
I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

author:Mushroom heads

Revelation! Chongqing Fuling lychee has become the darling of the ancient court, and Dong Yuhui will take you to appreciate the different Chongqing style

Dear friends, do you know? As a native of Sichuan, I thought that the lychee in "Riding the Red Dust Concubine and Smiling, No One Knows It's a Lychee" was a sweet fruit produced in our Guangdong. But recently, I was "taught a lesson" by Dong Yuhui, and it turned out that the story behind this was far more exciting than I imagined!

I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

Recently, Dong Yuhui traveled to Chongqing, and he said mysteriously: "Do you know? The lychee that makes Yang Guifei smile like a flower is actually produced in Fuling, Chongqing! When I heard this, I was stunned, this is a shocking secret!

I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

Dong Yuhui is a well-informed person, he is not only the pride of many people, but also a teacher of Night University 211. He told me that the lychee cultivation in Fuling has a long history and good quality, and it was a tribute to the court as early as ancient times. At that time, in order to let Yang Guifei eat fresh lychees, it took a lot of twists and turns!

I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

Imagine how spectacular it was in the ancient city of Chang'an, when the fast horses were galloping and dusty, just to deliver the crystal clear lychees to Yang Guifei's hands! And all of this stems from the magical land of Fuling, Chongqing.

I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

In addition to lychees, Dong Yuhui also mentioned the sentence "Mountains and rivers splash ink, and clouds and clouds go to the pen". He said that this is not only a poem, but also a vivid description of the beautiful scenery of Chongqing. Whenever I stand on the riverside of Fuling, looking at the mountains in the distance, the clouds and mist, as if I can really see the nature splashing ink, showing the magnificent pictures in front of our eyes.

I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

Dong Yuhui's words gave me a new understanding of Chongqing. It turns out that in addition to the well-known hot pot, small noodles, and mustard, Chongqing also has so many unknown beauties and stories. As a Sichuanese, I am deeply ashamed, but at the same time, proud to live in such a charming place.

I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

So, dear friends, were you also attracted by Dong Yuhui's words? Do you also want to go to Fuling, Chongqing to see the legendary lychee tree, and feel the magnificent scenery of "mountains and rivers splashing ink, clouds and clouds walking brush"?

Don't hesitate to join us! Let's walk into Chongqing Fuling, explore the secrets hidden in the depths of history, and feel the different Chongqing style. Trust me, you'll be captivated by this magical land!

I've seen it for a long time! It turned out to be really lonely, and when I heard it, I was immediately stunned

Finally, I want to say to Dong Yuhui: thank you! It was you who made me reacquaint myself with Chongqing, and also made me love the land that raised us even more. At the same time, I would also like to thank all my friends who have followed and supported me, it is your company that has made me more determined to walk on the road of creation. Let's look forward to more exciting stories together!

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