
July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

author:Guangxi Transportation

In the field of transportation in Guangxi

A party member is a banner

They are rooted in the front line and have the courage to take responsibility

Stick to the grassroots and make selfless dedication

With persistent and firm action

Practicing the solemn oath when joining the party

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Let's take a closer look at their stories

Let's feel the power of faith

Polishing the background color of struggle

Write a new chapter of hard work

Feng Yan: If you want to do it, you have to do your best

Feng Yan is a party member of the Yulin Highway Development Center, engaged in highway work for more than 20 years, his position has been changing, but what has always remained the same is the work belief that "no matter which position you are in, you must do your best".

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Feng Yan (first from left) learned about the road traffic situation and demands from enterprises along the highway.

Since serving as the chief of the Legal Supervision Section (Road Industry Affairs Section) of the Yulin Highway Development Center in March 2023, Feng Yanchuang has established the "Yulu Legal Affairs Group", and relied on the new media platform of the unit to set up a publicity column of "Yulu Legal Affairs" to widely publicize highway-related laws and regulations, forming a unique legal popularization position, which not only improves the public's awareness of highway laws and regulations, but also creates a good social atmosphere for maintaining the right of way of highway property in accordance with the law.

At the same time, Feng Yan cooperated with relevant business departments to fully serve the enterprises along the national and provincial trunk highways in the jurisdiction and help them solve problems. During the construction of the Nanyu Railway Project, Feng Yan and his colleagues visited and listened to the demands of the enterprise many times, and actively guided the enterprise to go through the approval procedures for road-related permits, so as to help the project construction progress smoothly.

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Feng Yan (first from left) condolences to retired veteran party members.

Feng Yan is also the secretary of the retired party branch of the Yulin Highway Development Center, he actively organizes retired party members to carry out party day activities, and often goes to the homes of retired party members to express condolences, care about their family life and physical health, and convey the warmth and care of the organization.

No matter how the roles are changed or how the positions change, Feng Yan shows the firm belief and high sense of responsibility of party members, and interprets the original intention and mission when joining the party with practical actions.

(Photo/Yan Xia)

Huang Zhongyang: Be willing to be a paving stone

Huang Zhongyang is the head of the maintenance section of the Guigang Urban Highway Maintenance Center and a party member. He adheres to the work creed of "being a paving stone and silently paving the people's safe road", and conscientiously maintains the road, eliminates dangers, and protects the people's safety.

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Huang Zhongyang (first from left) and his colleagues investigate hidden dangers on the highway.

During this year's "May Day" holiday, Guigang City suffered continuous heavy rainfall due to strong convective weather, which brought severe challenges to highway traffic safety. Huang Zhongyang spontaneously ended the holiday early and returned to work, and organized a road patrol team to conduct a full-coverage investigation of potential safety hazards on ordinary national and provincial trunk lines within the jurisdiction of the Guigang Urban Highway Maintenance Center. During the "May Day" holiday, Huang Zhongyang and his patrol team inspected 6 embankments, 361 retaining walls, 40 high slopes, 234 high fill road sections, 75 bridges, 420 culverts, and 518 waterfront and cliff road sections along the river.

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Huang Zhongyang (second from left) inspected the highway hazard investigation data on the spot.

In the face of potential safety hazards such as lodging of road trees and signs and blockage of drainage ditches caused by heavy rainfall, Huang Zhongyang immediately organized a vanguard team of party members for emergency rescue to clean up the collapsed soil, dredge the wading holes on the bridge deck, clean up the spilled objects, and remove stagnant water, so as to ensure the safety and smoothness of the highway in the jurisdiction.

On the 342.064 kilometers of highway managed by the Guigang Urban Highway Maintenance Center, Huang Zhongyang has always rushed to the front and worked in the front, from youth to slight frost on his temples, and has never changed his feelings of road maintenance that he is willing to be a paving stone all his life.

(Text/Li Dan Photo/Chen Yan)

Chen Hai: Based on the post, shine

Chen Hai is the deputy head of the Third Brigade of the Sixth Detachment of the Autonomous Region's Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau. As a retired soldier and a member of the Communist Party, he has never lost his true character as a soldier, strictly demanded himself with the standard of a Communist Party member, and shined in the post of comprehensive administrative law enforcement of transportation.

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Yuzhan Expressway "One Way Multi-party" Party Building Alliance Signing Site.

In order to continue to stimulate the innovation vitality of grassroots party organizations, Chen Hai, on behalf of the party branch of the brigade, actively visited and contacted a number of party organizations along the expressway in the jurisdiction, advocated and launched the initiative of co-building the alliance, and successfully contributed to the establishment of the "multi-party" party building alliance of S79 Yuzhan Expressway (Guangxi Section), and built a new pattern of party building work of "complementing each other's advantages, sharing resources, learning from each other's strengths, and improving together", laying a solid foundation for the improvement of regional traffic management and service levels.

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Chen Hai (second from right) led party members and cadres to visit the elderly who were lonely.

In the field of volunteer service, Chen Hai also actively played the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, took the initiative to lead the party members and cadres of the brigade to carry out volunteer service activities to learn from Lei Feng, and went deep into Dayuan Village, Daqiao Town, Luchuan County, Yulin City for three consecutive years to visit the lonely and widowed elderly, help the elderly to sort out housework and clean up, and interpreted the loyalty and responsibility of party members and cadres with practical actions.

(Photo/Tao Junfei)

Meng Shuxin: Let the spirit of "red cotton" shine

Meng Shuxin is a party member and a toll collector of Guangxi Communications Investment Group Chongzuo Expressway Operation Co., Ltd., whether she served as the toll squad leader of Wuxu toll station in 2018 or now as the deputy station manager of Pingxiang toll station, she has always adhered to the front line of highway toll collection and served past drivers and passengers with a smile.

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Meng Shuxin serves passing drivers and passengers at the toll booth.

During the March 3 holiday in 2018, the traffic volume at the Wuxu toll station reached a historical peak, with 47,700 vehicles on March 3. As the leader of the toll squad, Meng Shuxin set an example and stuck to his post, and organized the team members to successfully complete the 120-hour major task of ensuring smoothness in an orderly manner.

In 2024, Meng Shuxin, who will become the deputy director of the Pingxiang toll station, is facing new challenges. The traffic flow of Pingxiang toll station is large, coupled with the changeable local weather, high temperature and heavy rain alternately, which has brought great difficulties to the toll collection work. Meng Shuxin took the lead in setting up a "mobile team" to take the initiative to provide services during the peak period of green pass vehicles, to ensure that green pass vehicles can be quickly inspected and passed, so that all work at the toll collection site can be carried out smoothly.

July 1st Special丨The strength of their bodies is called "faith"!

Meng Shuxin inspected the ETC equipment for the past drivers and passengers.

Under the leadership of Meng Shuxin, the young toll workers of Pingxiang Toll Station worked together to make the "Red Kapok" party building brand spirit of Chongzuo Expressway Operation Co., Ltd. bloom with new brilliance in the border city of Pingxiang, and also made positive contributions to the high-quality development of Guangxi Expressway.

(Photo/Liu Zijie, Meng Shuxin)