
Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

author:Jiangqi Group

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! On June 29, the 2024 JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet off-road crossing tour officially departed. At the event site, hundreds of people from JAC Pickup, Yunnan dealer partners, closest user friends, and media friends participated in the event to taste the JAC T8 Nighthawk and the 2024 JAC Hun Tu Bobcat.

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

There is Jiamu in the south, and Pu'er is heavy in the world. Pu'er is the world's source of tea, the hometown of Pu'er tea, and the source of the Ancient Tea Horse Road. Here, mountains, basins, rivers, canyons are intertwined, and pickups are very adaptable. As the person in charge of Pu'er Pingtai dealer said in his speech, JAC pickup is well received by Pu'er pickup users, whether it is tea mountains, mines, rubber forests, or construction sites, streets and alleys, fields, there are JAC pickup trucks everywhere.

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

With the fragrance of tea, JAC pickup truck has brought two blockbuster off-road products to Pu'er pickup users, namely the JAC T8 Nighthawk priced at 124,800 yuan - 126,800 yuan and the 2024 JAC Huntus Bobcat priced at 156,800 yuan - 183,000 yuan, from now until September 30, you can buy JAC pickup off-road products to enjoy a huge discount of up to 19,000 yuan, that is, an outdoor camping tent worth 388 yuan.

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

Among them, JAC T8 Nighthawk is equipped with a diesel 2.0CTI+6MT gearbox, a standard four-wheel drive system, and off-road kits such as front and rear racing bars and wading hoses are added, so that the majority of off-road enthusiasts can easily realize their off-road dreams; The 2024 Humtu Bobcat has five core values, including "hard-core style, super safety, intelligent comfort, hard-core off-road, and five-star service", and is a good choice for the original hard-core off-road pickup.

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

As a "global hard-core pickup advocate", JAC pickup not only has a tough product shape, hard-core performance, and excellent quality, but also the users are more hard-lined, they love life, yearn for nature, and have the courage to open up, and the title of "hard-core hero" is appropriate. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of JAC Group, JAC Pickup launched the "Salute to Hardcore Heroes" activity. At the scene, Master Gao, an off-road Internet celebrity and the owner of the JAC Hutu Green Devil, shared his off-road story and jointly depicted the hard-core life on the plateau.

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

Every pickup off-road enthusiast has a blazing heart. As an advocate of China's hard-core pickup, JAC pickup will build a solid backing for Master Gao and more off-road enthusiasts. In order to repay the love of Pu'er users, JAC Pickup has also prepared 3 rounds of lucky draws. This year, JAC Pickup will carry out six major crossing activities. At the event site, the JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet crossing tour officially departed. With the issuance of the departure order, the JAC pickup truck team will go all the way west to a soul-shaking journey through Yunnan and Tibet.

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

From Pu'er, the Jianghuai pickup fleet will pass through Kunming and Dali, then through the primeval forests of the Hengduan Mountains, then across the Yunnan-Tibet border, and then all the way west to Lhasa, Tibet, and then back to Yunnan. This Yunnan-Tibet cross-country journey, along the way mountains, canyons, dangerous shoals, snow-capped mountains continuous, JAC pickup truck will cope with a variety of extreme environments and complex road conditions.

Hardcore power, fearless competition to the top! The JAC pickup Yunnan-Tibet cross-country crossing journey started passionately

If you also like hardcore pickups and travel adventures, you might as well join the JAC pickup family now and start a hardcore life!