
Through the biographies and economic theories of three economists, we will gain insight into the world economy guided by their theories

author:I'm here

When analyzing the laws of economic development in our world today, we can clearly see the shadow of economic theory. Even the Western economic system, which has always flaunted "liberalism", does not fully conform to Adam Smith's theory of liberal economy, in which there is not only the "invisible hand", but also a large number of "visible hands" that influence the direction of the economy.

Of course, since there are economic theories, there must be economists who form these theories. We've heard many of these names, like the three Keynes, Laski, and Hayek discussed in this book. What exactly does their economic theory look like? How have they contributed to the development of the entire economic system? This is believed to be the concern of all subsequent economists.

Through the biographies and economic theories of three economists, we will gain insight into the world economy guided by their theories

What about us regular readers? We are more curious about what kind of people this group is, and what kind of life experiences have shaped their achievements? Formed their character? We also hope to better understand the theories of these celebrities, understand their lives, and guide our own lives through understanding of their lives. After all, everyone's mind has its own shadow of the past, and this kind of in-depth digging can also allow us to complete a comprehensive and detailed understanding of these economists.

Through the biographies and economic theories of three economists, we will gain insight into the world economy guided by their theories

Kennedy S. R. Khuf, a professor of political science at Western Washington University, in his book Keynes, Laski, Hayek: How Economic Thought Influenced the World, focuses on these three great economists, understanding their lives, understanding their ideas, and understanding the impact of their ideas on the overall socio-economic development.

In this book, the author first gets to know these three economists chronologically from the various information developments in the background of the times, and their theories are also different at different ages, and their impact on the world is also different.

Through the biographies and economic theories of three economists, we will gain insight into the world economy guided by their theories

Here, for example, we can read the attitude of Keynes, a child prodigy, in the early formative years of his theory. At this time, he was still a "free trade liberalist", and he had not yet produced those ideas that would influence later generations. And on a personal level, he's not a man of the rules.

And then? As we all know, Keynes's theory focuses more on the macroeconomic perspective, mainly advocating state intervention, which can be said to be a great deviation from his original economic thinking.

Through the biographies and economic theories of three economists, we will gain insight into the world economy guided by their theories

Why this deviation? In fact, we can also see the clues from his life path. Because he entered the Ministry of Finance, he also dealt with many more complex economic problems, and also learned about the important role of state intervention in economics.

Therefore, for economists, their theories are not only related to their knowledge, but also to their insights, their experiences, and the direction of their thinking.

Through the biographies and economic theories of three economists, we will gain insight into the world economy guided by their theories

Keynes, Lasky and Hayek had a lot in common in their lives, but there were also many differences, and even disputes due to different opinions, which caused their economic concepts to be very different, and they became three economic theories representing the left, middle and right in the 20th century.

In the reading of this book, under the guidance of the author on the complete tracing and sorting out of the intricate economic relations presented to us by the three economists, he compares their economic theories, explores the impact of their ideas on the world, and focuses on the shortcomings in their theories, of course, in the end, to find the best economic development model for the whole world.

Through the biographies and economic theories of three economists, we will gain insight into the world economy guided by their theories

Therefore, this is a book of economic theory, a book about the life of an economist, and a book that shows the economic development of the entire era. For all readers who are interested in economics, or want to have a deeper understanding of the laws of economic development, reading this book can help us better understand the understanding of economics on the direction of the world economy#economics##经济学家##经济#

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