
Wang Hongbin investigated and deepened the implementation of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" action

author:Zhangjiajie in the palm of your hand


Wang Hongbin investigated and deepened the implementation of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" action
Wang Hongbin investigated and deepened the implementation of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" action

When Wang Hongbin investigated and deepened the implementation of the "iron fist management of tourism" action, he emphasized the protection of the "tourism rice bowl" on which survival depends and the "golden signboard" for future development

On July 1, Wang Hongbin, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor, went to the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Television and Sports and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau to investigate the implementation of the deepening of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" action, and to study the work tasks of deepening the deployment of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" 1+4 plan. Wu Wenhai, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and Xiang Zhigang, Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, attended.

Wang Hongbin investigated and deepened the implementation of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" action

Wang Hongbin stressed that the relevant departments should further attach great importance to it, give full play to the leading role of the work, perform the responsibilities of industry management, reverse the time node, take effective measures, enrich the work force, straighten out the working mechanism, and vigorously promote the deepening of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" 1 + 4 plan to deploy various tasks, to ensure that the work system is in place, the working mechanism is efficient to operate, and the deepening of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" action to the depth. It is necessary to vigorously rectify the market chaos in accordance with laws and regulations, find the right starting point for work, highlight the key points of work, adhere to comprehensive policies, and achieve greater coordination and cooperation between departments, and stricter administrative law enforcement and supervision related to tourism, with a more practical style, more detailed measures, and a stronger sense of responsibility, to contribute more wisdom and strength to the deepening of the "iron fist management of tourism" action, and effectively protect the "tourism rice bowl" on which the people of Zhangjiajie rely for survival and the "golden signboard" for future development.

Wang Hongbin also scheduled the transformation of key cultural and tourism brands of Hainan International Cultural and Creative Week to Zhang and the implementation of task decomposition.

First Instance丨Luo Jie, Second Instance丨Thorough Third Trial丨Produced by Zhou Heping丨Zhangjiajie

Wang Hongbin investigated and deepened the implementation of the "iron fist to govern the brigade" action

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