
Organize and lead the practice of the original intention and concentrate on celebrating the "July 1st" - the party branch of Weiyuan County directly carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Yuyuan Flux

In the past few days, the Working Committee of the organs directly under the Weiyuan County Party Committee has organized a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further play the leading role of party building, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organizations of the county organs, and enhance the sense of honor, mission and responsibility of all party members and cadres.

Organize and lead the practice of the original intention and concentrate on celebrating the "July 1st" - the party branch of Weiyuan County directly carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Carry out the "50 years of glory in the party" commemorative medal awarding activities. Commemorative medals were awarded to three veteran party members who won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and the party's care was sent to the hearts of veteran party members. The party members who received the medal unanimously said: "We will continue to maintain a high degree of loyalty to the organization, continue the glorious tradition, and lead and inspire young party members to keep in mind their original mission and forge ahead in the new era." ”

Carry out "difficult party members, old party members" visit and condolence activities. On June 28, he visited and condoled 2 party members who were in difficulty in life in county-level organs, so that the majority of party members could feel the care and warmth of the party, enhance their sense of identity and belonging to the party organization, and further stimulate the determination and confidence of party members to start a business.

Organize and lead the practice of the original intention and concentrate on celebrating the "July 1st" - the party branch of Weiyuan County directly carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Carry out the "Celebration of July 1st, I Swear" preparatory party members centralized oath activities. On July 1, a centralized oath-taking ceremony was held at the memorial hall of the county Soviet Government for the probationary party members of the county organs to carry out in-depth party spirit education. The 13 probationary party members of the county-level organs solemnly swore an oath to the party flag, expressing their unlimited loyalty to the party and their firm determination to listen to the party and follow the party.

Organize and lead the practice of the original intention and concentrate on celebrating the "July 1st" - the party branch of Weiyuan County directly carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Carry out the party day activity of "tracing the footprints of leaders and practicing the original mission". Organize the party branches of the county-level organs to go to the Yuangudui Red Education Base before the "July 1st", re-take the road of General Secretary Xi Jinping's care, revisit the beauty of the poverty alleviation butterfly change in Yuangudui Village, review the oath of joining the party, and sing "There is no New China without the Communist Party", fully demonstrating the positive, hard-working and enterprising spirit of the party members of the county-level organs.

Carry out the video exhibition and broadcast activity of "Sending a Message to the Party's Birthday and Presenting the Great Motherland". The official accounts of the party branches, the network party branches, and the love of Weiyuan and Weiyuan have broadcast a series of videos of "Sending a Message to the Party's Birthday and Presenting the Great Motherland", creating a strong atmosphere of praising the party, respecting the party, and loving the party.

Contribution: Working Committee of the Organs Directly under the County Party Committee

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