
As soon as his voice fell, Lai Qingde's polls went down, and the United States was also very anxious

author:Ticket Yao Lieutenant

As soon as the words ended, Lai Qingde's dissatisfaction on the island surged, and the United States now appears to be very anxious.

Since Lai Ching-te took office, the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly and openly made some radical "Taiwan independence remarks," with the result that cross-strait relations have become increasingly tense. In addition to the military exercises around Taiwan, the mainland has further suspended tariff concessions for 134 items in the ECFA; in addition, a few days ago, the mainland also issued a new document on "cracking down on independence," and "Taiwan independence separatists" can be sentenced to death at the maximum.

As soon as his voice fell, Lai Qingde's polls went down, and the United States was also very anxious

Not only that, in the past two days, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye also delivered a keynote speech during the symposium on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, focusing on the Taiwan issue. He not only reiterated once again that the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, but also said that Taiwan's pursuit of "independence" is a violation of international law.

He even stressed that the fact that the Taiwan issue has not been resolved, in a certain sense, means that China's "civil war" has not yet ended, and Taiwan's current "regime" is actually a "rebellious regime" in China. Therefore, the Chinese government can expel this regime at any time and regain the "right to govern" Taiwan.

At the same time, however, Lu Shaye also said that the mainland, taking into account the well-being and interests of the Taiwan people, does not want to achieve this goal by force, but regards peace and reunification as the first choice. However, Lu Shaye also said frankly that if peace and reunification do not work, then a non-peaceful method will be adopted, and if "one country, two systems" will not work, then "one country, one system" will be adopted.

As soon as his voice fell, Lai Qingde's polls went down, and the United States was also very anxious

It can be seen from this that Ambassador Lu's remarks have actually made clear the mainland's hole card, and the mainland already has sufficient strength and confidence to take back Taiwan, but at present, taking into account the interests of the Taiwan people, this does not mean that this is an opportunity for "Taiwan independence elements," because no matter what the means, Taiwan must return to the embrace of the motherland.

Of course, Lu Shaye's big talk about the Taiwan issue at the event of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France is actually a warning to external forces not to attempt to interfere in the Taiwan issue, because China will not leave them any room for maneuvering. All in all, the greater the provocation by the "Taiwan independence elements" and the more interference by external forces, the more the mainland's methods will adopt a tougher approach.

The word "anytime" that Lu Shaye emphasized here is enough to make it difficult for "Taiwan independence elements" to sleep and eat. It is worth mentioning that just after Ambassador Lu Shaye said that the mainland could take over at any time, Lai Qingde's polls began to fall again. It is reported that according to the latest poll released on the island, Lai Qingde's dissatisfaction with him has surged one month after taking office, and the dissatisfaction of the people on the island has directly increased by 9.4 percent, but the satisfaction has only increased by 2.4 percent.

As soon as his voice fell, Lai Qingde's polls went down, and the United States was also very anxious

This shows that the situation of dissatisfaction with Lai Qingde's performance on the island is intensifying, which is definitely not good news for him as a new appointer. Therefore, Lai Qingde's current situation is not very good, and under such circumstances, it is by no means a wise move for him to increase the number of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan."

In addition to the Taiwan authorities, the United States is also very anxious at present. In the past few days, the United States has launched the "2024 Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise", in which the United States has carried out a key project, which is to sink the "Tarawa" amphibious assault ship with a displacement of about 40,000 tons with live ammunition.

The reason why the United States will take this type of warship as a target for sinking is actually aimed at the mainland. In recent years, the PLA has developed by leaps and bounds in large amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers, which has made the United States feel more and more uneasy, and in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, these ships are likely to be dispatched.

As soon as his voice fell, Lai Qingde's polls went down, and the United States was also very anxious

At the same time, the United States is also trying to trap the mainland's "neck" in many key fields such as chips and materials, in order to hinder the mainland's improvement in military science and technology. However, the effect of this move by the United States has not been good, and the mainland's military development still has unlimited potential.

In time, it will not be difficult for China to catch up with the United States in military power. It is precisely because of this that the United States is feeling more and more panicked, including the sinking of amphibious ships of the same tonnage as the mainland in this exercise, which can expose the uneasiness of the United States. This is enough to show that the United States is not at all the so-called "safe haven" of the "Taiwan independence elements."

Therefore, only by having a clear understanding of reality and striving for peaceful reunification is the best choice for the Taiwan authorities, and if they dare to take risks, they will inevitably end up in pieces.


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