
Ningshan County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

This newspaper (correspondent Wang Hui) time tempers faith, and years witness the original intention. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, recently, the Ningshan County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carried out a series of activities around the theme of "Welcoming July 1st, Celebrating the Party's Grace, and Writing a New Chapter", guiding party members and cadres not to forget their original intention to praise the party's kindness and unswervingly follow the party.

Ningshan County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Visit and study to build a strong ideological line of defense. The bureau organized more than 30 party members and cadres to walk into the red historical and cultural corridor of Wulangguan in Ningshan County, and under the guidance of the commentator, they admired the historical and cultural reliefs of Ningshan County, listened carefully to the glorious deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, reviewed the glorious history of the party, and used on-site teaching methods to learn and educate, and accept spiritual baptism.

Review the oath and temper the party spirit. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution ......" In the red historical and cultural corridor of Wulangguan, all party members and cadres faced the party flag, clenched their right fists, solemnly swore and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The sonorous and powerful oath once again ignited the passion of party members and cadres to love and respect the party, and strengthened their determination to follow the party forever.

Ningshan County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Red recitation, feel the power of faith. More than 10 party members and cadres recited red classics such as "There is a Page of History" and "Reading China" with passion through individual speeches and group recitations. The poems full of righteousness and popularity were brilliantly interpreted by the reciters, either generously or passionately, eulogizing the glorious course of the party, praising the greatness of the motherland, and praising the new era of socialism. The whole recitation was passionate, climaxing, and applauding, which brought a visual and auditory feast to the party members and cadres on the scene.

Commitment to integrity, standardize their words and deeds. "I will keep in mind the purpose of serving the people, set an example, and be honest in politics...... members of the party group of the bureau and representatives of the heads of the unit offices made public commitments in terms of "ideological understanding, abiding by rules and disciplines, serving the people, and being honest and self-disciplined", and accepted the supervision of cadres and workers. The promises show the original intention of honesty and integrity, and also advocate that the cadres of the organs join hands to jointly praise the clean and honest rhyme, establish a clean and civilized new style, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of the housing and construction industry.

Ningshan County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Political birthday, inspire the red heart. Join the party organizationally, once in a lifetime; Ideologically join the party, for a lifetime. At the political birthday party, the secretary of the party group of the bureau will send a carefully customized "political birthday card" to each party member, which contains both warm and heartfelt blessings and ardent hopes for party members.

Listen to the party class and gather the strength to forge ahead. Focusing on the theme of "revisiting the glorious history, inheriting the fine traditions, and stimulating the vitality of the officers", the party secretary of the bureau uses lively and vivid language to unify thoughts, string theories, tell examples, tell stories, and inspire resonance, and infiltrate little by little, so that party members and cadres can understand the original intention and mission of party members and strengthen their responsibilities in a vivid and vivid explanation.

Editor in charge: Anxin Review: Yang Yong

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