
U.S. troops in Japan withdrew, and Japan took over? Not a top bag?

author:Liu Dayi 2021
U.S. troops in Japan withdrew, and Japan took over? Not a top bag?

No wonder, the yen was taken down by the United States and did not fight back, it turned out that there was a plan

The US military has personally sat in the Asia-Pacific region for more than 70 years, and Japan is victorious when it follows closely.

So, when the United States took a back seat, Japan naturally took over.

The daughter-in-law of many years has become a mother-in-law.

As it was done, Japan took another big step towards becoming a "normal country".

The yen depreciated by 40% and almost broke in half, but in exchange for great military benefits, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces could charge ahead.

What does it mean that Japanese financial capital has been pressed and rubbed on the floor in exchange for military superiority?

Japan, still a militaristic country!

It's not that Japanese militarism is resurrecting, it's that it's not dead at all.

U.S. troops in Japan withdrew, and Japan took over? Not a top bag?

Why is the United States taking a back seat at this time?

Now, when is it?

1. Russian submarines have been lounging in the American sea

2. In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States has been passive everywhere

3. In the Middle East, from petrodollars to military difficulties

46 China's science and technology strong army into a blowout

5. The anti-American forces around the world are mobilized, assembled, and united

6. The dollar crisis, the U.S. debt can't even pay the interest......

The United States has too many frontal enemies.

The United States, want to slip away......

U.S. troops in Japan withdrew, and Japan took over? Not a top bag?

Japan takes over the baton, and it is ambition to dare to take it, but it is not good to take the baton

1. Runners can't

Four words for the United States: the end of the strong crossbow;

Japan's relay run: one drum, then decline, three and exhaustion.

2. The path is not good

The dollar drained the blood of the yen, and then left the military bases, the US defense forces were transferred in great strides, and the Japanese were left to take care of their own homes and homes.

3. The project is not right

A Japan whose economy has been regressing for 30 years, a pig teammate who was the first to be killed in the US financial war, relied on selling himself to "turn positive", and then confronted China, Russia and North Korea head-on with military force?

Is Japan an all-rounder?

Registered, checked-in, and played?

U.S. troops in Japan withdrew, and Japan took over? Not a top bag?

To China, Russia, North Korea, and Japan, they all expressed their dissatisfaction, okay, they did not accept the war!

Russia has always been the toughest against Japan and has played the Japanese in a blind way on the issue of the four northern islands. The Japanese government's full support for Ukraine is for Russia to see.

What does it mean to not admit guilt, not to reflect, and to worship ghosts every year about Japan's war of aggression against China? Want to keep fighting, do it again?

Since North Korea has nuclear weapons, the Japanese have become a top priority, but the Americans can only allow it if they take the wrong medicine.

The grandson has been pretending to be for a long time, and the most dangerous thing is the master. Americans can't do anything else, they are masters of playing people, and their ability to trick people is not small.

When the United States pushes Japan out, takes over the first island chain on behalf of the United States, and continues to form a military encirclement of China, how do you think that such a deployment is arranged?

U.S. troops in Japan withdrew, and Japan took over? Not a top bag?

Take the baton? Or is it a top bag?

Grab the Japanese top bag!

Japan Hitoya Shinchi Akiaki.


1. The top bag is also the baton

It's so cheap, and it's not that it's not cheap?

2. Turn the top bag into a baton

What if the dream comes true?

3. The top bag is the top bag

The sky is falling, everyone is dead!

This last one, don't underestimate it.

Japan's national character + militarism + national inferiority = suicide attack

Charles de Gaulle: "Japan, a cruel people of insidious and cunning! ”

U.S. troops in Japan withdrew, and Japan took over? Not a top bag?

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