
ICBC Bozhou Alashankou Sub-branch organized and carried out publicity activities to prevent illegal fundraising

author:Cutting-edge fashion Xinjiang

June 2024 is the 12th National Publicity Month for the Prevention of Illegal Fundraising, in order to further strengthen the publicity of the prevention of illegal fundraising, enhance the public's safety awareness and identification ability to prevent illegal fundraising, and protect the legitimate economic interests of the people. In the past few days, ICBC Bozhou Alashankou Sub-branch has organized and carried out publicity activities to prevent illegal fundraising.

ICBC Bozhou Alashankou Sub-branch organized and carried out publicity activities to prevent illegal fundraising

During the event, the Alashankou sub-branch set up a consultation desk, and the staff explained the real illegal fundraising cases around them for the customers waiting for business in the hall, vividly reproduced the common and prone illegal fundraising methods, and reminded everyone to improve their awareness of self-safety precautions in daily life, and to achieve "three noes and one want" when encountering illegal fundraising, that is, not to be gullible, not to disclose, not to transfer, and to report to the police or report in time, which was widely praised by customers.

ICBC Bozhou Alashankou Sub-branch organized and carried out publicity activities to prevent illegal fundraising
ICBC Bozhou Alashankou Sub-branch organized and carried out publicity activities to prevent illegal fundraising

At the same time, the staff went deep into supermarkets, shops, parks, enterprises and other places in the jurisdiction, and explained the definition, characteristics and prevention skills of illegal fundraising to the masses in an all-round and multi-angle manner through face-to-face preaching, one-to-one interpretation of regulations, and analysis of typical cases, patiently answered the questions raised by the masses, reminded the masses to be vigilant against "capital preservation and high return" investment, and guided community residents to establish a rational concept of investment and consumption.

ICBC Bozhou Alashankou Sub-branch organized and carried out publicity activities to prevent illegal fundraising

Mr. Li, a resident of Fuxin Community, said: "This kind of publicity activity is very useful for us people, we can learn a lot about protecting the safety of our own property, I will protect my property, do not participate in illegal fundraising activities, and be a law-abiding citizen." ”

Through a series of publicity activities, the awareness of the broad masses of the people to guard against economic crimes has been enhanced, and the enthusiasm and initiative of the broad masses of the people to guard against illegal fund-raising have been enhanced. In the next step, ICBC Bozhou Alashankou Sub-branch will continue to fulfill the obligation of publicity and education on the prevention of illegal fundraising and fund monitoring, continuously increase the publicity and education on the prevention of illegal fundraising, and promote normalized publicity with concentrated publicity, so as to jointly create a good social atmosphere of mass prevention and mass governance, prevention and rejection of non-compliance, and contribute to maintaining financial security and stability.

(Correspondent: Luo Baoming)

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