
0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

author:Kangshi stone

It is said that every time the words "free study abroad" and "low-cost study abroad" are released on the public platform, there will always be friends who stand up and question:

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

After all, I have the impression that studying abroad is like a bag in the LV counter, when someone shouts for 800 yuan and can mention one, I will also subconsciously shout: Where did this fake come from?!

But! Here we have to say but! There are many kinds of study abroad, and it is not monopolized by a certain brand like a luxury bag, not all countries are like the United States, and not all study abroad programs must be paid for by everyone. There are art study abroad with a budget of 0-20W, and there are many of them. Watch me teach you how to save money formally, legally.

These countries are "ruthlessly" cheap

Basically, the overall tuition fee is controlled within 20W, or even free of tuition! Some schools may be too much for the cost of living, but it's not a big problem. They are the most expensive sports cars that can be built at the lowest cost.

※ Italy

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

If you want to study abroad on a low budget, public universities in Italy are definitely the first choice. Because they are free of charge! And especially love to send subsidies.

H· ART student Z, help you calculate the account:

First of all, if you don't get any subsidies, how much will it cost to study in Mili at the "naked cost"?

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Public schools in Italy basically do not pay much tuition, and this part is waived. Then there is the rent, which is between 600 and 700 euros in Milan; If you live in a small town next to Milan (especially for architecture majors) it will be cheaper, around 400 euros. In terms of living expenses, you don't often go to the restaurant in terms of eating and drinking, you can often go to the supermarket to buy things and make your own, if you are more, 200 euros, and if you save a little, more than 100 euros is completely enough.

And I belong to the type of person who buys air tickets to Europe as soon as I am free, and I have a lot of say in this regard, all of which are counted, and the monthly cost is about 8,000 yuan ~ 12,000 yuan RMB.

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Student Z shared: "Boldly open the microphone, I am a little dissatisfied with the interaction of Miri"

According to student Z's algorithm, Mi Li can win about 200,000~250,000 yuan as long as the cost is normal for two years.

However, as mentioned earlier, Millie has a subsidy policy. Specifically, there is a bursary program for international students called DSU. It's not difficult to apply, as long as everyone can complete the credits of each semester and try not to fail the course, there are basically a lot of bonuses to get.

According to H· ART student L shared that her campus is far away from the center of Milan, and the rent is only 400 euros, and after getting the DSU subsidy, she only spent 2.4W yuan in half a year.

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Student L received a grant of about 20,000 yuan from Milli in December

※ Switzerland

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

The quality of schools in Switzerland is extremely high, and the leading Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (QS 7) and EPFL (QS 26) are highly ranked in the international rankings, so it is difficult to apply. But studying in Switzerland is also really cheap!

For example, we look at Zurich University of the Arts, which is more suitable for art babies to apply, and its tuition fee for international students majoring in MA industrial design is 1,220 Swiss francs per semester, which is equivalent to 39,500 yuan in two years.

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With the blessing of extremely low tuition fees, no matter how high the price of goods in Switzerland is, its overall spending budget has been flattened to a very high cost performance for studying in Europe.

※ Finland

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Compared to Italy and Switzerland, tuition fees in Finland are "a bit more expensive". Taking Aalto University as an example, the tuition fee for a master's degree is 15,000 euros, and the price has not increased for many years. In two years, it is equivalent to about 230,000 yuan.

But Aalto University is special in that it offers 100% or 50% tuition waiver entrance scholarships, which are sent along with the offer. If you can also apply for a Finnish scholarship, not only will you be 100% exempt from tuition fees, but you will also be given an additional 5,000 euros.

In addition, there are actually many niche art study abroad countries in Europe that are basically relatively "affordable", such as Germany, Iceland, France, Belgium, etc., except for a very small number of schools, the tuition fee basically does not exceed 10w, and there are not many students who apply, which is suitable for "picking up leaks"~

These schools and majors are "ruthless" and cheap

Special circumstances require special analysis. Even in the United States, which is known as a "money-burning machine", there are many "money-saving methods".

One of the ways to save money: Apply for a prestigious undergraduate program that offers tuition-free for low-income groups

Just some time ago, Dartmouth College, one of the eight Ivy League schools in the United States, received a donation of more than 150 million, and the president announced that the annual income threshold of "zero parent contributions", that is, "free tuition", was raised from 65,000 US dollars to 125,000 US dollars, equivalent to about 908,000 yuan. All undergraduates, including international students, can apply.

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Other schools with the same enrollment strategy include Harvard University (less than $85,000 free tuition), Stanford University (less than $150,000 free tuition) and New York University (less than $100,000 free tuition).

The preferential coverage given by these schools is not harsh, and families with an annual income of 908,000 yuan are considered middle-class, which can greatly reduce the negative pressure on the family economy, and almost reduce more than half of the cost of your entire trip to the United States.

Money-saving 2: Apply for a full-award Master of Fine Arts

Few students know that there are actually many full-award art masters in the United States~

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Source: Northwestern University

Schools in the New York area have always been the most common schools for international students to apply to, but in fact, there are many American schools hidden outside of New York State. These schools are not sure whether they are located in the middle of nowhere, or whether they are very good at recruiting students, and they are very generous in the scholarships they give to students. Representative universities are Northwestern University, Austin, Texas, etc.

Northwest University has always been a frequent visitor to the QS TOP50, and art students can apply for graduate majors such as Art Theory and Practice, Engineering Design Innovation, Information Design and Strategy, MBA+MS Double Degree, Product Design and Development Management, and Stage Design.

The MFA Art, Theory, Practice, is a small but elite graduate program that enrolls a small number of students each year, but provides full scholarships or teaching assistant scholarships.

In addition to the United States, there are also many cost-effective special art masters in Europe. Prominent examples include the European Union's EIT double degree programme and the Erasmus World programme.

The name EIT in the EU does not sound like a school, and many students think that it is a pheasant institution that came out of nowhere, but in fact it is neither a university nor a graduate school, but a "university + business" alliance established to promote sustainable and innovative Europe.

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!
0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Source: EIT

The students admitted to it will be distributed to major universities in Europe.

For example, this year, when student A applied for the EIT human-computer interaction program, she chose the Royal Institute of Technology and the Polytechnic University of Madrid as Entry University and Exit University respectively, and when she graduated, she would be able to get a double degree from KTH Royal Swedish Institute of Technology and Madrid Polytechnic Technology.

Depending on your chosen program and institution, the scholarships you can apply for are also different. For example, the engineering project is free tuition + 8000 euros/year living expenses + 2000 euros travel placement fee, and some projects may also provide 700 euros/month living expenses, and specific projects need to be analyzed specifically.

Erasmus is more "excessive" than EIT, allowing you to study in at least 2 or even 3 different countries and institutions during the two-year study period and obtain a double degree/joint degree. H· The service design projects applied by ART student Lulu include the University of Lapland, the Latvian Academy of Arts and other top universities in the European Union.

The Erasmus World Programme has also launched a full scholarship that includes living expenses, placement fees and travel + tuition fee waivers, as follows:

  1. Tuition fee waiver
  2. Living allowance of around 1-1.4k euros per month (paid for 24 consecutive months)
  3. Placement fee of about 3k euros per year (rental subsidy)
0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

SDSI Program Student Handbook provided by lulu (text translation, for reference only)

CSC National Public Study Abroad Scholarship

It is also known as "National Award" and "Public Study Abroad". When many students hear the name of the national award at first glance, they feel that it is very similar to the national scholarship selected by their school every year. I thought I had no chance, and I didn't look at it with a wave of my big hand.

However, in fact, the review of public art study abroad materials does not explicitly set restrictions on undergraduate background. It means that it doesn't matter if you have a bachelor's degree of 985 or double non, it doesn't matter, it's the same! It pays more attention to which university's graduate offer you get, and the higher the gold content of the admission offer, the higher the probability of winning the national award.

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There are two ways to save money with national awards:

The first is the individual national award program that our art undergraduates apply for more often.

It has a funding period of 12-24 months, which can perfectly cover the needs of different master's degrees. The subsidy is generally a round-trip international travel and a scholarship for the duration of the subsidy. The scholarship is used to fund the basic study and living expenses of overseas students during their study abroad, which can be used to pay for living expenses, registration fees, medical insurance fees, book and material fees, bench fees, visa extension fees, etc. The specific funding methods and funding standards are subject to the admission documents.

For example, last year, student Z, who won the national award and went to study at the British Royal Art, will send about 1,000 pounds of living expenses to his card every month, which has reduced a lot of burden on his life.

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Student Z shared: "If you don't spend the money of the national award, don't make the royal art bald, I won't leave"

Of course, the overall tuition level in the UK is there, and after getting the scholarship, it can be regarded as a "20% discount" at most.

And if you go to an Italian public school such as Miri, you don't need to pay tuition, plus the blessing of the national award, you can almost achieve "free study abroad".

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Kang Shi Shi Dongjia-H· 10 national awards won by ART students in the past two years

The second is the project-based national award applied for by groups such as joint master's students and joint doctoral students.

It is exclusively for art students who are studying in Sino-foreign joint universities and Sino-foreign joint teaching programs in domestic universities. During the exchange period of foreign exchange, you will also bear a round-trip international travel expenses and a scholarship for the duration of the financial support.

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Source: Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Hubei University of Technology

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Source: Shanghai University

For these students, whether you want to go abroad for exchange or not, the Sino-foreign joint education fees for the past three years have already been paid, and they are just worried about whether they will spend too much money when they go abroad during the exchange period. But if you can apply for the national award, it will be almost no different from "going abroad for free"~ Rush and it's over!

0-20W poor study abroad look at this, colleges and universities recommend to be able to write 4000 words!

Kang Shi Shi Dongjia-H· ART student L, Successful Baoyan, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Industrial Design Engineering (Sino-German Cooperative Education Direction)

If you want to plan a more cost-effective art study abroad program based on your personal situation, welcome to send a private message to Kang Shishi.

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