
Health protection tips for early summer 2024

author:Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Health protection tips for early summer 2024
Health protection tips for early summer 2024


Warm reminder from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention: In summer, you need to pay attention to hand, foot and mouth disease, fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, whooping cough and other diseases, as well as beware of food poisoning. In addition, travel to tropical and subtropical countries and regions should be accompanied by special attention to dengue fever.


Hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common acute infectious disease in children aged 5 years and younger caused by a variety of enteroviruses. It can occur throughout the year, with the peak of spring and summer from April to July, and the peak of autumn from September to November.

(1) Avoid contact with sick people. Avoid contact with sick children, do not hug them, share toys, share utensils and toiletries, etc., so as to avoid cross-infection.

(2) Maintain hand hygiene. Good hand hygiene is an effective measure to prevent HFMD, and children should wash their hands properly with water, soapy water, or hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds after touching public objects, after returning home from play, before eating, after using the toilet, and after parents and caregivers return home, before processing food, changing diapers, or handling fecal-contaminated items.

(3) Reduce aggregation. It is recommended not to take children to public places with crowds and poor air circulation during the epidemic of HFMD.

(4) Environmental ventilation. Closed public places and living rooms should be ventilated frequently to maintain air circulation.

(5) Cleaning and disinfection. Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch places and areas, daily necessities and children's toys; boiling and disinfection of milk utensils, tableware, etc.; Clothes and bedding are often dried in the sun or disinfected with ultraviolet lamps. Use disposable towels or paper towels to clean up the patient's nasopharyngeal secretions, vomitus, feces, etc., and promptly disinfect with chlorine-containing disinfectant (wear gloves when using and avoid contact with the skin) surfaces or environments contaminated by the above-mentioned secretions or excreta.

(6) Vaccination. Vaccination can effectively prevent HFMD caused by EV-A71 infection and reduce the occurrence of severe HFMD and death. In order to exert protection as soon as possible, children are encouraged to complete the full course of vaccination before the age of 12 months.


Fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome

Fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome is an acute infectious disease caused by fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus, which is mainly transmitted by tick bites, with fever, platelets and leukopenia as the main characteristics, often accompanied by fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc., and some cases have headache, muscle aches, diarrhea, etc.

(1) Reduce exposure. Sitting and lying down for long periods of time in the main habitat of ticks, such as grasslands and woods, should be avoided as much as possible. If you need to enter such areas, you should pay attention to personal protection and wear long-sleeved clothing; Tie your trouser leg tightly or tuck it into your socks or shoes; Wear light-coloured clothing to make it easier to look for ticks; Don't wear sandals; Do not dry laundry on grass or trees. It is important to note that washing clothes with room temperature water does not kill ticks, and attached ticks can be removed by drying or washing with hot water.

(2) Strengthen protection. During the tick season, products containing 0.5% permethrin can be used to dispose of clothing and equipment before carrying out agroforestry and animal husbandry activities such as gardening, tea picking, and grazing. Permethrin can be used to treat boots, clothing, and camping gear and be sprayed multiple times to maintain protection, or permethrin treated clothing and gear can be used. Apply repellents to bare skin, including DEET, ipropydine, lemon eucalyptus oil (OLE), p-mentha glycol (PMD), or 2-undecanone, follow the product directions, and generally do not recommend using products containing OLE or PMD on infants and young children under 3 years of age.

(3) Check in time. Ticks can attach to clothing and pets and enter the room, so carefully inspect coats, backpacks and pets before entering the room, and remove ticks if found. Before and after entering the room, the parts of the body surface where ticks are often attached should be examined, mainly including the lower arms, the inner and surrounding ears, the inner or peripheral hair, the inner navel, the back of the knees, the waist, and the base of the legs. Showering within two hours of entering the room reduces the risk of tick-borne diseases.

(4) Scientific treatment. If a tick is found to have bitten the skin, the tick should be taken out as soon as possible, but it should not be directly crushed or pulled out by hand, do not pull hard, so as not to leave the head of the tick in the skin or drag the skin, it is advisable to use pointed tweezers and other tools close to the skin to clamp the mouth of the tick, pull it vertically, and then use iodine or alcohol to do local disinfection treatment, and self-observe the physical condition for two weeks. Suspected symptoms such as fever, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, or signs of insect bite wounds should be sought as soon as possible, and the doctor should be informed of the exposure history.

(5) Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Suspected cases should be treated in a timely manner, and clinical diagnosis should be made as soon as possible, and confirmed cases should be hospitalized. Patients with bleeding manifestations such as hemoptysis and hematemesis should be isolated and treated.

(6) Prevention of infection. Medical staff and accompanying personnel should carry out effective personal protection when coming into contact with the blood, blood secretions and excretions of patients in the acute stage, severe patients and deceased patients, such as wearing protective helmets, disposable medical masks, latex gloves, isolation gowns and shoe covers, and wearing protective face shields or goggles when necessary.

(7) Remediate the environment. Do a good job in environmental remediation and domestic animal management to prevent tick breeding in densely populated areas and living and residential areas, and reduce tick density.


whooping cough

Pertussis is an acute respiratory infection caused by Bordetella pertussis infection, and its typical clinical manifestations are paroxysmal spasmodic cough with inspiratory roar at the end of cough, with a long course of illness that can last for 2-3 months, so it is called "whooping cough". It is mainly transmitted by droplets, and infected people are the main source of infection, and the population is generally susceptible, especially infants and young children.

(1) Actively get vaccinated. Diphtheria-pertussis vaccination reduces the risk of severe pertussis and death in infants and young children. According to the requirements of the national immunization program vaccine for children, school-age children should be vaccinated with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine as soon as possible, and school-age children who are not fully vaccinated should be vaccinated as soon as possible.

(2) Do a good job of personal protection. Wearing a mask is an important measure to prevent respiratory infections such as whooping cough, which can effectively reduce the spread of pathogens, especially when parents have symptoms of respiratory tract infection such as cough, and should wear masks scientifically when caring for infants and young children in close contact to reduce the risk of infection of infants and young children.

(3) Maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently; Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue when coughing or sneezing; Keep the room ventilated, and wash and dry clothes frequently; Try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated public places.

(4) Seek medical attention in a timely manner. The public, especially infants and young children, should seek medical attention in a timely manner after developing suspected symptoms such as persistent cough, and reduce the risk of epidemic transmission and severe disease through timely and standardized treatment.


food poisoning

As temperatures rise, so does the likelihood of microbial food poisoning, food poisoning from poisonous animals and plants, and poisonous mushrooms. Food poisoning caused by microorganisms is the most common in mainland China, and other poisonings such as wild mushrooms and wild plants also occur from time to time.

(1) Pay attention to washing hands frequently, especially before eating, after using the toilet, and before processing food.

(2) Choose fresh and safe food raw materials, and pay attention to the separation of raw and cooked food during processing.

(3) When dining out, pay attention to choosing a catering unit with complete licenses and good sanitary conditions.

(4) Do the "six nos": do not eat uncooked and cooked food, do not eat unclean fruits and vegetables, do not eat food from unknown sources, do not pick and eat wild mushrooms and wild plants, do not buy wild mushrooms picked and sold by individuals, and do not buy wild mushrooms at mobile stalls.

(5) Do not touch the sick, vomit, excrement and other contaminated items without protection.


dengue fever

Dengue fever is an acute viral illness caused by the dengue virus that spreads among people through the bite of Aedes mosquito (Aedes versicolor) mosquitoes. Dengue outbreaks on the mainland are mainly locally transmitted outbreaks caused by importation, and are widespread in Aedes mosquito distribution areas (urban and semi-urban areas in tropical and subtropical regions of the world). There is a possibility of secondary local transmission during the summer. The incubation period is 3-15 days. The main symptoms include fever, headache, orbital pain, joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, rash, and mild bleeding.

(1) Wear loose, light-colored, long-sleeved tops and trousers.

(2) Spray effective mosquito repellent on the skin and clothing.

(3) Install screen doors and windows. When traveling, try to stay in a hotel with air conditioning or screen windows. If your accommodation does not have air conditioning or window screens, it is best to use mosquito coils or mosquito control aerosols and use mosquito nets.

(4) If there are suspicious symptoms in dengue fever endemic areas, seek medical attention in time and take the initiative to explain the possibility of dengue fever; If you have a history of travel or residence and return to the local area, and you have a fever within 2 weeks, you should seek medical attention in time and explain the situation, and actively cooperate with the local health department to do a good job in treatment.

Contributed by the Emergency Center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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