
Hong Kong students visit Shanghai: touch the history of Wu Gen Yue Jiao and feel the charm of Jinshan culture, Shanghai, Shanghai News, July 1 (Fan Yubin) Recently, the weekend theme visit of the Shanghai-Hong Kong 2024 Young Students (HKBU Elite) Internship Programme was held in Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai. With the theme of "Touching the History of Wugen Yuejiao and Feeling the Charm of Jinshan Culture", young students went to Fengjing Ancient Town, Chinese Peasant Painting Village, Jovo Vegetable Agricultural Expo Park, Legoland Project Construction Headquarters to visit and learn to experience the charm of Jinshan culture. Cai Hongmei, vice president of Shanghai Jinshan District Overseas Friendship Association, and Mak Dequan, executive vice president of the Federation of Shanghai-Hong Kong Community Organizations, attended the event.

Hong Kong students visit Shanghai: touch the history of Wu Gen Yue Jiao and feel the charm of Jinshan culture

The scene of the event. Photo courtesy of Jinshan District Overseas Friendship Association

In Fengjing Ancient Town, Hong Kong students visited the Xie Tianxi Art Museum, Ding Cong Art Museum and other exhibition halls, and learned about the glorious history of Fengjing Town as a famous historical and cultural town in China since ancient times. Through observing and appreciating Ding Cong's works and understanding the details of his simple life, I felt Ding Cong's feelings of pursuing truth and his life attitude of loving art and life.

Hong Kong students visit Shanghai: touch the history of Wu Gen Yue Jiao and feel the charm of Jinshan culture

The scene of the event. Photo courtesy of Jinshan District Overseas Friendship Association

In the China Peasant Painting Village, Hong Kong students learned about the development and evolution of Jinshan peasant painting, as well as the representative works of peasant painting in various places. In order to immerse themselves in the colorful, exaggerated and clumsy characteristics of Jinshan farmers, the students conscientiously carried out the peasant painting experience activities under the leadership of Chen Huifang and Cao Xiuwen, two intangible cultural heritage inheritors of peasant paintings. The Hong Kong students said that the process of experiencing peasant painting was not only a process of learning and experiencing characteristic culture and art, but also a beautiful memorial of their internship trip in Shanghai.

Hong Kong students visit Shanghai: touch the history of Wu Gen Yue Jiao and feel the charm of Jinshan culture

The scene of the event. Photo courtesy of Jinshan District Overseas Friendship Association

"I didn't expect passion fruit to grow like this!" "There's actually a word on this pumpkin, it's curious!" "Where are the main markets for the vegetables produced here? How much more expensive than the market price? "In the JOVO Vegetable Agricultural Expo Park, Hong Kong students, led by the staff, visited Asia's largest all-environment intelligent greenhouse, experienced the development achievements in the field of modern agriculture, and asked questions while visiting, learning knowledge and expanding their horizons imperceptibly.

Hong Kong students visit Shanghai: touch the history of Wu Gen Yue Jiao and feel the charm of Jinshan culture

The scene of the event. Photo courtesy of Jinshan District Overseas Friendship Association

At the Legoland project construction headquarters, Hong Kong students learned about the background and planning of the Legoland project construction, and many of them "Lego fans" said, "After the park opens next year, they will definitely come to play." (ENDS)

Editor: Fan Yubin

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