
"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

author:Inspector Enigma Dragon
Sources: The content of this article is all reliable information, and the source is placed at the end of the article.

This is a case full of twists and turns!

Because the case is too complicated, CCTV's "Today's Statement" used three issues for the first time to finish this case of killing a wife and defrauding insurance involving 29 million.

As soon as the show was broadcast, it quickly rushed to the hot search.

coincided with the Midyear Festival, and the husband's sentence "My wife is worth 29 million, why don't you do this?", the people who listened to it shuddered.

Next, let's take a closer look at the story behind this Liaoning wife murder case......

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

Bizarre car accidents

At around 11 p.m. on January 27, 2018, a serious car accident occurred on Chongguan Roadring Island in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province.

A Toyota Highlander off-road vehicle with a Beijing license plate actually crossed the steps by the wall and slammed into the retaining wall on the side of the road, and the whole car was knocked beyond recognition.

The husband and wife in the car were not in good condition, and his wife Yan Kun was sitting in the back seat, and died on the spot because there was no protection measure.

Husband Zhou Jin, who was sitting in the driver's seat, although he saved his life because he was wearing a seat belt, was also lying on the steering wheel and moaning in pain, his legs were broken, and he was stuck in the seat and could not get out.

Because the vehicle was seriously damaged and the windows could not be opened, it was not easy to rescue Zhou Jin smoothly.

In the end, the firefighters had to use professional demolition tools to break open the car door.

As soon as the car door opened, a pungent smell of alcohol greeted me.

The firefighters didn't care about this, but quickly cut Zhou Jin's seat belt, which successfully rescued him, and 120 immediately sent him to the hospital ICU for rescue.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

The husband's life is in danger, and the wife dies on the spot! This kind of human tragedy makes people at the scene of the car accident sigh.

Yan Kun's mother cried even more bitterly after learning of her daughter's accidental death: "Isn't this a white-haired person sending a black-haired person?" It's not easy for us to raise it for more than 40 years! ”

It is understood that Zhou Jin is 49 years old and is from Jinzhou, while Yan Kun is 43 years old and is from Beijing, and the two are in a second marriage.

The two originally planned to return to Beijing from Jinzhou, but they didn't expect to have a car accident.

Unexpectedly, after repeated investigations by the traffic police, it was found that this was not a simple traffic accident, but a long-planned murder case.

With the efforts of the traffic police and the criminal police, Zhou Jin, who originally refused to admit his guilt, finally admitted his crime of killing his wife.

So, how did the traffic police discover Zhou Jin's conspiracy? How did Zhou Jin kill his wife? And why did he kill the pillow man? Let's take a closer look.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

Twice murdered his wife

In 2016, Zhou Jin and Yan Kun entered the palace of marriage. After marriage, Zhou Jin treated Yan Kun very well, not only tolerated her little temper, but also often took her to travel everywhere.

Therefore, Yan Kun's mother is very satisfied with this son-in-law, she feels that Zhou Jin not only doesn't mind Yan Kun having epilepsy, but also treats her daughter very well.

In the eyes of Yan Kun's sister, Zhou Jin is also a rich man.

Since Yan Kun and Zhou Jin got married, not only do they not have to work hard, but they can also travel often, and their rich days are not too comfortable.

So they couldn't figure it out, why did Zhou Jin kill Yan Kun?

According to Yan Kun's confession, in fact, he premeditated the murder of his wife twice, but the first time ended in failure.

In 2017, Zhou Jin deliberately caused a car accident when the car he was driving crashed into a street lamp.

But because the road was hollow, and Yan Kun was also wearing a seat belt, the airbag that finally popped out protected Yan Kun, so she was not killed, and both of them were only slightly injured.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

Afterwards, Zhou Jin lied that Yan Kun had a seizure, and he was in a hurry before he hit the street lamp.

At that time, Yan Kun and his family didn't think much about it, but thought that Zhou Jin had protected Yan Kun, so they treated him better.

Perhaps it was precisely because he was not suspected this time that Zhou Jin was bold, so he brewed a second car accident and killed Yan Kun.

And the reason why Zhou Jin killed his wife was also because the traffic police insisted on investigating this suspicious car accident, which was exposed step by step.

A suspicious car accident

After the second car accident, the traffic police felt that the traffic accident was not so simple, as if it was man-made, so they repeatedly investigated the scene.

In the end, the following doubts were discovered:

There was a smell of alcohol in the car at the time, and half a bottle of undamaged liquor was found, but Zhou Jin's blood did not detect alcohol, proving that he was not drunk driving, where did the strong smell of wine come from?

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

At that time, the temperature was minus 20 °C, Yan Kun in the car was wearing thin underwear, while Zhou Jin was wearing a thick down jacket. Sitting in the same car, is this kind of clothing contrast too great?

According to the data analysis of the airbag control module of the vehicle involved in the accident, Zhou Jin was driving at a speed of more than 80 km/h at that time.

However, on the roundabout of the three-way road, such a high speed is extremely dangerous, and the safe speed is only 60 km/h, otherwise it is easy to slide or roll over. Why did Zhou Jin drive at such a high speed?

The roundabout is sparsely populated, and there is no surveillance for three kilometers nearby. Even if the husband and wife return to Beijing in the middle of the night, this is not on the route back to Beijing, why do they drive here in the middle of the night?

The driver's seat of the car was adjusted very rear, and for Zhou Jin, who was only 1.69cm tall, he needed to stretch his arms and lean his neck to drive, which was undoubtedly very tiring.

Judging by Yan Kun's death posture at that time, she should have sat in the middle of the back seat of the car.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

The position is raised and uncomfortable to sit in, why would she sit in such a position?

There was a square pillow in front of Zhou Jin, as if he already knew what was going to happen and protected it in advance. A normal driver drives, but there is no such thing.

On the day of the incident, Zhou Jin and Yan Kun obviously went home together, but Yan Kun was only seen to appear once in the morning during the surveillance, and Zhou Jin was alone the rest of the time.

All the suspicions added together made the traffic police suspect that it was a man-made car accident.

And, through many experiments, they found that only by practicing driving in this section many times, entering the roundabout at a high speed, then slowing down slightly when turning, and finally slamming on the accelerator, can they cause such a strange and serious traffic accident.

But their next investigation was at a loss, because in the face of their questioning, Zhou Jin didn't admit anything as if he was fine, insisting that it was an accident.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

Just when the case was at an impasse, Yan Kun's sister found the key clues to crack the case.

30 accident insurance policies

Because Yan Kun had been dead for many days, her family wanted the deceased to be buried as soon as possible, so they told the traffic police this idea.

Then, in accordance with the regulations, the traffic police asked the family members to provide the original household registration book and marriage certificate.

Yan Kun's sister immediately set off and went to Yan Kun's home in Beijing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the house, I hadn't found the household registration book, but I found a thick stack of personal accident insurance policies, a total of 30 copies, and Zhou Jin and the deceased Yan Kun were each other's beneficiaries.

Since they are mutually beneficiaries, there seems to be nothing wrong with that.

But anyway, it's so strange that there are so many insurance policies, and the police probably calculated that the policy amount is as high as 10 million!

If Yan Kun dies unexpectedly, Zhou Jin can get up to 29 million in compensation!

This made the traffic police even more convinced that this was a man-made traffic accident, so they wanted to conduct an autopsy on Yan Kun.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

Yan Kun's family didn't want to agree, but they wanted to know the real cause of Yan Kun's death, so they agreed.

And after the autopsy results came out, it was also shocking.

Extraordinarily unconscionable autopsy results

Judging from the autopsy results, Yan Kun was severely damaged in many parts of his body, with a severe fracture of his skull, a fracture of his right chest and ribs, a large area of muscle contusion on his back, and a broken spine.

Such a severity proves that Yan Kun has suffered many hits in the car.

If she was sober, she would definitely subconsciously protect herself, why would she let herself suffer so much?

What's more, there are no scars on her body from protective behavior.

Therefore, the medical examiner concluded that before the accident was discovered, Yan Kun was in a state of unconsciousness or coma.

Later, the forensic doctor found two neurosuppressive drugs in Yan Kun's body, one of which was drug A that was taken because the deceased had epilepsy, so how to explain the other drug B?

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

Once drug B is taken, it will make people fall into a coma and coma, and the content of drug B in the deceased's body has reached a state of poisoning!

At this point, the traffic police have been convinced that this is a premeditated murder of his wife. So, the case was handed over to the criminal police.

After further investigation, the criminal police also found that Zhou Jin was a person who was very hidden.

Up to 6 million in debt

Zhou Jin's image of a rich man is actually an illusion created by tearing down the east wall and making up the west wall.

When he was young, he went to Beijing from Jinzhou to do business and opened restaurants, but he lost all of them.

Now not only does he have no deposit, but he has also lost more than 3 million in stocks, plus the tuition fees of his ex-wife's daughter in Beijing's private school, the high expenditure of insurance policies, etc., his debt has reached more than 6 million!

Moreover, he is also a person with a history of theft.

At this point, the police have determined that Zhou Jin is suspected of murder and decided to arrest and interrogate him.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

Brought to justice

In October 2019, Zhou Jin, who had undergone multiple surgeries, was almost recovering, and the police called him and said that he needed to cooperate with the investigation.

But when the police arrived at Zhou Jin's house and wanted to investigate his mobile phone, he lied that the phone was not there and behaved very resistantly. The police sensed that something was wrong, insisted many times, and finally got Zhou Jin's mobile phone.

Sure enough, in Zhou Jin's mobile phone, the police found important clues!

On October 16, 2017, shortly before the accident, Zhou Jin transferred 350 yuan to a person named "Erotic Chick" to buy a drug C.

In this regard, Zhou Jin lied that his mother did not sleep well and bought it for his mother.

But Zhou Jin's sister works in the hospital, why don't you let her sister get medicine for her mother? He was clearly hiding something.

Continuing the investigation, the police found that the "Erotic Chick" was a middleman who posted advertisements, and successfully found his predecessor, who was a habitual offender who sold illegal drugs.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

The drug C purchased by Zhou Jin was actually the drug B in the deceased's body, but this habitual offender put drug B into a bottle with the word "drug C" and sold it at a high price.

But even if the physical evidence is available, Zhou Jin does not admit that he killed his wife.

It wasn't until Yan Kun's mother and sister recalled the first car accident caused by Zhou Jin in 2017 that things took a turn for the better.

When they thought about it, they felt that the car accident was unusual, because Yan Kun had urinary incontinence when he had epilepsy, but there was no urinary incontinence in that accident.

And if you have a seizure, you will soon be brain dead due to lack of oxygen, how can you be in a coma in an ambulance for so long?

In order to confirm the conjecture of Yan Kun's family, the police found Yan Kun's doctor at that time.

The doctor said that although Yan Kun had no external injuries at that time, he fell into a coma, which made him feel very strange.

"29 million, you can buy my wife's life", CCTV broadcast the wife murder and insurance fraud case for 3 consecutive days

He had put forward a few conjectures, but before he could ask in detail, Yan Kun was picked up by his family.

One strange car accident can be said to be an accident, and two times can't be done, right? This proves that Zhou Jin deliberately killed his wife twice for insurance compensation.

With all the human evidence, physical evidence, and motives, Zhou Jin had no choice but to admit his crime.

It turned out that in 2017, he kept receiving debt collection messages, so he moved the evil idea of "killing his wife and cheating insurance".

And he also bought insurance for himself, just to make Yan Kun not suspicious.

At this point, this tortuous case has finally come to an end.


The legal net is restored, and we must not try to exploit the loopholes of the law, otherwise what awaits us will be the punishment of the law.

At the same time, please keep your eyes open and don't be deceived by a person's appearance.


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