
Canyang Street: "One Covenant and Five Meetings" advocates a new style of civilization

author:Zhumadian network

Zhumadian Network News (Correspondent Liu Xuyi) Recently, Suiping County's Canyang Street held a work and study seminar on changing customs and customs, and the main members of the "One Appointment and Five Meetings" of various communities in the street participated in the study and seminar.

Canyang Street: "One Covenant and Five Meetings" advocates a new style of civilization

At the seminar, everyone discussed how to use the Red and White Council, village rules and conventions to carry out a wide range of activities to change customs and customs, guide the masses to be advocates and practitioners of changing customs and customs, and cultivate simple folk customs, good family customs and civilized rural customs.

Canyang Street: "One Covenant and Five Meetings" advocates a new style of civilization

Subsequently, according to the key opinions of the work study and discussion of the "one appointment and five meetings" of the street, each community took the "one appointment and five meetings" of the community as the starting point, innovated the method of formulating village rules and conventions, combined with the actual situation of the community and the village, and compiled it "personalized", insisted on the recognition of the masses, highlighted the feasible and effective, and provided village residents with universally recognized behavioral norms and constraints.

Canyang Street: "One Covenant and Five Meetings" advocates a new style of civilization

In the next step, all communities in the neighborhood will adhere to the organic combination of rule by virtue and autonomy and the rule of law, widely solicit the opinions of the masses, revise and improve the village rules and regulations, and guide the villagers to take the initiative to change their concepts and correct bad ideas and stereotypes through the improvement of the "one covenant and five meetings".