
Remuneration 900/article! "Reader" Magazine's July Theme Call for Papers: "Sports Walk with Me"

author:Essay Submission Station

In this world, sports is the greatest embodiment of human wisdom, and its emergence not only promotes human physical fitness and ability to move towards higher, faster and stronger, but also adds more possible options for the development of the whole human race - not only on land, but also in the sky and under the water, which can become a dream stage for us to challenge our limits and surpass ourselves.

Whether it's running on the green field, swimming in the pool, climbing in the mountains, or flying high in the air, every breath and heartbeat records the long and wonderful story between us and sports. Along with sports, you're sure to have the most unique and amazing journey.

In July, when you enjoy the beauty of athletes' posture and competitive sports in the European Championships, Wimbledon and the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games, please also "warm up" with your pen and tell those interesting and moving stories about you and sports.

Manuscript Requirements:

1. Please tell an interesting story about you and sports under the topic of "Sports with Me".

2. Number of words: within 3000 words is appropriate.

3. We will select 1-3 excellent works from the submissions, and send a hand-painted watercolor succulent plant notebook "Little Fresh Meat" made by the cultural and creative team of this journal to the author.

4. Outstanding works will have the opportunity to be published in the magazine "Reader" (original edition). Once published, the remuneration of 300 yuan/1,000 words will be paid.

5. E-mail: [email protected] please indicate your contact information (phone number, address, name, etc.) in the manuscript so that we can get in touch with you.

6. Deadline: July 31, 2024.

7. The winners and the topics of next month's essay will be announced on August 1, 2024.

"Summer in the Old House" Looking at the line

On the day I learned that my grandmother's old house had collapsed, I felt a sense of sadness for no reason, and I thought of the cuckoos in the mountains, the rustle of the leaves in the wind, and those long, lonely and lively summer vacations.

After my parents were busy with their business, I often spent my summer vacation in my grandmother's old house. It was an adobe house hidden deep in the mountains, surrounded by dense forests on three sides, and at the entrance there was a "dojo" made of flattened dirt land, and further on, the dense cornfields were connected to the mountains and forests again down the slope. My grandmother's old house grew alone between the mountains and the lush forest, and all my best memories of the summer vacation began to sprout from here.

Because the old house is very remote, I often don't see a person pass by for ten days and half a month, and everything inside and outside the house becomes the object of my exploration. Less than two meters behind the house is the cliff wall of the back mountain, a thin spring flows down the cliff wall, bubbling into the small puddle dug by the grandmother, in the morning put the watermelon and the orange juice washed with hot water into the puddle, and then take it out when it is hot in the afternoon, the watermelon and the wall of the cup containing the juice are covered with a thin layer of white frost like sugar, and the coolness is full of spleen.

On the morning when it wasn't raining, my grandmother would drive the sheep into the mountains early, and after breakfast, she would go to the nearby mountains to pick tea, and I would be at home by myself. The electrical circuit in the mountains is not very stable, power outages are a common thing, in case of power outages, I take my grandmother's dog to the house, put the chairs down in a circle, and then spread a layer of canvas on the ground to dry the grain, this is my home. In addition to puppies, I have a lot of friends who can come up with whenever I need them. When I was a hero in ancient times, the puppy was my horse, I had a young hero friend with strong martial arts, and a martial arts girl who was empathetic and accompanied me to the end of the world, we duel with the bad guys in the big "dojo", and we also drank happily in the house I built. When I was tired of playing, I lay down on the canvas, listening to the wind blowing through the woods, blowing over the hills, blowing the clouds in the sky to swim around, and gradually I couldn't see the shape, and when the wind blew on the cool canvas, I was in a trance, and even I fell into the clouds swimming around.


In the evening, my grandmother took me with me to drive the sheep back to the pen. The sheepfold is on the hill to the left of the old house, the flat land on the hill was originally planted with corn, and after the corn is harvested, it becomes a flat land, my grandmother drove the sheep, and I sat on the small ridge of the cornfield, where I can see far away, blowing the evening breeze, listening to the bells of the head sheep, looking at the calm Yangtze River at the foot of the mountain like a ribbon, tied between me and the towering mountains opposite, the sunset hangs on the mountains, and then soaks in the orange glow little by little, until the sky begins to turn blue, and gradually blends with the continuous mountains. When I realized that it was time to go home, the sheep had already entered the pen, my grandmother's flashlight was on in the night, and we held hands and walked along the mountain road towards the old house not far away.

Before going to bed every day, there is one more thing that must be done, which is to brag about the horn. There are many wild boars in the mountains, grandma said, blowing the horn can drive away wild boars, at first it was grandma blowing, and then I also learned, grandma stood with me on the balcony on the second floor, I held up the black horns with both hands, cut off the tip of the horns to the mouth, puffed up the cheeks to blow in, "woo ~ woo ~ woo ~" The horn sounded, the sound was thick and melodious, in the deep night to draw a bend of the distant notes, through the cornfield, across the heavy mountains, has been connected to the white moonlight on the edge of the sky. I changed all kinds of tones with great interest, so that the horn sounded in the valley, "Woo woo~~" "Woo ~ woo ~ " "Woo ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ", I was tired of blowing, so I lay back on the bed, and my grandmother's story just began, I followed the melodious sound of the horn and lay down in a dream together.

In this way, in the mountains one good dream after another, I spent the summer vacation of my entire childhood and even my teenage years. Those days decorated with the breeze, the moonlight, the song of insects and birds, and the smell of plants and trees have been screened again and again in countless periods after me, and even all kinds of similar fragments will still appear in my life. It's just that later, there is no such lively book, and it is difficult to have such a good dream.

"Summer Crazy Growth" Li Wanzhao

My memories of summer vacation are all focused on teenagers, elementary and junior high school grades. High school has almost no holidays.

At that time, although the summer vacation was the same, it was like heaven every year, and it belonged to the paradise unique to rural teenagers.

The so-called spring planting, summer growth, summer is a season when everything in the field grows wildly. The same is true for teenagers.

The teacher did not assign homework, but only handed out a book of "Summer Vacation Life", which contained some homework questions. But this homework is set according to the model of urban children, which is somewhat detached from life for rural children, almost useless, and after the school starts, the teacher does not check it. A lot of kids just threw it away.

Summer is green, endless green, flowing between heaven and earth. Trees, crops, wildflowers, and weeds are all competing for territory. The sun is full and hot, but it's still cool to hide in the shade of a tree or in a field.

The river meanders through the fields, and the water is clear and cool. From morning to night, the river is filled with the sound of frogs cooing and croaking, one after another, making it suspected that there are at least 10,000 frogs in the river.

After running wildly in the fields, the children jumped into the shallow bank of the creek and splashed a few times, clean and cool. Then fish in the shallow cofferdams, catch loaches, and step around in the mud to dig for mussels. Often the harvest is not much, but it does not affect the children's interest at all, occasionally catch one or two small fish or loaches, three or five river mussels, far from enough to make a meal, take home and become a delicious duck.


My favorite thing is to watch a big drama with my grandmother.

There is no cinema in the rural town, but there is a very magnificent drama garden, which occupies dozens of acres of land very generously, which is larger than the scale of the township government, and there are big dramas staged every year.

Children watch the play is to watch the excitement, as for those who don't know what to sing, it doesn't matter how good they sing, they love to watch the harlequin and the fight and turn the heels. When the old students sang, the friends slipped to the edge of the venue and circled around the vendors who bought snacks. As soon as the clown appeared, the children hula gathered in front of the stage and watched from the high masonry stage. There were even children who climbed onto the stage. The clown will wittily "hang up" and carry the child down. The audience burst into laughter. However, parents are very respectful of the artists, and generally restrain their children and do not interfere with the actors' performances. The troupe usually stays for more than a month, covering almost the entire summer vacation, and is usually performed in the evening. The friends are not in a hurry, and follow slowly. It wasn't until the troupe came out with a forecast that it was going to be two or three or one in the end, that the children began to get annoyed, and they didn't see much of it. Therefore, the last one or two scenes are especially cherished by the children, and they can even see the end from the beginning.

The summer vacation is over quickly, and when I return to campus, I often feel that I am unfamiliar with writing. However, the brain seems to be clear enough to instill new knowledge.

Nearly thirty years have passed, and the summer vacation of my youth has become like a caricature or a yellowed old photograph.

When I think about it, it seems that at that time, it was just crazy to play and grow up, and it seemed that I had not done anything meaningful, but it became the freest and most beautiful time in my heart. Together with the books I read when I was a teenager, they all became my own words, condensed and output in my thoughts, and made my articles full of the tension of life and the temperature of life.

Nowadays, the hometown is even more timid, and the hometown can hardly go back. In fact, time can't go back, so it can only be put into writing and left in words. It can't be history, just for that period of verdant and crazy long days.

Remuneration 900/article! "Reader" Magazine's July Theme Call for Papers: "Sports Walk with Me"

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