
Inheriting the red gene and feeling the power of the original intention - the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall ushered in the "July 1st" visit and learning boom

author:Yuyuan Flux

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Memorial Hall of the Soviet Government of Weiyuan County ushered in the "July 1st" visit and study upsurge. In the past few days, cadres and workers of provincial, municipal and county organs, enterprises and institutions, schools and other cadres and social organizations have walked into the memorial hall of the Soviet Government of Weiyuan County to remember the revolutionary martyrs, visit the exhibitions, listen to the revolutionary stories, take the oath of probationary party members, and accept the baptism of red education.

Inheriting the red gene and feeling the power of the original intention - the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall ushered in the "July 1st" visit and learning boom

The yellowed photos and precious objects are engraved with historical memory, witnessing the eventful years, and telling the party's century-old glorious history.

Inheriting the red gene and feeling the power of the original intention - the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall ushered in the "July 1st" visit and learning boom

Yang Dongmei, head of the propaganda classroom of the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall

Yang Dongmei, head of the propaganda classroom of the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall, said: "On the occasion of the 103rd birthday of the party, I wish the great party a happy birthday!" As a lecturer of the Red Pavilion, I will uphold the belief that 'the people have faith, the nation has hope, and the country has strength', keep in mind the 'entrustment' of the general secretary, hold the 'red baton' in my hand, inherit the red gene with practical actions, and forge the red faith. Chase the light, become the light, radiate the light, walk with the 'light', keep up with the example, and let the 'spark' shine forever. ”

Under the guidance of the commentator, the visitors learned about the revolutionary history of the heroic struggle of the Weiyuan people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, relived the heroic spirit and noble spirit of the revolutionary ancestors who fought bloody battles in the arduous years, and had a heartfelt feeling of the heroic deeds of the older generation of communists during the war years, and received profound party spirit education and ideological and political baptism.

Inheriting the red gene and feeling the power of the original intention - the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall ushered in the "July 1st" visit and learning boom

Preparatory party member of the county-level organ Tu Jingzhi

Tu Jingzhi, a probationary party member of the county organ, said: "This time I participated in the oath-taking activity in the memorial hall of the Soviet Government of Weiyuan County, which made me more determined to fight for the party for life, deeply felt the sense of mission and responsibility of contemporary youth, and was extremely proud of becoming a new party member. ”

Inheriting the red gene and feeling the power of the original intention - the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall ushered in the "July 1st" visit and learning boom

It is understood that in the first half of this year, the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall has received a total of 162 visiting groups, with a total of more than 27,400 people.

Inheriting the red gene and feeling the power of the original intention - the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall ushered in the "July 1st" visit and learning boom

Li Xuejun, director of the Memorial Hall of the Soviet Government of Weiyuan County

Li Xuejun, director of the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall, said: "A generation has a generation's Long March, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. At the historical node of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, all the cadres and workers of the Weiyuan County Soviet Government Memorial Hall will continue to inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, unswervingly listen to the party, follow the party, and devote themselves to the great cause of the party with more enthusiasm and high morale. We must continue to innovate development ideas, give full play to the unique advantages of red resources, build a strong spiritual highland, deepen the development of activities such as 'five advances', research, social education, etc., and promote the high-quality development of the county memorial hall with a fighting attitude and practical achievements. ”

Reporter: Wang Ying

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