
Workplace & Metaphysics | Careers require a sense of orientation

author:Teacher Sajura
Workplace & Metaphysics | Careers require a sense of orientation

There are many, many professions, and some of them require a strong sense of orientation, such as taxi driver, driver or courier boy. Today, let's talk about the topic of the need for precision in the sense of orientation, which is actually related to everyone who goes to work.

Is there any metaphysics in the sense of orientation, that's too much.

As I said before, try to sit opposite the energetic person, so that you can attract the energy of the energetic person, which can also be understood as the one who is close to Zhu is red and the one who is close to ink is black.

Workplace & Metaphysics | Careers require a sense of orientation

Tell a true story.

One day the courier brother wanted to deliver me a takeaway, but he ran to the westernmost part of the building, and when he saw him, he ran a lot more, because he had to go down 2 floors, and then go to the east, and then go up 2 floors, to get to my door.

When the courier brother left, I asked him, do you know what the sunset means?

The courier brother said, you know, is the sun setting in the west?

I smiled and said, "Is that purple gas coming from the east?"

The courier brother thought for a while and said, what is purple gas from the east?

I smiled and said, that is, the small house numbers are all in the east, and the big ones are in the west, which means that it is generally arranged like this.

The courier brother said thoughtfully, I see!

Workplace & Metaphysics | Careers require a sense of orientation

In fact, the sense of orientation in life is very important, this is also traditional Chinese culture, who said that the takeaway brother does not need to learn traditional culture,

If the courier brother knows these metaphysical knowledge, at least he can run a lot less wrongly, and he can also enhance the relationship with customers, right, listen to what he says!

Earlier, I shared a real case with students, saying that a taxi driver in Shanghai earns several times more money than others every month, why, there is a way to do this, I will share it one day.

Workplace & Metaphysics | Careers require a sense of orientation

When you're looking for a job, you're just walking the streets

When I was teaching the "Career Planning" class, I called the students to the streets of Beijing, and after walking on the streets for 3 stops, my exam questions came out.

In fact, this kind of exam question is the exam question for the staff hired by the State Administration Bureau, but they began to go north at the Xidan intersection in Beijing, and the questions are more difficult, and the questions I come out of are simpler. But such training should start early. I haven't heard of a living map in a big city without food, then it's impossible!

In short, all professions that require a sense of orientation need precision, and there is an accumulation of all kinds of knowledge, including the study of metaphysical knowledge.

Careers require a sense of orientation. #头条创作挑战赛#

Workplace & Metaphysics | Careers require a sense of orientation

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