
"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

author:Yuyuan Flux

Weiyuan County Rong Media Center and Weiyuan County Film and Television (Photography) Association jointly held the "Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' to Watch Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Event, organizing well-known photography enthusiasts in the county and backbone reporters of the county Rong Media Center to go deep into Shouyang Mountain Scenic Area, Lianfeng Town Potato Planting Base and Chinese Herbal Medicine Planting Base, Characteristic Breeding Base, Vegetable Industry Base and Luyuan Town Sanhekou Expressway Interchange and other places, focusing on the gratifying style of the county's characteristic and advantageous industries in the midsummer season, and launching a batch of soil, excellent photographic works with dew drops and steaming, to further promote the cultural tourism brand of "Cai Wei Shouyang Mountain, Shuangyou Weiheyuan - Welcome to Honghuo Weiyuan", tell the story of Weiyuan, and sing the voice of Weiyuan. The excellent works of photography are now exhibited.

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Weiyuan County Revolutionary Martyrs Monument" Liu Weijun/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Busy Farming" Liu Weijun/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Summer County One" Li Jun/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Summer County II" Li Jun/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Neon" Zhang Jianping/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

""Mirror" Looks at Its Changes" Zhang Jianping/Photo ""Mirror" Looks at Its Changes" Zhang Jianping/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Ear" Listens to the Eight Directions" Li Qiang/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Rural Cottage" Li Qiang/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Puchuan Scene" Yan Hong/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

""Money" Scene" Yan Hong/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Playing in the Water" Qiao Caifeng/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Rape Blossoms" Qiao Caifeng/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Shouyang Sea of Clouds" Li Long/photo

"Red Weiyuan 'Mirror' Watching Its Changes" Weiyuan County 2024 Summer Photography Exhibition (1)

"Soaring Clouds and Fog" Li Long/photo

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