
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!

author:Anlu long wave
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!

Business environment

is to determine the development of a place

Serving enterprises and the masses

Critical and top priorities

The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!


Held in Anlu City

The appointment ceremony of the first batch of business environment monitoring points and observers

Hubei Huamei Intelligent Manufacturing and other 5 business environment monitoring points

Ye Yuanwen and 20 other business environment observers

Officially "on the job"

Many friends may be curious

How are these Doing Business observers selected?

What needs to be done?

The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!

It is understood that in accordance with the work deployment of the Anlu City Leading Group for Optimizing the Business Environment, the business environment monitoring points and business environment observers have been determined through the procedures of recommendation, qualification review, research and approval of various localities and units. The duration of the establishment of the monitoring site and the appointment of the observer are three years, from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2027.

The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!

The first batch of business environment monitoring points, observers cover different industries, different departments, different nature of all kinds of enterprises, chambers of commerce (associations), news media representatives, their main responsibility is to go deep into the front line of business environment work, from the "enterprise perspective", "project perspective" and "mass perspective" of the city's business environment "whole process experience", through the "immersive" experience, give full play to the close-range, all-weather advantages and "probe" and "outpost" role, all-round understanding of enterprise demands, Promote the administrative functional departments to deepen the service concept, innovate the service mode, improve the quality of service, and play an active role in creating a first-class business environment in Anlu City.

The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!


The Anlu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government take the creation of a market-oriented, law-based, and international first-class business environment as the fundamental follow, and take "filial piety" as the guide, continue to build the "Anlu Anlu" business environment brand, build a "peace of mind" platform, deepen the "peace of mind to help enterprises" action, create an atmosphere of "peace of mind to start a business", improve the "peace of mind complaint" mechanism, and strive to build a comprehensive cost "depression" and a business environment "highland".

The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!
The first batch of business environment "monitoring points" and "observers" are in place!

In the next step, Anlu City will insist on cutting in and pinpointing the crux of the problem, promote the implementation of policies and measures, effectively enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of the enterprise masses, and further polish the "golden signboard" of Anlu's business environment. With the continuous optimization of the business environment, we will help stabilize the overall economic market and create good conditions for promoting high-quality development.

Source: Anlu Rong Media Center