
I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

author:Mushroom heads

Dong Yuhui's trip to Greece was unexpectedly exposed, and the new program production license was in hand, this is the rhythm of fire!

Oh, guys, have you heard? Dong Yuhui has not been idle these days, and he accidentally made two big things, which is really impossible to hide!

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

Let's start with the first big thing. Dong Yuhui accidentally leaked his mouth when he accidentally went abroad before. Hey, that's good, the press office of the Greek embassy has revealed it to you directly! It seems that Dong Yuhui's trip to Greece was warmly received, and he chatted with the people in the Greek embassy so hotly, and he also had a very in-depth understanding of Greek culture and history. This can't help but make people sigh, Dong Yuhui's knowledge and charm are really unmatched!

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

What's even more powerful is that this trip to Greece not only made Dong Yuhui full of harvest, but also made him and the Greek people form a deep friendship. The Greek people expressed their expectation that Dong Yuhui would extend a warm welcome and wished him a happy visit to Greece. It seems that Dong Yuhui is really having fun this time, not only can he have fun, but he can also have a meaningful time!

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things
I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

Now let's talk about the second big thing. According to the latest news reports, Dong Yuhui's "Walking with Hui" program actually obtained a radio and television program production license! What a surprise! You must know that this license is not so easy to obtain, it means that "Walking with Hui" has the qualification to legally produce radio and television programs. This is undoubtedly a huge affirmation and encouragement for Dong Yuhui and his team!

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

With this license, "Walking with Hui" can officially enter the field of radio and television! Think about it, in the future, we can see Dong Yuhui's wonderful performance on TV, and hear him tell more interesting stories and experiences, which is simply an exciting thing!

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

Moreover, the acquisition of this license also means that "Walking with Hui" will receive more resources and support, which is very beneficial to the production and broadcast of the program. I believe that in the near future, "Walking with Hui" will definitely become a program that has attracted much attention and love!

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

In the vast world of radio and television, Dong Yuhui has obtained valuable permissions, and he is like holding a magic wand in his hand, and he can explore various themes and forms of radio and television programs as he likes. His creativity will no longer be limited to paper, but will have the opportunity to shine on major stages such as radio and television stations, online platforms, and share the audio-visual feast with hundreds of millions of audiences.

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

When this news came out, netizens were hotly discussed, as if they foresaw a "creative storm" that Dong Yuhui was about to set off. They lamented that Yuhui's journey will be wider and wider, and in the future, he may devote himself more to the behind-the-scenes production of the show, and the figure in the live broadcast room may gradually decrease. But in any case, they all send their most sincere wishes for his growth and success, and look forward to him creating more wonderful and miracles in the field of radio and television!

I can't hide it now! Yuhui went out to play these days, and accidentally made two big things

So, what do you think about these two big things? Do you also think that Dong Yuhui is the rhythm of fire? If you are also looking forward to seeing Dong Yuhui's wonderful performance in "Walking with Hui", then hurry up and pay attention! Let's look forward to the day when Dong Yuhui shines in the field of radio and television!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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