
Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

author:A new media for agricultural materials

In this era when traffic is king, the improvement of agricultural sales performance is no longer a competition that simply relies on product quality, but also a wisdom contest about "drainage + transaction". On June 28, 2024, the special training camp of "drainage + transaction" for the improvement of agricultural material sales performance was grandly opened in Zhengzhou Wuzhou Hotel, bringing a revolution in thinking and strategy to practitioners in the agricultural materials industry.

Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

First, private domain traffic: a new battlefield for agricultural material sales

In this era where data is king, traffic is like ammunition on the battlefield, indispensable. However, pure traffic is not a master key, and what can open the door to soaring performance is those private domain traffic that has been carefully screened and deeply operated.

The concept of private domain traffic began to rise in 2015 and is no longer a new thing, but how to effectively use and transform it has become a major issue facing the agricultural materials industry. In this era, without private domain traffic, it is like a shell without a soul, destined to decline. And only private domain traffic, without effective delivery and transaction, is also the beginning of death.

Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

The convening of the special training camp for the improvement of agricultural material sales performance "drainage + transaction" marks that agricultural material sales have officially entered a new era - a new era with private domain traffic as the core and precise drainage and efficient transaction as the two wings.

2. Diversion password: decode the mystery of private domain traffic

How to obtain and operate the private domain traffic of agricultural materials? This requires us to master the drainage password. Kang Yuning, deputy dean of the Agricultural Explosive Products Business School, executive dean of the Sannong Short Video Business School, general manager of the Zhinong Association, and agricultural e-commerce training expert, revealed the mystery for us in the "Agricultural Private Domain Traffic Drainage Password".

Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

First of all, we need to build a complete private domain management system, including the four major sectors of agricultural materials business - distributors, retailers, cooperatives, and large farmers. Then, through a variety of methods such as phone addition, old customer referral, Douyin Kuaishou drainage, community drainage, industry APP, etc., potential customers are introduced to the private domain traffic pool.

In the process of drainage, we need to pay attention to key points such as locking private domain traffic, upgrading communication methods, and grasping the key processes of Douyin drainage. At the same time, we also need to formulate different marketing strategies and tactics according to different customer types to improve the efficiency of drainage.

Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

All transactions are passive, and all big customers are cultivated. In this era when traffic is king, whoever masters the traffic password can dominate the market, and a conference can detonate a year's sales frenzy!

Third, the transaction is king: the ultimate battle of agricultural sales

With private domain traffic, how to make a deal and how to convert traffic into sales has become another difficult problem in front of agricultural brands. Shi Zhengdao, dean of the Agricultural Explosive Products Business School, chairman of Daoju Consulting, and an expert in the marketing of agricultural explosive products, gave a clear answer in the sharing of "Transaction is King". He emphasized that sales is to sell products well, while marketing is to make products sell well.

Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

In Dean Shi's sharing, we saw the wonderful presentation of 38 transaction methods. From the high opening and low walking transaction method, holiday transaction method, to the preferential policy transaction method, the referral transaction method, and then to the borrowing transaction method, group transaction method, benchmark transaction method, etc.

These methods are not only practical, but also reflect the wisdom of agricultural material sales. Through in-depth understanding of customer needs, accurate grasp of customer psychology, and flexible use of transaction skills, we can convert potential customers into actual orders and achieve the ultimate goal of agricultural material sales.

Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

The event was jointly sponsored by the Agricultural Explosive Products Business School, an agricultural material, and the Intelligent Agricultural Association, and the volcano planning think tank was fully planned, and the CEO of an agricultural media Li Jian and the volcano planning teacher Li Jitao were invited to attend, adding a lot of color to the conference. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the competition group and Henan General Chemical Research Institute, it is their strong support that makes this event more influential and forward-looking!

Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war

The board of directors of the competition group summarized after the meeting

Drainage is a god, a deal is a king, and performance proves everything! In 2024, let us work together to create a new chapter in agricultural material sales with private domain traffic as the core and precise drainage and efficient transaction as the two wings!

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Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war
Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war
Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war
Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war
Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war
Detonate the agricultural input market! Private domain traffic + transaction cheats, a god in a war