
Read Xiao Fuxing's prose, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel the common beauty of the world

author:I'm here

Recently, I have been immersed in Xiao Fuxing's writings, and I have read several of his essay collections, including some of his classic works and his latest prose works. Xiao Fuxing will never let me down, any little things, memories, scenery or details of life can bring me a different kind of beauty under his words, and can make me feel the charm of life from his fresh and simple words.

Read Xiao Fuxing's prose, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel the common beauty of the world

Of course, among the essays I have read, there must be some particularly excellent, especially worthy of recommending to more friends, after all, not everyone can read a lot of his works, and they can find all of Xiao Fuxing's prose works.

Read Xiao Fuxing's prose, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel the common beauty of the world

Yu Minhong, we must have heard of him, of course we know that his channels are more through New Oriental. But in fact, he is still a reader, he is also a literary and artistic youth, and this identity also makes him have a natural sensitivity to words, he screens the words he has read through his own perception, and selects the best one to pass on to more people.

Read Xiao Fuxing's prose, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel the common beauty of the world

Now, Yu Minhong has also created such a set of "Oriental Famous Classics" series for us. And in this anthology of classic works, there is also a collection of his essays about Xiao Fuxing, which is the book I am reading at hand, "Gardenia Fragrance When Plums Are Ripe".

Read Xiao Fuxing's prose, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel the common beauty of the world

In this book, Xiao Fuxing's most representative prose is all included, including the famous "Lychee", which we are very familiar with about her and her mother's beautiful relationship with a pound of lychees, as well as the text that writes more about the scenery and humanistic stories of other parts of the outside world that he sees when he goes out.

For example, "I Went to See Chopin in Spring" is the author's story about the beautiful scenery he presented after entering Chopin's hometown and his feelings about Chopin, a great musician. Another example is "Who Knocked Over Monet's Palette", the author takes us into the small village of Monet's former residence Giverny.

Read Xiao Fuxing's prose, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel the common beauty of the world

"Standing by the pond, I think of the huge water lilies painted by Monet in the orangerie in Paris, and the long water lilies painted by Monet that occupy the entire wall at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and I can feel that every water lily there comes from here, and the pond here makes Monet. Monet, his water lilies, and the pond here, reflect each other, and achieve the glory of an era. It can create the glory of an era. ”

Read Xiao Fuxing's prose, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel the common beauty of the world

The words are beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, and the sparks of thought presented to us are equally beautiful and moving, which is the unique charm of "Xiao Fuxing Prose".

Then let's read such a selected collection of Xiao Fuxing's essays "Gardenia Fragrance When the Plum is Ripe", follow his words to travel around the world, see what he sees, think what he thinks, and feel all the beauty presented by a common world. #肖复兴##肖复兴散文##散文#

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