
The new trend of public welfare in Shencheng: the hot-blooded youth "July 1st" draws a "red" picture of life, Shanghai
The new trend of public welfare in Shencheng: the hot-blooded youth "July 1st" draws a "red" picture of life, Shanghai News, July 1 (Chen Jing, Zhu Guangyu) On July 1, a red-themed blood donation vehicle with its distinctive "hot-blooded new youth" logo parked on the side of the First National Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China. In front of the bus, volunteers held high propaganda signs and enthusiastically introduced the significance of blood donation to passers-by; The citizens who were ready to donate blood filled out the form carefully, and their love and dedication reflected the enthusiasm of the volunteers, drawing a moving picture of the city's public welfare.

It is reported that this is a public welfare project jointly initiated by the Shanghai Blood Center and the "Great Public Welfare" affiliated to the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, which innovatively combines red education with public welfare blood donation, stimulates the enthusiasm and dedication of the new generation of young people, and encourages them to take practical actions to send hope to patients in need of blood.

Since the launch of World Blood Donor Day on June 14, the project has attracted countless blood donors and volunteers with great love. The reporter witnessed the touching stories of blood donation at the scene. Wang Yanbin, a veteran party member with 29 years of party experience, works as a party building worker in a catering group. Wang Yanbin is not only an experienced veteran party member who is highly respected by young party members, but also a regular blood donor with a record of more than 50 blood donations. For Wang, donating blood and volunteering has become part of his daily life.

The new trend of public welfare in Shencheng: the hot-blooded youth "July 1st" draws a "red" picture of life

On July 1 last year, Wang Yanbin donated blood in Beijing to celebrate the party's birthday in a special way. Today, he expressed his faith and dedication with his actions, and specially came to the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China to donate blood. In this place of historical significance, he continues to practice the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly with his own blood.

Chen Xin is a young party member from the Shanghai Film Academy of Shanghai University. On the 1st, she chose to complete her first blood donation in Shanghai on the blood donation vehicle next to the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China. It is understood that since she was a child, she has been nurtured by her mother and aspires to be a helpful person. As an adult, she not only turned this wish into action, but also hoped to inject hope into the lives of others through a special way of donating blood.

It is understood that Chen Xin, who is only 23 years old, is already a regular blood donor with many blood donation experiences. Chen Xin said that the experience of donating blood was very meaningful to her. In the future, she will continue to donate blood to save people and write youth with blood.

The new trend of public welfare in Shencheng: the hot-blooded youth "July 1st" draws a "red" picture of life

The reporter learned that there are also special "one public welfare" theme stamps and co-branded souvenirs for blood donors, which are not only witnesses of their participation in public welfare and dedication, but also a precious memory.

The Party Committee of Shanghai Blood Center launched an initiative to the young party members to mobilize them to use the rest time to go to the "First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China" and other blood donation points to carry out voluntary blood donation publicity and recruitment volunteer services, which has received positive response and active participation from the majority of party members.

This enthusiastic initiative was responded to by the Party Committee of the Shanghai Clinical Laboratory Center, and on July 1, the Party members and volunteers of the Shanghai Blood Center and the Shanghai Clinical Laboratory Center formed a joint volunteer team. Dressed in volunteer red vests and holding billboards, they disseminated blood donation knowledge to the public and collected blood. The volunteers are busy but methodical, patiently answering questions and providing intimate services, so that every blood donor can get an unforgettable and warm blood donation experience.

It is understood that at present, 37 youth league members of the Shanghai Blood Center have participated in volunteer services during their breaks, with a total of nearly 100 hours of service. It is expected that by the end of July, more than 100 party members will join the ranks of volunteers in the Municipal Blood Center and the Municipal Clinical Inspection Center to ensure the supply of clinical blood in Shanghai with practical actions, demonstrating the sense of responsibility and mission of young people in the new era.

In order to expand the public welfare influence of the project, encourage more people to participate in it. The "Bloody New Youth" project will also open the "Bloody New Youth Theme Blood Donation Vehicle" to the public as a volunteer service base, and citizens can sign up to participate in volunteer service by scanning the QR code through the WeChat official account of Shanghai Blood Center. Since 15 June, more than 430 people have signed up for volunteer service. After 2 hours of volunteer service, you can also get a certificate of joint volunteer service for a major public welfare.

The new trend of public welfare in Shencheng: the hot-blooded youth "July 1st" draws a "red" picture of life

Lin Junjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Blood Center, said: "Recently, the Shanghai Blood Center Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Memorial Hall Committee of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China reached a relevant agreement on the development of party building and co-constructionand actively build a new pattern of party building work on both sides. ”

Participating in blood donation and carrying out volunteer services in the birthplace of the Communist Party of China is a practical action to give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and league members, and to practice the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. It is not only a vivid practice of the spirit of party building, but also the inheritance and promotion of the red spirit.

Shanghai is a medical-oriented city, with a well-developed level of medical technology and an increasing number of high-precision surgeries, which also puts forward higher requirements for clinical blood security. According to statistics, Shanghai needs 1,700 pieces of blood every day to meet the blood needs of clinical patients. As the scorching summer season approaches, hot weather may lead to fewer pedestrians on the streets, posing a challenge to blood recruitment. Therefore, the Municipal Blood Center calls on more caring citizens to actively participate in the ranks of unpaid blood donation, relay for life, and help love.

The "Enthusiastic New Youth" blood donation vehicle will also stop next to the First National Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China until July 23. Citizens can make an appointment to donate blood or sign up for volunteer services through the WeChat official account of Shanghai Blood Center, and jointly write a chapter of love in the city.

Editor: Chen Jing

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