
"Secretary Chef" has a unique job - Meng Fanyu, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hongqiao Village, Yijing Town, Changfeng County

author:Anhui Business Daily
"Secretary Chef" has a unique job - Meng Fanyu, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hongqiao Village, Yijing Town, Changfeng County
"Secretary Chef" has a unique job - Meng Fanyu, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hongqiao Village, Yijing Town, Changfeng County

On June 28, Meng Fanyu (center) discussed grape sales with greenhouse grape growers. Photo by Xu Minhao, reporter of this newspaper

Meng Fanyu's day usually starts with being a "chef". He has been cooking breakfast for the members of the village "two committees" for ten years, replacing daily attendance with "breakfast meetings", and is nicknamed "chef secretary" by his colleagues.

Since he served as the secretary of the party branch of Hongqiao Village, Yijing Town, Changfeng County, he has led the local cadres and masses to work together to tackle tough problems and bravely forge new roads, so that Hongqiao Village has changed from a weak and scattered village with poverty and whiteness to an advanced demonstration village with a strong village and rich people.

Hongqiao Village is truly "red". How did these changes come about? What are Secretary Meng's unique skills? The reporter paid a visit to this.

Thoughtful, the "breakfast meeting" enhances the cohesion of the team

On June 28th, the morning was quite cool. At 6:40, Meng Fanyu came to the village canteen early, opened the refrigerator, took out the unfinished overnight meal, picked a few eggs, threw the steamed buns into the steamer, and quickly prepared breakfast for the members of the village "two committees".

"Steamed buns, porridge, I'll make egg fried rice. You have to eat a full breakfast before you can do anything. Meng Fanyu said. The village cadres of Hongqiao Village have eaten Meng Fanyu's egg fried rice for at least two years, and at most for 12 years, and they have long been accustomed to his craftsmanship.

is not a professional chef, but Meng Fanyu is very familiar with a large pot of egg fried rice. At 6:55, taking out his mobile phone, Meng Fanyu posted a sentence in the work group, "It's time to eat", and soon, 8 village cadres sat around the small table, a pot of porridge, a pot of fried rice, a plate of steamed buns, and 3 bowls of side dishes, and everyone ate with relish.

While eating, Meng Fanyu chatted with everyone about work. "The sales channels of rapeseed oil will be expanded this year." "Whether or not the agricultural products from Russia can be sold in our store must be implemented as soon as possible." ……

"Lao Li, it was not easy for you to rush back from Russia at night. However, today I have to trouble you to go to the provincial agricultural products group and work harder. Seeing that his colleague Li Hua, who had just rushed back from Russia yesterday, was still tired, Meng Fanyu handed him another steamed bun, and his tone of explaining his work was a little gentler. It's all work, as it should be. Li Hua readily agreed.

At 7:20, everyone finished breakfast one after another and devoted themselves to their work.

More than ten years ago, the team of the village "two committees" was not at all this warm and united. At that time, Hongqiao Village was a key poor village in Changfeng County, and it was a weak and scattered village, except for a large area of farmland, there were almost no resources here, and many young people, including Meng Fanyu, could not make a living in their hometown, so they could only go out to work. From 2010 to 2012, Hongqiao Village changed three village secretaries in a row, and the "two committees" of the village were disheartened and their work could not be carried out normally.

In 2012, the town leaders found Meng Fanyu, who was opening a logistics company in Guangdong, hoping that he could come back to pick up this heavy burden. "At first, I hesitated, my career is doing well, and the family's life is stable, so there is no need to take this 'hot potato'. But when I returned to my hometown a few times and saw the scattered and dilapidated scenes in the village, my heart was uncomfortable. The fields are barren, the land is barren, and the most feared thing is that the people in the village are barren! Meng Fanyu told reporters that after thinking about it for a few days and nights, he made up his mind to return to Hongqiao Village to pick up the burden.

Problems followed. Hongqiao Village has been weak and sloppy for so many years, with no decent industry, only a bunch of "white strips", and a total of 160,000 yuan in arrears. At the end of the year, a group of people went to the village committee every day to collect debts, and the village cadres had to lock the gate to work. "How is it possible to carry out work when you owe so much money to the masses? I'll pay for it! Meng Fanyu resolutely paid out of his own pocket to pay off the old debts in the village.

Only by building a strong team can we do a good job. In order to gather the soul of the team, Meng Fanyu practiced and organized "breakfast meetings" and "party member meetings" to mobilize the enthusiasm of the cadres and officials of the village "two committees" to start a business; He led cadres to run around, visited and condoled, and solved the problems of the masses. With sincerity for truth, Meng Fanyu quickly united the team of the "two committees" of the village, and returned to the cadres of Hongqiao Village with enthusiasm, hard work and tenacity. In recent years, Hongqiao Village has successively won the honorary titles of "Five Good" Village Party Organization Pacesetter in Anhui Province, Hefei Democratic Rule of Law Demonstration Village, and Changfeng County Advanced Grassroots Party Organization.

"The key to rural revitalization lies in the party and people. Only when the team has combat effectiveness can rural revitalization be effective. We must be a drop of water and blend into the masses, not a drop of oil that floats on top of the masses. After insisting on the 'breakfast meeting' for so many years, I just hope to twist our team into a rope and work together to seek common development. Meng Fanyu said.

There are many ideas, and they are planted abroad

Li Hua, president of the Hongqiao Village Supply and Marketing Cooperative, who had only flown back from Russia on the night of June 27, drove to the village committee early the next morning and opened the trunk, which was full of various local samples he had brought back from Russia. "The village has now been planted in Russia, and the next step is to bring back Russian specialties and sell them in our village's directly operated stores." Li Hua said.

From the wasteland of the village 12 years ago, to the current farming in Russia, Meng Fanyu led the team of the village "two committees" to dare to think, dare to do and dare to try.

"Industry is the foundation of all development, and we have a large area of fertile land in Hongqiao Village, which is the advantage of our development. The country attaches great importance to food security, so we must grow grain well. Meng Fanyu said.

At the end of 2018, with the help of the opportunity of high-standard basic farmland construction, Meng Fanyu led the village "two committees" to actively strive for an investment of nearly 16 million yuan from the higher authorities to renovate the land of the whole village, and transform the 5,700 acres of high-standard farmland into a shareholding village economic cooperative for large-scale and mechanized cultivation and unified management. In 2019, the village-level collective economy reached 738,000 yuan, with a cumulative income dividend of 1.1373 million yuan and a per capita dividend of 533 yuan. The development of the industry is also on the right track.

Not satisfied with the immediate results, Meng Fanyu established the first village-run enterprise in Changfeng County - Hefei Yijing Hongqiaofang Agricultural Investment and Development Co., Ltd., built a modern edible oil processing plant and agricultural service center, and opened 3 direct stores of agricultural products in Hefei, constantly expanding the industrial boundaries of Hongqiao Village.

In the eyes of Li Hua and other village cadres, the achievements of Hongqiao Village today are inseparable from Meng Fanyu's endless "golden ideas" and firm execution.

"In 2022, someone mentioned farming in Russia, and Secretary Meng was interested at that time." Li Hua told reporters that he had seen it in the news before planting land abroad, but how to do it, Hongqiao Village was "blind with two eyes" up and down. Meng Fanyu is a doer, he went to the Hefei Foreign Affairs Office for the first time, and then contacted the sister city of Nizhny Novgorod, Hefei, and finally got on the line with the Russian side. He went to Russia twice to understand the local agriculture-related laws and regulations, and formulated a local cultivation plan.

"In May, 10,000 acres of wheat were sown. According to Secretary Meng's plan, we also went to inspect the largest flour mill in Russia, hoping to process wheat into high-quality flour and then introduce it back to China for sale. Not only that, Secretary Meng also asked us to bring Russian native products back to China and sell them in the direct store in Hongqiao Village. "I have known Meng Fanyu for many years, and Li Hua is full of confidence in his ideas.

In just a few years, under the leadership of Meng Fanyu, Hongqiao Village planted the land, planted the village, planted the province, and finally planted the country. At present, the village has planted more than 30,000 acres of crops in Hefei, Heilongjiang and Russia, and the collective operating income of the village has reached 10.18 million yuan, with an income of more than 2 million yuan. Changfeng County has summarized and refined the "8 Red Bridge Experience Dry Goods" such as party building guidance, building a good platform, land to village, and cooperative management, and promoted the Red Bridge experience in the county.

Work in a down-to-earth manner, and lead by example to win the hearts of the people

Walking in Hongqiao Village, the spacious Hongqiao Avenue passes through the farmland, the road is lined with green trees, the laughter of tourists is heard from time to time in the homestay full of agricultural interest, and the provincial cadre training base full of Huizhou charm is about to be put into use. It is hard to imagine that such a backward village with a gray face in the past has now become a boutique demonstration village in Hemei Village in our province.

"The changes in Hongqiao Village can be said to be earth-shaking over the years. It used to be full of tatters, but now you see that there are wide roads, neat courtyards, and beautiful houses...... Not only has the environment become beautiful, but more importantly, the spirit of the people of Hongqiao Village has come up! Villager Gu Zhengtuan said.

The great change in the spiritual outlook of the villagers is inseparable from the down-to-earth style of the leader.

During the 2017 drought, the ditches in Hongqiao Village were overgrown with weeds, which affected the downstream water diversion to fight the drought. Meng Fanyu rushed to the scene with the members of the village "two committees", and without hesitation, he took the lead in jumping into the smelly ditch to weed. "We were also very touched to see Secretary Meng jumping down by example, and everyone followed down to weed in the ditch." Meng Fanping, a villager who was still a village cadre at that time, said.

In 2019, with the advancement of high-standard farmland transformation, the old graves scattered in the fields of Hongqiao Village faced the problem of relocation. "It is not easy to remove these old graves in a short period of time. Secretary Meng didn't say a word, and the first one moved his ancestral grave to the cemetery. Gu Zhengtuan told reporters.

Driven by Meng Fanyu, village cadres, veteran party members, and villager leaders also took the lead in moving graves and going to villagers' homes to do policy propaganda and ideological work. Gu Zhengtuan said: "Seeing that the secretary's determination is so great and the development momentum of the village is so good, many people have also changed from strong opposition at the beginning to support. ”

Over the years, no matter how big or small the village is, Meng Fanyu has guided the villagers to actively participate and increase the sense of belonging of the masses. From being indifferent to the affairs of the village, everyone gradually regarded the affairs of the village as their own affairs.

Today, looking at the villagers of Hongqiao Village, their eyes are bright and refreshed. "What I was most afraid of back then was that the fields in Hongqiao Village were barren, and the hearts of Hongqiao people were barren. Now that the industry of Hongqiao Village is booming, Hongqiao people are full of confidence in their hometown and full of enthusiasm for the cause of the village. This makes every Hongqiao person full of expectations for the bright future of rural revitalization! Meng Fanyu said excitedly.

Reporter's Notes

The head goose flies first, and the group of geese chases after it. "Touyan" is the pioneer of rural revitalization and the "backbone" in the hearts of the people. As the "leading goose" on the road to prosperity in Hongqiao Village, Meng Fanyu has clear thinking, many ideas, and clear directions, and leads the local cadres to overcome difficulties with the hard work of daring to think and do, the motivation to work hard, and the tenacity to work for a long time, completely changing the poor and backward appearance of his hometown.

In the past 12 years of grassroots practice, Meng Fanyu has always adhered to the original mission of "seeking development for his hometown and happiness for the masses", always insisted on uniting the masses, mobilizing the masses, relying on the masses, fully condensing the wisdom and strength of the masses, and leading the local people to a happy and beautiful new life.

"Secretary Chef" has a unique job - Meng Fanyu, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hongqiao Village, Yijing Town, Changfeng County

Source: Anhui Daily Review: Ma Xiangyu Editor: Hu Peilin Proofreader: Li Li