
Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →

author:White sand media

In order to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further enrich the cultural life of the masses, and comprehensively enhance the happiness, gain and satisfaction of the cultural life of the masses in our county, the Propaganda Department of the Baisha County Party Committee will continue to carry out the project of bringing public welfare films into rural (community) culture to benefit the people in combination with the practice of civilization in the new era, and plans to screen 996 public welfare films in towns and villages in the county in 2024

Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →

Below are the times and locations of the films

Please keep it away


Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →
Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →
Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →
Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →
Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →
Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →
Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →

Reminder: In case of uncontrollable factors such as rain or machine failure, the screening schedule may be adjusted, please contact the contact person on the scheduling list for details.

◎Source: Propaganda Department of the Baishali Autonomous County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Do practical things for the people| Please put it away! The schedule for the screening of public welfare films in the countryside in Baisha in July is here~ The screening time and place are →

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