
Haotian Town, Changting County: Grasp the "Three Focuses" and Strive to Run Out of the "Acceleration" of Industrial Development

author:Changting News Network

Haotian Town, Changting County: Grasp the "Three Focuses" and Strive to Run Out of the "Acceleration" of Industrial Development

Since the beginning of this year, Haotian Town, Changting County, has continued to deepen and expand the action deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee's "Deep Learning and Striving for Excellence, Dare to Be the First, and Striving for Efficiency through Practical Work", closely focusing on the theme of the "Industrial Development Year", based on industrial investment, focusing on project construction, and optimizing the business environment, and striving to promote the "acceleration" of the industrial economy.

Haotian Town, Changting County: Grasp the "Three Focuses" and Strive to Run Out of the "Acceleration" of Industrial Development

Focus on industrial investment and build a solid "ballast stone" for steady industrial growth. Our town firmly establishes the concept of "project is king", adheres to the principle of "attracting investment, grasping industry, and grasping projects", "attracting investment by hand", "attracting investment by business", "attracting investment by all employees" and "attracting investment with integrity", and formulates and promulgates the implementation plan of the "Industrial Development Year" and project tackling activities in Haotian Town in 2024, encouraging all town and village cadres to actively participate in investment promotion, and creating a strong atmosphere of attracting investment, attracting large business, and attracting good business. In the first half of the year, the main leaders of the town have led a team to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Fuzhou and other places to carry out investment promotion, visit and inspect Guangzhou Flower Research Center, Shenzhen Beyond Laser Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. and other enterprises, on the economic development, investment advantages, preferential policies and other aspects of Changting County to exchange with each other, analyze the common points of mutually beneficial development, reach a consensus on investment promotion information, and reach relevant cooperation intentions. Up to now, it has signed a prefabricated food and condiment processing industrial production project with a total investment of 70 million yuan, and plans to sign 4 industrial projects such as Changting County Huayu hardware products production project, with a total investment of about 480 million yuan. At the same time, it is actively carrying out the planning of productive projects, and is planning an annual output of 10,000 tons of selenium-rich plant biological extraction and production projects, with a total investment of about 220 million yuan.

Haotian Town, Changting County: Grasp the "Three Focuses" and Strive to Run Out of the "Acceleration" of Industrial Development

Focus on project construction and support the "hard backbone" of steady industrial growth. Project construction is a "strong engine" and "hard support" to promote high-quality development, and plays a vital role in stimulating economic growth. The town has innovatively established the "four ones" working mechanism of "one project, one leading leader, one set of special classes, and one grasp to the end", adhered to the "one project and one special class", adhered to the "meeting every Monday and consultation every half month", and regularly went deep into the front line of the enterprise, in accordance with the "one enterprise, one policy" and "one thing, one discussion" to grasp the key points, highlight the key points, and refine and account to do the key project work. At the same time, it takes the initiative to provide front-line services, track the progress of the whole process of key projects in real time, accurately connect with project needs, solve problems in the process of project construction in a timely manner, and accelerate project construction. In the first half of this year, the four key projects with a total investment of 485 million yuan in our town were progressing in an orderly manner, among which the prefabricated vegetables and meat deep processing projects of Liangrongfu in Changting County were advanced beyond schedule; 1 completion task of more than 100 million yuan has been completed, 2 projects are planned to be declared to start construction, and 1 project has been completed; There are 5 new fixed assets in the system, with an investment of about 200 million yuan, of which about 130 million yuan is industrial fixed investment, and the industrial output value has completed 126%, ranking first in the county.

Haotian Town, Changting County: Grasp the "Three Focuses" and Strive to Run Out of the "Acceleration" of Industrial Development

Focus on enterprise services and inject a "booster" into the steady growth of industry. Our town thoroughly implements the relevant decisions and deployments of the central, provincial, municipal, and county governments on optimizing the business environment, actively carries out the activity of "thousands of cadres linked to thousands of enterprises", takes the initiative to provide front-line services, and coordinates the implementation of policies to benefit enterprises in terms of financing promotion, stable employment, service cultivation, relief and burden reduction, etc., and continues to improve the level of service enterprises, effectively and warmly help enterprises, and help the high-quality development of the town's industrial economy. Our town has set up a "helper agency window" in the comprehensive convenience service center, according to the classification of the type of project, comprehensively sort out the list of helper agency services, refine the service content, standardize the service process, and provide free and "one-to-one" helper agency services to enterprises that apply for helper agency. Since the implementation of one-stop service for enterprises this year, it has provided more than 50 point-to-point and face-to-face assistance services for enterprises, coordinated and solved problems more than 10 times, and consulted more than 200 times of various information, providing accurate help for the development of enterprises.

Haotian Town, Changting County: Grasp the "Three Focuses" and Strive to Run Out of the "Acceleration" of Industrial Development

In the next step, Haotian Town will continue to carry forward the work style of "Chong Chong Chong", efficiently promote the "Industrial Development Year" activities, improve the effectiveness of investment promotion, focus on the promotion of key projects and enterprise services, and go all out to implement various tasks with a more pragmatic attitude, so as to contribute to the construction of a strong industrial county.

(Ryota Ryūta)

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