no opponents. Very good at taking time

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