
Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

author:White sand media

On the morning of July 1, Fu Chuande, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, secretary of the county discipline inspection commission, and director of the county supervision committee, gave a lecture on the "July 1st" theme party class to all discipline inspection and supervision cadres of the county discipline inspection commission and supervision committee with the title of "Strictly abiding by discipline and rules and buttoning the "first button" of honest and honest politics. (Baisha County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

Recently, Fu Xiuqiong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress and chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to Danzhou City to carry out an inspection and study of the voting system of people's congress deputies for people's livelihood projects. (County People's Congress Office)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

On the morning of July 1, Da'an Town organized a 2024 agricultural key work deployment meeting. (Ta'an Town)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

Recently, the Party Committee of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision organized party members and cadres to go to the Baojia Battle Memorial Park to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "Pursuing Red Footprints and Promoting the Spirit of Martyrs". (County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

Recently, the county federation of trade unions carried out the condolence activity of "trade unions send coolness, heatstroke prevention and security". (County Federation of Trade Unions)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

Recently, the Youth League and County Committee launched the "Prevention of Drug Abuse among Teenagers" National Anti-drug Publicity Month Activity. (Youth League and County Committee)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

White Sands Weather Forecast

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

◎Source: Baisharong Media Center Comprehensive

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (1 July 2024)

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