
I kindly took in a colleague who was arguing with my husband, and she asked for it while she was sleeping

author:Wu Ping's emotional music


My name is Chen Dahong, I am 30 years old, and I am an accountant in the finance department of a company in Y City. I divorced my ex-wife two years ago because she disliked me as a rural person and couldn't tolerate my "bad habits". I went back to the bachelor apartment and became a lonely bachelor again.

It was almost nine o'clock that night, and I was scrolling through my phone in bed when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Who would come to me at such a late hour?

I hurriedly got out of bed and opened the door to see that it was my colleague Li Ya. I saw that her hair was scattered and her face was full of tears. I was about to ask her what was wrong, but as soon as she saw me, she threw herself on my shoulder, called "brother", and began to cry.

I kindly took in a colleague who was arguing with my husband, and she asked for it while she was sleeping

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

Li Ya is my colleague in the same office, and she is a weak and beautiful woman. She has been married for almost three years and has a two-year-old daughter. But their relationship with husband and wife is not very good, and they often quarrel.

Li Ya is introverted and generally does not communicate with colleagues except for things at work. Because I was in the same group as Li Ya, we had more contact. She was a year younger than me, and she usually called me "brother". Because of our work, we are closer and more talkative. After she quarreled with her husband, she often cried to me, saying that she couldn't live this day.

I am very sympathetic to Li Ya's experience. I really can't figure it out, Li Ya is such a virtuous and weak woman, why doesn't her husband know how to cherish it. If I were to change it, I would definitely hold her in the palm of my hand.

As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy a marriage. Every time Li Ya cried to me, I persuaded him to communicate well with her husband for the sake of the children. But not long after, they quarreled again.

One night, Li Ya came to my house after a quarrel with her husband, saying that her husband was abusing her, and she didn't dare to go home and wanted to stay at my house.

At that time, I looked at poor Li Ya and felt very distressed. I really wanted to help her, but I always felt that it was not suitable for her to live in my house, and it was not nice to say that a lonely man and a widow lived in a house. If you don't get it right, she will be misunderstood by her husband. So, I comforted her for a while and persuaded her away.

The next day, Li Ya did not come to work. I asked the superintendent, and the superintendent told me that Li Ya's husband had asked her for leave, saying that Li Ya had been hit by a car last night and had been admitted to the second hospital of the city.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that Li Ya must have been hit by a car after I persuaded her to leave. At this point, I felt guilty. If I had taken her in, this would not have happened.

I hated myself for being cold-blooded, and for the sake of my so-called fame, I drove away a poor and helpless woman and caused her a car accident. What a sinner I am.

After work, I bought some fruit and came to the second courtyard of the city.

Fortunately, Li Ya only had two cracked ribs, and nothing else was a big deal. When she saw me, her eyes were full of resentment, and tears flowed down her eyes for a while.

I hurriedly said, "Girl, I'm sorry. ”

Li Ya said: "Brother, you didn't do anything wrong, it's my life." ”

I asked her, "What about your husband?" ”

Li Ya said: "In the morning, he found me a nurse and then went to work. ”

I really can't imagine that there are such men in the world.

Li Ya was treated in the hospital for a week, went home to rest for a few days, and then went back to work.

I kindly took in a colleague who was arguing with my husband, and she asked for it while she was sleeping

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

It's so late now, Li Ya came to me, she must have quarreled with her husband again. I sat her on the couch and asked her, "Girl, is he bullying you again?" ”

Li Ya cried and said: "He was reprimanded by his boss for a work mistake in the company today, and he will be angry with me when he comes back." When drinking, he said that this dish was salty and that dish was light. I confronted him a few times, and he quarreled with me. Noisy and arguing, he was about to hit me with red eyes, and I quickly escaped. As he spoke, he lay on my shoulder again and cried.

When I heard this, I was very angry and said, "What kind of man is this, how can anyone treat his wife like this!" ”

Li Ya said: "Brother, I really can't live this day. ”

I said, "Girl, you take your breath." I'll send you back when he's calmed down later. ”

Li Ya said: "I can't go back. Brother, I'll stay with you tonight, and I'll divorce him tomorrow when I go back. ”

I said, "Girl, it's not suitable for you to live here." ”

Li Ya cried and said, "Brother, my sister doesn't have any relatives in Y City. You don't care about me, I'm ......," he said, crying even harder.

Li Ya's appearance was very pitiful, which made me feel very distressed. Thinking back to the last time she was in a car accident, I couldn't bear to drive her away. I brought a tissue to wipe away her tears and said, "Sister, stop crying." Otherwise, you'll live here. ”

Li Ya wiped a handful of tears and said, "Thank you, brother." ”

I kindly took in a colleague who was arguing with my husband, and she asked for it while she was sleeping

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

After I asked Li Ya to wash, I specially changed into a clean futon, and then said to Li Ya: "Sister, I'm staying on the sofa, you can go to bed early." Don't overthink it. ”

Li Ya said: "Brother, I feel uncomfortable, can you talk with me for a while?" ”

I said, "Okay." ”

So, we talked again.

Li Ya said: "Brother, I can't figure it out, he was so good to me before he got married, why is he treating me like this now?" Are men like that? ”

I said, "How so?" You see, there are many loving couples now. Sister, let's talk to your husband when I go back tomorrow. If he apologizes and promises not to bully you again in the future, you forgive him. ”

Li Ya said: "Brother, our husband and wife fate is over. You didn't see that he was like that just now, if he had a knife, he would have killed me. Scared the hell out of me. At home, life is not guaranteed, what is the point of marriage. ”

I said, "Sister, it's best not to divorce unless you have to." ”

Li Ya said: "Brother, it's a last resort. ”

I said, "Sister, since that's the case, my brother won't persuade you." What do you plan to do after the divorce? ”

Li Ya said: "Like you, rent a house." ”

I said, "Sister, you don't have any relatives in Y City, so it's a bit difficult to live alone." ”

Li Ya said: "Brother, are you distressed sister?" ”

I said, "Sister, you are far away from home and working alone, you have suffered so much, and you finally became a family, but you are divorced again, can my brother not feel distressed!" ”

Li Ya said, "Thank you, brother." Brother, if you really feel sorry for your sister, why don't you ...... Or...... Let's live together. ”

I was taken aback when I heard this, and said, "Girl, this ......"

Li Ya said: "What, brother, you don't like girls?" ”

I hurriedly said, "No." You are so gentle and kind, how can my brother not like it. However, if we are really together, my colleagues will think that I am a third party, and my brother will not be able to behave well in the company in the future. ”

When Li Ya heard this, she said, "Brother, since you like me, do you care what others say!" With that, he threw himself into my arms......

I kindly took in a colleague who was arguing with my husband, and she asked for it while she was sleeping

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

Later, Li Ya divorced. Half a year later, Li Ya and I got married.

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Disclaimer: Wu Ping's original work, reproduced without permission, is prohibited. Please respect the author's labor and his own face!