
If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

author:Liu Dayi 2021
If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

29 countries, what if they are placed in the Middle East?

1. The United States does not dare

It is equivalent to adding fuel to the fire, and the Arab world is mobilized: the Middle East has suffered the United States for a long time, and the 100 regiments have fought Israel.

2. The United States will not succeed

Unconditional and unconditional unlimited support for Israel, and the United States, a three-no product, completely exposed the appearance setting: the United States is a Jewish plug-in.

So far in this Middle East war, only the United States and Britain have turned around.

What about the future? There will be fewer and fewer people dancing with the United States.

3. The United States has a weak heart

The situation in the 2003 war against Iraq was very good, not a small one, but a one-sided one.


Burning 4 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan -

China, on the other hand, is spending more than this on economic development + national defense construction.

Iran has developed drones, North Korea has nuclear weapons, Russia has chosen to look east, and Saudi Arabia has begun its national transformation and upgrading......

The European Union, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the economy continues to be sluggish......

Embattled + ambushed on all sides = the situation that the United States is facing today

If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

The United States is wrong.

Mistakes on top of mistakes: The main battlefield of future wars has been chosen in the Asia-Pacific region, aimed at China

The United States has been fighting for 20 years.

China has been engaged in construction for 20 years.

The United States woke up like a dream and stepped on the brakes: 3 presidents in a row, no more wars, turned the page?

The United States is complaining bitterly and playing the direction: benchmark against China and put all the pressure on China!

If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

29 countries, 40 warships, the world's largest U.S. military exercise, simulated attack on China's 075 landing ship......

1. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is endless

2. The Middle East has become a pot of porridge

3. The dollar crisis hangs by a thread

Does the United States still have the energy, ability, organization, appeal, and influence to conduct military exercises?


1. Play for the campaign: I did my best

2. Show it to China: it will be aimed at you

3. Show it to the master: Do you want to add money? Otherwise......


The picture is poor.

If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

However, China's peaceful rise has not changed.

The United States pulls 29 countries in military exercises, China and 140 countries along the Belt and Road, who is slightly better?

Slightly: slightly;

Chips: One yard.

A little stronger, so good, victory or defeat is often in a thought:

Military supremacy?

Economic development?

1. When the economy develops, the military can go up

2. The military is powerful and knocks down your economic development?

If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

3. If there must be a war between China and the United States -

A. Fight on the doorstep of China and end up on American soil?

Can you accept such an outcome?

B. War mobilization capacity, military production capacity, logistics support capacity, for example, the United States aircraft carrier is currently short of more than 5,000 parts, for example, China has just issued a rare earth decree.

Do you dare to face your own shortcomings?

C. China contributes 30% to the world economy, and the United States puts 60% of its troops in the Asia-Pacific region.

The US military, what to feed on?

The United States, on what basis to survive?

Water from nowhere.

Wood without roots.

Make bricks without straw.

If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

The Americans cannot accept the concept of "America second", but the judgment is already there: where China comes first, the United States comes second


Push yourself –

Steel Production: New Materials

Solar energy: new energy

Robot dogs: new processes

"Three new", in the 21st century, it is these three major scientific and technological projects to fight, and China is "slightly better".

If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

It is said that the Americans are in a hurry.

North China is visible to the naked eye to catch up, can 1 not be in a hurry? 2. Is it useful to be in a hurry? 3. You have to do something, right?


Exercises to hit Chinese warships?


Do you want fish?

Carving a boat for a sword, right?

You, at all of this, boast of continuing to lead the world for 100 years?

Aren't you afraid of the wind and baring your teeth?

Not afraid of ghosts calling the door in the middle of the night?

Aren't you afraid of getting lost and not being able to find a home?

If you don't fight a ready-made battle, you can really play a military exercise in the Pacific Rim, and the American drama is really good

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