
Outrageous, it was rumored on the Internet that the Olympic flag bearer election was in trouble, and Chen Yuxi led Quan Hongchan with 60,000 votes, and the truth was revealed

author:A San Kan Ball

At present, the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is getting closer and closer, and the Chinese diving team is also training intensively in China.

Outrageous, it was rumored on the Internet that the Olympic flag bearer election was in trouble, and Chen Yuxi led Quan Hongchan with 60,000 votes, and the truth was revealed

When Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi were training seriously, a rumor recently appeared on the Internet that the Chinese Olympic team was voting for the flagbearers of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and also mentioned Quan Hongchan's votes, which caused a lot of controversy in the fan group.

It can be seen from the reports of some media people that these people claim that in the recent vote of the flag-bearer at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, Quan Hongchan's teammate Chen Yuxi has received 60,000 votes, which is higher than Quan Hongchan, and is currently far ahead.

Outrageous, it was rumored on the Internet that the Olympic flag bearer election was in trouble, and Chen Yuxi led Quan Hongchan with 60,000 votes, and the truth was revealed

Obviously, although this media person's report looks like that, it actually does not stand up to scrutiny at all, and it is most likely a fabricated rumor. First of all, we can see from the official media reports that the Chinese Olympic delegation did not carry out the selection of the so-called flagbearers of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games at all, and generally the flagbearers of the opening ceremony of the Chinese delegation will have very good athletes to serve.

Outrageous, it was rumored on the Internet that the Olympic flag bearer election was in trouble, and Chen Yuxi led Quan Hongchan with 60,000 votes, and the truth was revealed

On the other hand, the number of votes for Chen Yuxi is higher than that of Quan Hongchan, because we haven't even seen a screenshot. And it can be seen from the blogger's remarks that this report is completely trying to provoke the relationship between Quan Hongchan and his teammates, and it is not simple to ridicule Chen Yuxi's strength background.

To be honest, Quan Hongchan and the two of them are very good national team athletes, but in terms of age and qualifications, they do not have the strength to serve as the flag bearers of the Chinese Olympic delegation. This is not to look down on Quan Hongchan, but because they still have a long way to go, and they still need to compete for more honors to enhance their influence.

Outrageous, it was rumored on the Internet that the Olympic flag bearer election was in trouble, and Chen Yuxi led Quan Hongchan with 60,000 votes, and the truth was revealed

On the other hand, Quan Hongchan and the two of them have been working very hard, and the relationship is also very good, and they have been working hard to prepare for the competition during this time, hoping to achieve good results in the Paris Olympics.

So we hope that fans can distinguish those rhythmic rumors, and don't affect the relationship between Quan Hongchan and his partner. After all, in this Internet era, all athletes can see the news from the outside world, and once they are affected by these bad news, Quan Hongchan and they are very likely to lose in the Paris Olympics.

Outrageous, it was rumored on the Internet that the Olympic flag bearer election was in trouble, and Chen Yuxi led Quan Hongchan with 60,000 votes, and the truth was revealed

In fact, Quan Hongchan has always emphasized that the relationship between herself and her teammates is very good, and the two of them are usually healthy competition. If you really want Quan Hongchan to be good, you should support him and his teammates, support the Chinese diving team, and wish our national team good results in the Olympic Games. On the other hand, I hope that those so-called media people can have some bottom line, stop spreading rumors with rhythm, and don't make up some non-existent things, otherwise I am afraid that in the end, I will not be able to eat and walk around.

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