
【Like】The story of tackling tough problems along the riverside of the red river

author:Voice of Jilin
【Like】The story of tackling tough problems along the riverside of the red river

"The installation accuracy meets the requirements, the crane ship drops the hook and takes off the hook!" With the smooth installation of the last round caisson, the main structure of the three-transformation project of the Hongyanhe water intake of the third company of CCCC First Harbor Bureau was successfully completed, and Wang Runqiang, director of the engineering and technology department, showed a long-lost smile on his face, and the bits and pieces of the past are still vivid.

"The offshore '5·30' CN2 network node is bound to be completed." This is the "military order" made by the project team after signing the construction contract in September 2023. Although he felt pressure, Wang Runqiang, who had solid technology and rich construction experience, resolutely carried the banner and was full of confidence.

Faced with new challenges, the project team was ready to roll up their sleeves and prepare to do a big job, but the news of the revised construction drawings gave them a "slap in the face". "According to the set goal, the caisson prefabrication work needs to be completed before the winter construction, and there are no construction drawings, how can this be good?" The sudden change made the atmosphere of the project construction seminar tense, and everyone was anxious.

In order to promote the smooth progress of the "5.30" node, Wang Runqiang took the initiative to communicate and coordinate with the owner unit and the design unit, and was deeply involved in the design of the drawings. "The original design top elevation of the foundation bed is divided into -13.5 meters, -15 meters, and -17 meters, it is better to adjust the elevation of the foundation bed to -15 meters, and install anchor beams between the caissons, and there is no need to level it again...... "Wang Runqiang put forward reasonable suggestions one by one according to his previous construction experience and the insight into the site. His "insightful" made everyone can't help but give a thumbs up to the "technical master" in front of them. After several rounds of meticulous discussion and rigorous design, a blueprint outlining the appearance of the project finally fell into the hands of the project team, and a stone in everyone's hearts fell to the ground.

With the caisson prefabrication work in full swing, the progress of the project can be described as a rapid progress, everyone is full of confidence, towards the "5.30" node go hand in hand, but new problems are quietly emerging. "According to the construction plan, the construction period of stone throwing and tamping of the foundation bed is catching up with the winter, and if the road is closed by snow, it will seriously affect the transportation of stones, resulting in a delay in the construction period." The new difficulty made the project team ponder again.

"In winter, squirrels should store pine cones in advance for hibernation...... "One day, when eating in the cafeteria, "Animal World" was playing on TV, which caught Wang Runqiang's attention. That's right, if you stock up on 'pine cones' in advance like a squirrel, won't it fundamentally solve the problem of stone transportation? Wang Runqiang had a "flash of inspiration", he didn't have time to wait, immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks and rushed to the office, carefully checked the project plan on the computer: "The north embankment project has formed an effective cover, if the temporary feeding point is built on the inside of the north embankment, the reserve of 50,000 square meters of stone is enough to meet the on-site stone supply!" Wang Runqiang boldly put forward his own ideas.

"That's a good idea! And after the prefabrication of the round caisson is completed, it also needs to be hauled from Changxing Island Changhang, if the original caisson reserve point is used well, we have everything, it is really a double win! Zhang Youbi, the chief engineer of the project, affirmed excitedly.

"The follow-up caisson needs to be floated to the near-shore installation position after the reef is blown up, and there is a risk of the caisson capsizing during the floating process, so it is best to use a large crane ship for float installation." Wang Runqiang "continued to output", team members nodded frequently, and the plan became more and more comprehensive.

With full preparation, the project team is once again full of fighting spirit and is in full swing into the construction, and before the winter comes, 50,000 tons of stone has been "ready to standby" at the reserve point. At the same time, the project team completed the prefabrication of 10 2,200-ton caissons in only two months, and the round caissons "followed" according to the plan, laying a solid foundation for construction and production.

Seven points of preparation, three points of implementation. Under the careful planning of Wang Runqiang, the construction of the project was carried out in an orderly manner, and during the project, the builders had clear goals, won the battle, and worked hard day and night, and finally completed the installation of the round caisson 17 days ahead of schedule, turning the tide and turning the "impossible" into "possible".

【Like】The story of tackling tough problems along the riverside of the red river
【Like】The story of tackling tough problems along the riverside of the red river

Article source: Reprint, reprint, CCCC First Harbor Third Engineering Co., Ltd

Image source: Reprint, reprint, CCCC First Harbor Third Engineering Co., Ltd

Editors: Liu Jinlin, Wang Haoyi

Review: Hao Zili

Producer: Zhao Min, Zhong Xiao

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