
A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

author:Wu Ping released

Wu Ping: We're in the same boat through thick and thin

Volunteers actively participate in disaster relief and create "love flood control levees"

On June 30, the reporter saw at the disaster relief material donation point of the third phase of the provincial science and technology incubator in Wuping County that volunteers were wearing red vests and gloves and were busy carrying disaster relief materials. They had an orderly division of labor, moving, carrying, and carrying, and their backs were soaked with sweat, but none of them complained of being tired. Truckloads of urgently needed relief materials were sent to the affected areas.

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

"In this process of entering and exiting the warehouse, I am most impressed by the veteran Master Xiao, who comes to the warehouse very early every day, and does not go back to rest at noon, grabbing the heaviest materials to move every day, and conveying love and positive energy with practical actions." Zeng Lingshan, the on-site management staff of Wuping Guotou Group, praised.

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

According to Zeng Lingshan, since the occurrence of the "6.16" heavy rainstorm, Wuping Guotou Group has been ordered to provide venues for the storage of disaster relief materials in various places, and undertake the overall management of the warehouse. Many volunteers volunteered to help carry supplies, with more than 200 people participating, and dozens of people coming to help every day. Among these volunteers are students, and Peng Shihong is one of them.

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

"Youth responsibility cannot become a slogan, we should have the spirit of hard work. Although it was a bit tiring and hard to participate in this event, we felt that it was very meaningful to be able to deliver urgently needed supplies to the affected people in a timely manner. Peng Shihong, a student volunteer, said with emotion.

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

There is great love in the face of catastrophe, and the actions of volunteers are infecting more and more people to join the volunteer service. He Guiyun, the owner of Liangyou's Home Hotel, decided to help them in her own way when she learned that many volunteers were helping to carry supplies every day, and sometimes they didn't even have time to eat. He prepares meals every day and delivers them to the warehouse so that volunteers can eat hot meals when they are tired, and promises that all volunteers who go to the Liangyou Home store will be free of charge.

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

He Guiyun said emotionally, "Everyone is responsible in the face of the disaster, as Wuping people, we should do something, we are catering, I think it is more practical to be able to send some meals for this disaster relief." When we came to this disaster relief warehouse, we were deeply shocked to see so many supplies gathered from all over the country, and so many volunteers willing to stick here. We also hope that more people will be able to participate in the relief efforts. ”

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

In the "6.16" heavy rain, Wuping County was hit hard. In this fight against the disaster, groups of volunteers have stepped forward and actively participated in disaster relief and become a solid force. They come from all walks of life, including veterans, students, self-employed owners, retired seniors, and ordinary office workers...... Some of them are fighting on the front line of emergency rescue, some help transport materials, some help the masses clear dredging and obstacles, and some help maintain traffic order...... With a fiery heart, they united to build an indestructible "love levee".

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........
A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

Xiao Qirong, a veteran volunteer, said, "When one party is in trouble, all parties will support, which truly reflects the strength of society." As a party member, I should keep in mind my original intention, serve the people wholeheartedly, and contribute my modest efforts to the reconstruction of the homes of the people affected by the disaster. ”

A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........
A group of people, warm a city! "Great Love Wuping" moved +1+1+1.........

"A group of people warm a city", this is not only a slogan, but also a kind of spiritual strength, volunteers with their own practical actions to interpret the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, progress", so that our city becomes warmer.