
Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

author:Wu Ping released

Wu Ping: Party members play a vanguard and exemplary role

Accelerate the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

On the morning of July 1, Xiaba Township, Wuping County, held a training meeting on rural housing post-disaster reconstruction policies to ensure that cadres are familiar with various policies for post-disaster reconstruction and better serve the masses.

Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

The event also specially invited real estate enterprises to participate in the event to carry out publicity, face-to-face communication and provide policy consulting services for disaster-stricken households who are interested in buying houses in the county, so as to better meet the needs of the affected people.

Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster
Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

At present, Xiaba Township has shifted its focus to post-disaster reconstruction such as housing security, home cleaning, production restoration, and infrastructure repair. In the process of promoting the reconstruction work, party members and cadres gave full play to their vanguard and exemplary role and actively solved problems for the affected households.

Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster
Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

Zhong Yuanzhao, chairman of the Xiaba Township People's Congress, said, "I am one in 99.185 million, as a party member and leading cadre, I will give full play to the advantages of being familiar with the policy, find out the situation of the objects of post-disaster reconstruction, provide them with policy advice, do a good job of follow-up services, and ensure that the relocation of post-disaster reconstruction households is completed before the Spring Festival." ”

Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

Affected by the heavy rain of "6.16", Wuping was seriously affected. In the face of this disaster, more than 7,800 party members and cadres in Wuping County have been fighting on the front line to carry out communication support, power restoration, treatment of the wounded, elimination of dangerous situations, dredging and sanitizing, logistics support, resumption of production, and reconstruction of homes. They gave full play to their vanguard and exemplary role, became the mainstay of post-disaster reconstruction, and practiced the original aspiration and mission of Communist Party members with practical actions.

Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster
Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster
Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

Zhong Xiaoting, a member of the party branch of Xiaba Township, said, "I am one in 99.185 million, as a party member and cadre, we will actively ensure the lives of the affected people, send them love materials, explain to them some knowledge of epidemic prevention after the disaster, and publicize various policies for post-disaster reconstruction." ”

Party members and cadres take the lead! Wuping has accelerated the reconstruction of homes after the disaster

At present, Wuping County is speeding up the post-disaster reconstruction process, and has formulated 10 sub-plans such as housing security for disaster victims, road traffic restoration, and farmland facility restoration. The whole county will make concerted efforts to complete the post-disaster reconstruction work by the end of December this year, so that the affected people can live in safe and comfortable houses and start a new life as soon as possible.


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